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6️⃣9️⃣4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ NEW YORK CITY!?!?
145 0 ReplyCaptainKickass Get a rope...
62 0 Replythemeatbridge Am I crazy, or was that the commercial where they made and released an "extended cut" to show that they had tied the guy up with the rope just to stop people complaining about the implied lynching? Or did my adolescent brain invent that story?
27 0 Replypeopleproblems No I remember that too. A guy posted the one without the guy being tied up and I swore it was cut short.
8 0 Replythemeatbridge And the middle part seemed longer, where they are passing around the shitty salsa.
3 0 Reply
thisbenzingring I remember there being a bunch of rhe commercials that had different cuts and settings
6 0 ReplyThunderWhiskers
I think you're right. My mind's eye is recalling him sitting there on a log all tied up while the rest of them eat Pace. I could absolutely be making that up though.
5 0 Reply
That really chaps my hide.
6 0 ReplyRubberElectrons
We make pretty good food. Lots of people from all over the world living it up in the city.
I'd bet you can get damn good salsa, but perhaps not as easily as just talking to some gente right there in Texas.
Never been to tx, no plans to, just saying the real mexicanos will know what's up, whether in NYC or Texas.
8 2 Replyzero_spelled_with_an_ecks Never seen the commercial there referencing, I take it?
9 0 ReplyRubberElectrons
😬 no, guess I wooshed myself haha
5 0 ReplyCaptain Aggravated
There were a series of commercials for Pace "Picante Sauce" in the 90's of the formula:
- Some cowboys
- campfire time
- They start eating salsa. Not like, with anything, just eating salsa.
- New guy says "Try some of my salsa."
- one of the other guys reads the label and says "This stuff is made in New York City."
- Everyone else yells "NEW YORK CITY?!?!"
- cut to announcer proclaiming Pace is made of pure roots and toots for the ultimate shit kicker rodeo experience
- cut back to new guy being hilariously tied up or otherwise cowboy punished.
It's funny because it insinuates that Texans can and will read.
18 0 Reply
nilloc Some Texas food is fucking good, but lots of it is shitty chain food, and garbage salsa has been had there as well.
There’s also really good (California level) burritos available in Boston if you know where to look. Anna’s Taqueria specifically.
3 0 Reply
blazeknave Better be top
3 0 ReplySocsa Home of the brave (eaters of salsa)
2 0 Reply