It depends on the state. If it’s a purple state or a state where they do ranked-choice voting, then this is right and a vote for Biden is helpful.
If OP is in a solid red state, he can vote for any alternative candidate and it won’t matter which alt candidate he chooses since Trump will already have it locked up.
The only asterisk is if abortion is on the ballot as a statewide measure. That can take a red state (like Kentucky) and turn out enough voters to temporarily make it blue.
I was under the impression that the OP wanted to vote tactically, but if that isn't relevant in their particular state, then they should vote their preference.
Since RJK is an unhinged anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist, I would suggest voting for Biden, since it may move the needle for future elections.
If you want Biden to win vote for Biden. Jesus fucking Christ.
Gaming primaries is a ~potentially valid~ idea but in what world do you think voting for the other candidate in a winner-takes-all election would help your desired candidate win?
I mean statistically in a state THAT red your there will never be enough blue votes to overcome the stupidity of the rural class, so it may not matter. Still voting for the off brand inside a 2 party system is a very bad habit to encourage. Just vote for Biden.
If you can spare the time or money, volunteer and donate to the campaign in places they can actually win.
EDIT: Also, vote Democrat if there are any other elections going on at the same time. If Trump does win, the only chance of holding him to any kind of account is to have as many Democrats in positions of power as possible.
Sincerely, someone who can't vote in your elections but still lives with the knock-on effects!
*EDIT 2: Absolute necro-editing to change this to say Vote Harris.
Being a red state doesn't guarantee a Trump win though. In the last election he assumed Georgia would put him over the top because they are historically a red state but they actually ended up swinging over to blue by a small majority.
There was a huge controversy around it because Trump called up people there and told them to tamper with the numbers to let him win anyway
The Republican party is counting on the idea that people forget these things quickly lol
Because trumpets will always vote Trump. People voting for third party may not be actively supporting Trump, but the 3rd party has zero chance of winning so the only way to keep Trump from winning is to vote for who actually can win against him currently. Which is biden.
No. What? No! In what world does this make any sense? The only way your vote for RFK could possibly "take away" a vote from Trump, is if you were going to vote for Trump but changed your mind.
Your vote doesn't affect the vote count of the other candidates...
No, it's better for you to vote for Biden and convince Trumpers to vote for RFK. You want those who vote for Trump to vote for RFK for a spoiler effect
No because RFK is a fucking joke - When states are called solid "red" or "blue" they're usually 60+% in favor of a party. More people in your state are voting for Biden than RFK so if you're hoping to flip your state vote for the democrat.
Because of our garbage voting system, any vote not going to the top two candidates is the same as scribbling over that section of the ballot. If your goal is to not have Donald win, you want to add as many votes as you can for the other of the top two candidates.
The only way a vote for RFK would help prevent Donald is if it were coming from someone who otherwise certainly would have voted for Donald. Even then the ideal is that they vote for an opponent who has a chance of winning.
That's not true. Voting third party helps get them funding and ballot access. If your vote for president won't change anything, then vote for the most utility.
If you live in a red state and want Trump to not get your EC votes, your most likely path to success is voting for Biden and trying as hard as you can to convince people who don’t usually vote to also do so. Voting for RFK won’t change the tally enough.
Why not vote (D)? The Rs plan on contesting the voting everywhere all the time, and if the last round was any indicator, they will even contest in places the win, so.... IF the goal is to take votes from Trump, it would probably be better to show that even in fire red areas, there are still some cool blues.
If you are in a deep red state, it will seem that your vote won't matter. Because it mostly won't. However, the way States vote changes over time. The closer the vote totals in a State, the more likely the National Democratic Party is to invest resources into building up and promoting candidates in those States. That sort of thing can shift the needle, if slowly. Keep in mind that California voted Republican from '68 to '88 (source) but shifted over time.
It sucks to vote and feel like you're just pissing in the wind. But, each vote moves the needle just a bit more and maybe, eventually, things will swing.
No, because your vote won't encourage investment in flipping the State. I agree that the current duopoly sucks. I was an ardent Bernie supporter and would very much like viable third parties. But, the DNC isn't going to be looking at those third party votes. They need to believe that the Democrats have a chance of winning before they will invest in a State. If all they see are protest votes, then they won't see a viable path to them winning and they will continue to ignore the State.
Ya, it sucks, but we really do need to just keep holding our nose and pulling the lever for the Democrat in the general election.
the answer you are looking for the opportunity has already passed this year but is useful in the next election.
What you ate looking for is to vote tactically. Vote republican in the in the primary and choose weak republican candidates then vote democratic in the general.