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  • My boss just tried to talk to me about The Ashes and I just stared at him completely uncomprehending of what any of his words meant. "howaboutthatfourthtest", he said as he passed my desk, with absolutely NO CONTEXT. Cue me being like what test? Are we testing something? Are we testing ME?

  • Ugh. Mr Peeler has yet another speeding fine. I pay his rego, insurance, give him petrol money each week so he can at least pick up the kids from school, I paid his last (how many!) fines because he didn't even ring up to arrange instalments.. I just can't even. I get that he's dyslexic etc. But fucking hell! I'm not paying this one, fuck it. I'm working hard and trying to save so we can have things and he's just pissing around. The other day he was late picking up the kids because he just "popped in" to a mate's place in the afternoon and "had a whiskey," then found himself stuck in traffic. Wtf is he even doing drinking before picking up the kids?! I'm fucking relying on this fuck!

    Just getting it out of me before I get home or it'll come out in an angry rush which will in turn make him angry, defensive or both, and the kids will be right there exposed to it all. Thanks for listening.

    • Maybe Mr Peeler will learn when he has to cycle everywhere.

    • None of my business of course, but the relationship seems a bit unbalanced? You seem to be covering his expenses (and his arse)...what does he contribute, is he working? I used to be the major breadwinner in our 24 year relationship, but things took a turn about 10 years ago and, because of things, now I'm not. There's not a day when I don't think about that, and I do everything I can to be a worthy contributor to the household even if not financially.

    • No offense, I like and respect you, but you may need to have a verbal smackdown with old mate. It's hard because he's dad too, but yeah, he needs to pull his head in. Apologies for the tone. 💜 💜

    • Mr Peeler better like sleeping on the couch or better yet, outside because this is some bullshit. Being dyslexic or whatever isn't an excuse for the shitty behaviour he is displaying. And drinking before picking up the kids? Absolutely fuck that noise. He needs a good kick up the arse. If you don't do it, he's going to continue to behave irresponsibly. Don't vent to us to get it out so you're calmer when you get home. You need to unleash hell on him and set some boundaries because right now he is walking all over you. Sorry to be harsh but I just hate seeing good people get treated like shit.

    • Yikes. I don't know the whole context but he needs to take some responsibility and accountability here from what you've described.

    • Damn, I remember when you mentioned the last one you had to pay.

      Not to really add any more to what everyone else has already said but he mustn’t have many demerit points left either?

      I hope he realises what this is doing to your household and what would happen if he gets his license suspended?

    • Fuck. I'm so sorry you have to put up with this crap. You could potentiaaly think about seeing a relationsip counsellor or mediator. You need to be heard and his disrespect toward you needs to stop.

  • Going to both of Lizzos concerts were the perfect end to a what has been a fucking hard year, they encapsulated every bit of happiness, heartbreak, pain, learning, and growth I've had through this time and reminded me of how much I love her and myself.

  • Thank you everyone for the birthday love yesterday 🥰 Ended up feeling a bit down because I had an awful day at work, and on top of that I didn't hear from any of my friends (which I'm not taking personally, but I was already in a bit of a mood lol). Husband took me to a nice Argentinian place in Black Rock for dinner and we finished with some cake at home in our PJs, so all in all it ended up being a pretty good birthday.

  • Completely forgot I'm supposed to be cooking for 5 tonight and not 1 heh.


    Emergency cashew chicken for the main. Fucking saved by 5 week old potatoes for chips (double fried none of this fandangled microwave business) for the entree.

  • We are in the cinema about to see Oppenheimer. I’m very nervous. I have spent the entire day translating the account of a doctor who spent the days following the bomb treating the victims so I am in a very biased mindset, I know. But god I hope this is done well. A group of colleagues and people I put out a private and public plea to Nolan and Atlas entertainment to include epilogue text in the film and acknowledge the plight of the hibakusha and the downwinders and the Marshallese and all the other global hibakusha. They were ignored. Urgh Urgh Urgh. I’m trying to not be pessimistic.

    • I had a ticket for 7:30 but just cancelled/refunded it. Really not up for a 3-hour hard drama tonight. The only thing I was looking forward to was the boysenberry choc top.

  • lol my parents suggested we go see Penn & Teller in Vegas.. "tickets are only $76, that's not bad" (USD remember)

    then you realise this is ticketmaster and also it's America where the prices are never the prices

    $76 x 3 = $228? Nope.. $76 x 3 = $339.85

    If there is a Order Processing Fee (why is there even one?) then what in the HELL is a Service Fee? And wtf is a Facilities Charge and why would that not be included in the ticket price? Then naturally + tax because America is dumb.

    So yeah we're not spending $500 AUD on 3 Penn & Teller tickets.

    Edit: I found another website selling them for $71 each and less of the nonsense fees and it came to $382.53 AUD total for 3 tickets instead of $500. Ticketmaster costs $117 AUD more just for being Ticketmaster. Turns out we're all soured on the idea now anyway so we're still not buying them. I've already seen them last time I went in 2012 anyway.

  • I'm prepping for night shift and boy howdy was I dead to the world today, the cat managed to open my door and crawl into bed I never even stirred.

  • kidcalhoon2 is sick again, so I'm WFH today. She just asked a question about space so we had a look at some hubble/webb images - little mind was blown, as mine is everytime. Also, how did I not know about ESASky - zoom out on this cluster to see in perspective..... 😮

    • Nice.

      Had no idea that existed either.

    • aww, hugs

    • hmmm - link is broken - copy paste this one -

      Edit - fixed original link

  • Man I was so scared and angry at myself if I got a keloid around my nose piercing. Especially since it's been almost a year since I've had it and no major stuff up.

    Did the salt water saline solution yesterday and today but in what I won't describe because it's gross enough, might've just been a pimple or something. Which I'm thankful for, but I guess good news.

    Put a band-aid over my nose and it seems to have gone down. Yay for me!

    • Ooft. I got both nostrils done at the same time recently. One went south and the other didn't. The folk at the piercing shop in st kilda were awesome though, sold me antibiotic cream which was three times a day for four weeks!! But keloid looked liked it might form and now, they're both almost fully healed. Ears next. I'm in 2nd puberty so getting all my old piercings I had in the 90s re-done as a revisit to my youth and a new start. Might not do the centre bottom lip though, it was kinda annoying.

      • Lol I did same in the 90s. I did them all myself. What a strange little era that was.

      • Was super weird because it's been a bit tender due to having to re-pierce it a couple of months ago (my stud fell out and couldn't get it back in, went to my piercing place who had to re-pierce it because for some reason anything with a curve just couldn't go in except for a straight bar that I stuck in the hole so it wouldn't close up on me until I went to the piercer). Changed it to a ring maybe a month ago and so it was still tender a bit, but it was fine, I was playing with it a lot. But I reckon I must've accidentally bumped my nose, or played with it too much for it to develop a pimple or an infection of some kind.

        But the warm salt water saline solution seemed to accidentally pop the thing and yeah, like I said seems to have gone down.

        Ooo fun, I've been wanting a nose piercing ever since I was 18 but had always been chicken shit (and poor) to get them so I finally got one last year. I'm just wearing and acting like the emo/punk kid 12 y/o me wanted to be. But I don't think I'll get the snake bite piercings they wanted, they look cool but they seem like they'd just get in the way.

  • My goodness that was a cold walk with the doggo. Listened to a podcast on the Rubik's Cube. It was invented in Hungary behind the Iron Curtain (maybe '82 I think?). A guy in America had invented a 2x2 version 2 years earlier. No way they could have met or seen each other's work. Worked in exactly the same way. They just came up with it at the same time. Really interesting.

    • I love this stuff. 'Multiple discoveries' are a thing throughout history, like American Thomas Edison being credited with the lightbulb, but British scientist Joseph Swan came up with the same thing at the same time, completely independently, and both were patented in 1879.

      • I used to have an idea that ideas actually are there for everyone to tap into. They come from somewhere and if you're attuned you recieve it and know how to respond to it. I got from hearing about multiple discoveries and playing improvised music in a bunch of settings for a number of years. At times if switched in, a drummer and bass player for example could sync to rhythms which were atypical and finish inprovised jams at the exact same time with the bass player (me) faced away from the drummer. At times I would enter a kind of trance and just breathe and my hands would move without thinking about them. Cool idea anyway.

  • Do you know what's good value for money? Coles vanilla cream wafers for 80c a pack. Do you know why I'm tell yous this? Because I really like them and I don't ever want to see them discontinued. So next time grab a few packs. You'll be doing me a favour.

    Vanilla cream wafers

  • Good morning everyone! Day 25 of exercises and day 9 of tummy exercises completed. Also still off the alcohol. Foot is hurting a bit this morning, luckily I've got a sit down job for much of today. I probably aggravated it yesterday when I crawled under our big freestanding pizza oven whilst cleaning it and squatted heaps while cleaning and polishing the lower parts of the cooling racks and surrounding equipment. It's a grotty job but one I like doing because it's so satisfying at the end when it's so shiny you need sunglasses to look at it!

    Don't get blown away people, it's wimdy out there!

  • Midnight snack was a treat. And the bot did not miss a beat.

    sausage roll over midnight It was patties so a bit shite

    About to hit the hay The snacko did slay

    I'm just glad it wasn't so bad.

  • Paramount+ has some pretty decent stuff on it, but holy shit, do I hate not only its UI, but that some shows don't have subtitles even though it does. I was watching Catfish on Stan but it's not there anymore so decided to watch on Paramount+ and just... no subtitles.

    (Also to preface, I'm hard of hearing, it's why I need subtitles, not that I have to defend myself but sometimes I do).

  • Dinner is half way made. The rice with fruit and nuts is in the cooker. Mix for shemmy kebabs is made, just have to cook them. Might steam some vegies. Also have pumpkin soup ready made for starters.

  • Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🥪🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥫🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • I 'should' be doing more work on Operation Sort Shit but it's so cold I'm sitting on the couch in my oodie.
    Also who was it who said they were playing the Sims? It's inspired me to try a new version of Strangetown.
    Update: Zooks has joined me and is kneading the oodie while purring very loudly.