IIRC he got canceled way back during or shortly after his reality show when he went on a racist rant over a recorded phone-call to his son who was sitting in jail, the context of which sounded very similar to a lot of Trump conservative meltdowns.
Almost. Hogan was a bull (I think), and was giving the old third leg drop on this dudes wife. The dude was secretly recording, and Hogan started ranting about how he didn't want his daughter to date black guys. He used much worse language.
The call you are referencing was after his son crippled a man when he wrecked while allegedly racing, and all they were worried about was making the passenger look bad and a reality TV show when Nick got released.
I'll be damned. Looks like Hulk and Nick did discuss racially insensitive things, to put it nicely.
I don't know if Brooke was fucking the black guy's son. I mean, I don't have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, fucking n****s. But then when it comes to nice people and shit, and whatever. I guess we're all a little racist. Fucking n*****.
-- Hulk Hogan, who was taken out of the Wrestling Hall of Fame for three whole years after he was recorded saying that.
And then Peter Thiel, pissed that Gawker outed him, bankrolled Hogan's lawsuit which took them down. I remember lots of people on Reddit regarded it as a victory because Gawker sucked, which it did. They didn't care that a billionaire found a way to destroy a media outlet that told people something about him that he didn't want them to know.
Peter Thiel is, of course, also a big Republican supporter.
Hogan was already a piece of shit for being a racist. He didn't need to make me dislike him even more by getting into politics, even if his racism made clear which side he was on. Fuck him with a ten foot dick.
I've hated Hogan since the 90s, when I found out what a cancer he was backstage at WCW. Didn't help when I found out he's the reason wrestlers don't have a union.
For a lot of us fans, Hogan has been the devil way before we knew he was a racist POS.
I believe Hogan has been known to be a massive piece of shit among wrestling fans for decades now. Some of the stories I've read about the dude... Not great.
They released the secret recording of him saying the racist thing above without anyone's permission. Which is an absolutely shitty thing to do. But Thiel saw it as an in and paid for the best lawyers he could find and took them down.
Should they have been taken down for it anyway? Maybe. But not because of Peter Thiel.
Hogan is famously a liar of epic proportions and shut down a potential wrestlers union in the 80s. I know many of us were hulkamaniacs at some point but he’s a piece of shit.
I haven’t kept up with ole Stone Cold but last I checked he was threatening people online for being racist and homophobic. So if you want a decent person that was once at the top of the business he’s a better choice
Edit: I should add that I know Austin beat his wife when he was king of WWE but seems to have changed his ways and bettered himself. Doesn’t excuse that he did it but like I said he’s about the best in the wrestling business
Thank goodness there are still some good ones left of our childhood heroes.
I’m looking at you, Lucy Lawless Warrior Princess (who has the power of flight per The Simpsons), and especially looking at you LeVar Burton (who has the power of summoning rainbows with his mind)!
Terry is a piece of shit, the hulk is just a charicature they're hired to speak and the hulk is not actually he's reading a script they hired him to read.
It's very stupid and Terry is also a massive shitstain but let's be specific about who we're shitting on and why.
Another connection is Vince McMahon and his wife, both of which are right wing pieces of trash. Linda herself served in the previous Trump administration.
The Undertaker and Chris Jericho are endorsing Donald Trump to remain the President of the United States. According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, The Undertaker, whose real name is Mark Calaway, and Jericho are the biggest donors to the Trump campaign in terms of pro wrestlers. 411 Mania noted that The Undertaker has donated a total of $7,000 to Trump and Republican causes this year while Jericho has donated $3,000 this month.
Republican fundraising platform WinRed has accepted donations from WWE's John Gaburick ($100), Drake Wuertz ($10) and Kevin Dunn ($42). Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon is one of the biggest Trump supporters as she and husband, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, donated $5 million to the Trump Foundation from 2004 to 2014. Trump has strong ties with WWE as he's a member of the company's Hall of Fame. In WrestleMania 23, Trump took on Vince McMahon in a Hair vs. Hair match and won.
Good. Now I have no reason to feel bad about laughing at the Undertaker when the Sci-Fi channel, for some reason, had him host a movie night, called "The Undertaker's Theater of Doom" and he pronounced it "thee-ayter."
Camacho wasn't that bright, and was in over his head, but at least he was smart enough to realize that, and he had the best interests of his people at heart. And when he found somebody who was smarter than him and might actually have solutions to the problems his people faced, he actually listened. Though he did sentence him to "rehabilitation" when the plan initially appeared unsuccessful.
For that alone, Camacho would be a better president than Trump.
You keep seeing peter thiels name here, right... Weird, huh.
j.d. vance is thiel's longtime lap puppy and trump's new VP pick after trying to have the old one publicly executed.
thiel is also at PayPal with elon. peter is like the "cool senior" at high school with the upturned collar when elon musk is a freshman. Thiel says to elon one day, "hey Elmo, carry my books to class." elon enthusiastically complies and while his hands are full, thiel takes all of the blood emeralds out of elon's pockets, pantses him in front of his crush, and then says, "now say thank you daddy, for letting my little weiner see the sunshine, Elmo" elon complies, pants around his ankles, and then thiel pushes elon over, and drives away with his crush, as they both laugh at elon. Elon then says to himself, "Man, that guy is so cool." Right as vance is confined as VP pick, Elmo (who said earlier this year that he wouldn't donate to either trump or biden) just started "donating" $45 million dollars a month to trump in perpetuity.
Are you starting to see who's in charge?
You should learn more about potential shadow president thiel.
That fuckers names been in my head since I read about DARPAS Projects TIA and Lifelog, his ties to them, and how he helped fund Facebook, right after founding Palintir which makes predictive policing software.
I feel like a fucking madman even saying that shit, but this guy seems to always be up to something no-good.
The short coming of Idiocracy was that the characters had to be somewhat likable and the plot had to go somewhere. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho took proactive, positive action when he put the Smart Man Alive in charge of the problem. I would absolutely vote for him.
*The above comment is not intended to question the post but rather a wrestling joke wrapped in sad commentary on the state of things. Please act accordingly.
Republicans say they're against human trafficking but Hulk's lawsuit is what took down the journalist outfit that blew the whistle on Epstein (Gawker).
Gawker was an online news/celebrity gossip site that ran in the early 2000's. They were pretty notorious for some of their unethical practices. Like finding the unique IMEI numbers of celebrities' cell phones in Manhattan then tracking them and putting their real time locations online in a user friendly map causing them to get ambushed by fans while doing errands like shopping or getting a haircuts.
They made enemies with billionaire Peter Thiel by outing him as homosexual when they published his text messages sent to a male sex worker he was patronizing.
While there's little proof it's believed that Thiel along with the Republican party changed a long standing law that prevented third parties from funding other people's lawsuits.
Regardless Gawker would get sued by Hulk Hogan when they published a private video of Hogan going into detail about his deeply held racist beliefs (saying the n-word numerous times, saying he didn't want his daughter seeing black men).
This lead to Hulk being disavowed by the WWE. He was removed from their Hall of Fame and banned from further appearances.
Thiel funded Hulk's defamation lawsuit as revenge for their earlier humiliation of him. A lawsuit Hulk would not have likely been about to pursue otherwise. While few would argue the merits, the damages were wildly inflated to the tune of 100's of millions. Hulk was long past his prime and even his modestly successful reality TV series was long forgotten at that point so he wasn't worth anywhere close to that amount.
While a fair ruling would have likely left Gawker intact this pointedly vindictive one forced them into bankruptcy. They closed their doors shortly there after to the delight of the right wing.
While many found Gawker's "Nightcrawler" like approach to journalism abhorrent. Unflinchingly procuring and publishing the most salacious celebrity gossip regardless of consequence, or newsworthy merit. Often in ethically dubious ways.
It's none the less a large part of why they broke they Epstein story first, which many in the media now admit was an open secret. They were true to their name, willing to expose some of the most powerful people on the planet on stories that defied all convention knowing that even the most upstanding and righteous person would compromise themselves to "gawk" at it.
I think they took a lot of pride in this, being able to bring down anyone of any race, creed, color or class to read their "dirty" tabloid. They know what your base desires want, even if you won't admit it to yourself.
You meet people this brave (reckless?) once in a lifetime with this brutal effectiveness. Sure there's plenty of war time journalists every bit as brave but their high morals seem to keep them from getting really dirty like Gawker did.
Maybe some will find that view offensive. None the less, if you relished the thought of a notorious child sex trafficker hanging from his cell. It's not chic online influencers and trendy memes you should thank. It's those reviled gossip hounds at Gawker. RIP ;__;
If, in the 2000s, you wrote a novel detailing the reality of the Trump presidency, campaign, his manipulation of SCOTUS & it's subsequent rulings, I think it would have been rejected as farcical - pure sick fantasy.
Trump world is grotesque and I feel like a lot of our media still hasn't articulated just how fucked up all of this really is.
Well I feel dirty now.
Hogan was my hero when I was growing up. I was 100% a little Hulkster back in the day. The night he revealed he was joining nWo is seared into my mind. I honestly looked up to the guy. Turns out, all those times he played someone looking out for the little guy, the weak, those who couldn't defend themselves... was 100% just acting.
This is 100% why they say, never meet your heroes. I am disappointed and my day is ruined.
Welp, now he's gonna lose a bit of support for just that. I'm under the assumption that most Trump supporters are very homophobic, and probably would have some not-so-nice things to say about this incident.