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elkalbil Bilbo
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Comments 12
Tip: sudoedit often overlooked as an alternative to sudo vim
  • Most admins will type sudoe<tab> , which is shorter

  • Get a rope.
  • I'm getting a lot of Westworld players vibes from the photos in this thread.

    Not the "good" players vibes, more the "I'm here to pose a badass, get drunk at the saloon, fuck a prostitute and then shoot her" vibes...

  • in Europe?
  • It mostly depends where. French use it for almost anything, even more since COVID. On the other hand, Germans have a tradition to prefer cash.

  • What's (are) the funniest/stupidest way(s) you've broken your linux setup?
  • You could boot on an USB, mount the filesystem and change the permissions. But if the dude changed a whole lot of permissions, reinstalling might be the smart thing to do...

  • TIL GNU/linux has 2 clipboards
  • Klipper on KDE offers a clipboard history. Don't know about other DEs.

  • FOSS Android Keyboard that supports password manager auto-fill like Gboard does?
  • Keepass2Android provides both an autofill function and an alternative keyboard. As the name implies, it works with a Keepass file.

  • I Think Ubuntu 23.10 is Making a Mistake…
  • Not a great timing to move to something RHEL-based!

    If I may ask, why not Debian? You're already familiar with 99% of the distribution, as it's the base for Ubuntu.

  • How do you use Tailscale?
  • DISCLAIMER: I never used Tailscale. All I know about Tailscale I learned reading their "How it works" blogpost and documentation, because I wanted to understand the hype.

    Since nobody answered your questions, I'll try my best. Just trust that I spent most of the last 25 years configuring security systems, including but not limited to VPNs.

    Hmm, I guess my question would be how does this all work?

    See my 2 links above.

    I mean, is it not possible to configure STUN/DERP services yourself?

    Of course it is, but it will be additional work, that most users are not willing/confident to do and Tailscale provides this service.

    Or add control lists yourself? [...] For ACLs, I guess Apparmor and/or SELinux profiles would be configured?

    Deploying network ACLs on your hosts indeed does not require you to use Tailscale. However they provide an centralised way to manage and deploy them, without worrying about the underlying OS and ACL system. Or even requiring you to have access to the host, it could be an authorised user trying to access your Tailscale network.

    Note: AppArmor/SELinux are more "system/process ACLs", not directly related to network ACLs. I'm oversimplifying a lot, they're difficult to describe without knowing your sysadmin skills.

    The removing a key I can understand why it's be a nightmare yourself, but how does Tailscale do it where it's just so simple?

    Simple: they ask you to run an agent on all of your Tailscale hosts and connect to their centralised platform. To paraphrase their blogpost: config management is centralized, but that doesn’t matter because it carries virtually no traffic. It just exchanges a few tiny encryption keys and sets policies. The VPNs and their traffic are a distributed mesh.

    EDIT: Another question I have is how does Tailscale work when I have a VPN for securing network traffic when browsing the internet etc.? Or is that just seamless?

    I'm not sure to understand this question, so I'll make an asumption: you're asking what happens if you run Tailscale on a host that already has a VPN configured to access the Internet.

    Tailscale (and Wireguard under it) is already a VPN solution, and tunneling a VPN inside another VPN is generally discouraged. But as Tailscale is providing STUN/DERP, if they manage correctly the MTU issues and things like that, I don't see an immediate reason why it should not work at all.

    You can configure Tailscale or Wireguard to create a VPN to access the Internet though.

    Once again, if you try to understand how Tailscale works, please read the links at the start of this post. RTFM, kids!

    On a more personal opinion, I find their solution clever and elegant. If I have the need for a distributed VPN solution in the near future, I will definitively consider it (or Headscale's). For the moment, I'm fine with all my hosts connecting to my homelab, configuring a Wireguard tunnel for each roaming host, and opening ports and creating rules on my firewall. Compared to IPSec or OpenVPN tunnels, it seems almost too easy each time.

  • Should I watch mirrored videos through Invidious or Peertube?
  • Use Peertube if one of your concern is to promote a world where YouTube is not the only way for a creator to host videos. It shows them (and sponsors) that the efforts to maintain another platform is viable. Resources are not the main issue for Peertube, as it uses WebTorrent to distribute a video using peer-to-peer.

    If you fear to miss something in the YouTube comments (really?), use Invidious.

  • How do you use Tailscale?
  • The main benefit of Tailscale are:

    • It solves the key distribution problem. If you have multiple Wireguard hosts in a mesh infrastructure, it can be tricky to change or remove a key quickly and consistently. No benefit if it's only a single tunnel between 2 hosts.
    • It provides STUN/DERP services to connect hosts behind firewalls or NAT, without opening ports or redirections.

    Tailscale also provides more advanced services or configuration helpers, such a file sharing (in alpha), ACLs...

  • [Question ouverte] Quel est le dernier plaisir que vous vous soyez octroyé.e?
  • Pour te simplifier la vie, installe une appli de cartes avec les pistes cyclables et redécouvre ta ville !

  • [Question ouverte] Quel est le dernier plaisir que vous vous soyez octroyé.e?
  • J'ai lu "Promised Neverland". Quelqu'un de mon entourage a emprunté les 5 premiers tomes par hasard, j'ai enchaîné les tomes comme quand j'avais 12 ans et que je découvrais la BD "adulte"[1].

    Ce manga est une putain de claque. D'habitude je vois les ficelles scénaristiques arriver à 12 km, là l'histoire est originale, glauque à souhait, pleine de rebondissements cohérents et de bonnes idées. Le dessin fourmille de petits détails. En plus c'est pas trop long pour un manga, 20 tomes.

    [1] à opposer à BD dont les enfants sont la cible, pas (forcément) celle réservée au moins de 18 ans.