Am I crazy, or was that the commercial where they made and released an "extended cut" to show that they had tied the guy up with the rope just to stop people complaining about the implied lynching? Or did my adolescent brain invent that story?
“Lord” came from a phrase like “loaf warden” or “loaf guardian.” Because bread was the very important staple food, and someone had to be responsible for its safekeeping. Likewise, “Lady” comes from “loaf maiden,” presumably having something to do with the creation of bread from raw materials.
Haha, oh my gosh... Pace tastes like the most disguising, sugary, boring ass salsa ever. It's wild to see they ever tried to market themselves as authentic.
Can I just say that as someone who enjoys dressing in the fancier western getups (think Tombstone) this more cosplay-rugged look screams insecurity when worn by people trying to look... Like they do manual labor?
Like he's a billionaire. Where's the tailored frock jacket, vest, and bolo tie, with a $3k hat. At least that way he wouldn't be a poser
Or the regular, modern version: boots, jeans, belt, flannel, aaaaand $3k hat. In the summer, you swap your wool hat for straw, but don't you DARE wear short pants or a t-shirt.
Imagine being one of the literal wealthiest people on the planet and still having to play dress up so you can feel like a bad ass lmao. Hope he gets the help he needs, and I mean that sincerely.
I'm totally heterosexual by the way. In case anybody would question my sexuality. But nobody would because I'm so obviously heterosexual. I mean, I drive a humongous truck, and I wear cowboy attire and I absolutely love Brokeback Mountain, the cowboy documentary, and I eat meat, and I am heterosexual, so yeah.
i am positive that it is, and if not it is super airbrushed. it has that uncanny valley look. it looks about 98% human. Elon at his best looks no more than 70% human.
There was a series of TV commercials for Pace Picante Salsa. In this series of commercials, there's a group of cowboys gathered around somewhere, like a campfire, and they're eating something Tex-Mex.
They get to comparing their salsa jars and they realize Pace is made in Texas, but "This stuffs made in New York City!", to which additional cowboys and/or extras chant in unison, "NEW YORK CITY?".
That is the newest looking hat I've seen since one time when I bought a brand new hat. Seriously, mine looked more beat up than that within a month, tops. Also mine wasn't the cowboy hat (or fedora). Honestly I can't remember what kind of hat it was it was like 15 years ago at the very least.
In all fairness, unless you're getting your salsa from the taco kiosk in the gas station, most salsa in Texas tastes like it was made in New York City.
(Or if you live in El Paso, but I've never really seen that as part of Texas. It's its own place)