We really should start celebrating T u e s d a y s.
107 0 ReplyNum10ck Tuesdays are the most productive day of the week. Not a time for celebration, its business time.
20 0 ReplydogsoahC
All the more reason to reduce productivity. Flatten the curve, lower expectations. Tuesday is the scab of weekdays. The other days need to strike.
22 0 Reply5714 German Tuesday (Dienstag) roughly translates as duty-day (Dienst-Tag), probably not etymologically, but still.
4 0 Reply
psychonova could we celebrate wednesdays instead? tuesdays are my weekly catered drug intervention with my mother.
11 0 ReplyRouthinator
Throw a dead horse into the mix and we have a party.
11 0 Replyafraid_of_zombies It wasn't Tuesday it was T u e s d a y. I am assuming it's like a normal Tuesday but in some uncanny valley creepy form.
3 0 Reply
NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ I heard that line in Bill Wurtz voice for some reason
7 0 Replyflicker Truly the voice of several generations.
5 0 ReplyExcrubulent
That comment is basically a whole Bill Wurtz song.
3 0 Reply
Do you think they'd cater a horse funeral?
51 0 ReplyZier
What?? NO! Don't be silly. Where did you even get such a crazy idea? Are you even serious right now??? I mean, I have no words... A horse funeral, who even does that!
22 0 ReplyHugh_Jeggs Jim
14 0 Reply
Bye bye lil sebastian
12 0 ReplyBudgetBandit Only T U E S D A Y S
9 0 ReplyNorgur
They do horse funerals and horse funerals, but I doubt they'd to horse funerals.
7 0 Replyikarushagen2
They only do anniversaryies of horse funerals
6 0 Reply
lowleveldata Only for the first and second year
3 0 Reply
pigup Horse funeral
Horse funeral 2
Horse funeral: truly aww-foal
Horse funeral: equinity
44 0 Replywerefreeatlast Like beating a dead horse.
17 0 ReplyTHCDenton
You both stop that shit right now
11 0 Reply
klemptor I love Obvious Plant
38 0 Replyphorq Honestly, if I ran a catering business I might put up the same sign. What's the worst that can happen? 3 horse funerals?
17 0 ReplyHEXN3T
OOOHHHH so THAT'S where that pre-cracked egg comes from. I didn't know that was a whole joke account and store.
6 0 Reply
lightnsfw A catered quiet night alone sounds pretty dope actually.
33 1 Replydumbass
Waiter comes up with a tray: pig in a blanket?
Me half stoned laying in bed: the fuck did you call me?
19 0 ReplyHonkyTonkWoman Another one comes around to gather your empty champagne glasses…
“This one’s still full, want me to leave it?”
“Nah, you can dump it. I wasn’t up for going to the toilet after being called a pig in a blanket…”
2 0 Reply
NaoPb Catering companies would love to bring you food for 10 people and the plates to keep it warm for your quiet night alone. All you gotta do is pay.
7 0 Reply
Flying Squid
Jim's coming back?!
30 0 ReplyNailbar
They should have put that one above the second horse funeral.
6 0 Replyqbus Jim is the horse
6 0 Reply
Jim had left?
2 0 ReplyFlying Squid
He went out for cigarettes and never came back!
3 1 Reply
Captain Aggravated
It's a Lemon Tango moment!
1 0 Reply
AlligatorBlizzard This just unlocked one of my weirdest childhood memories. I played fastpitch softball as a kid, and at one away game the school's softball field was next to a pasture. During warmups and the first several innings, we watched a guy dig a hole in the pasture. In the second inning or so, we hear a gunshot off in the distance, and the third has a truck dragging a horse corpse to the big hole. The man shoved the horse corpse into the grave, and takes three innings to bury the horse.
At the team huddle after the game, one of my teammates said an eulogy for the horse.
27 0 ReplyWarmSoda I think we've made some great progress today, don't you? How does next Tuesday at 11 sound for our follow up.
7 0 ReplyHonkyTonkWoman That’s brutal…
I went to a middle school that sat next to a farm. A number of our athletic matches were canceled due to the cows getting out and one was canceled because the farmer shot a coyote on our baseball field & left it.
5 0 Reply
Imgonnatrythis Careful. Read their reviews online and I'm not so sure about this place. They served deviled eggs at the return of Jim and everyone knew Jim hated eggs. Some people argued this was even why Jim left again and didn't stay returned.
25 0 Replylugal Jim is back? Why didn't anybody tell me? Is he doing fine?
21 0 Replymarble Jim the horse? I'm afraid I have bad news for you.
18 0 Replymrgreyeyes The horse his name is Jim
6 1 Replyhungryphrog
Just after his wedding... :(
2 0 Reply
Tja Bye... Bye... 🎶 Lil' Sebastian... 🎶
13 0 ReplyCuttingBoard I miss him in the saddest fashion.
4 0 Reply
Finally, someone to cater my horse wedding with drugs on a quiet Tuesday night!
13 0 ReplyKerb
"For You, The Day Bison Graced Your Village Was The Most Important Day Of Your Life. But For Me, It Was TUESDAY"
12 0 ReplyClamDrinker "You know you don't need to bring a dead horse every time you want catering right, Jim?"
9 0 ReplyHonkyTonkWoman “Jim has returned! But this time he brought us a live horse…. you think he’s still going to ask us to cater its funeral?”
3 0 Reply
AeonFelis Can they do an horse funeral on a Tuesday? It's not clear from the text.
8 0 Replyaphonefriend Come inside for a free consultation.
2 0 ReplyUpperBroccoli Yes, they serve a double feature of rum and rosswurst.
1 0 Reply
LMAOA, that reminded me of one of the teaser clips for that ol' Supreme Commander 2:
7 0 ReplyHeyThisIsntTheYMCA
If they bring a mariachi band I'm sold
5 0 ReplyAceticon It would be especially appropriate for a horse funeral were the animal was used to bring contraband over the Sierra Morena or was called Cielito Lindo
2 0 ReplyHeyThisIsntTheYMCA
I just want mariachi band to play Y Los Cielos on the other side of the door when I'm trying to squeeze out a really tough one, but that would be rude to them and those years are past.
2 0 Reply
6️⃣9️⃣4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ Ya gotta laugh.
5 0 Replyafraid_of_zombies I would love for their to be a town somewhere where this was a very sensible sign and not humor at all.
4 0 ReplyNaoPb Where is the catering in this thread?
4 0 ReplyEarthShipTechIntern Do they provide written material on 'How to beat a dead horse'?
Maybe a dummies guide?
3 0 Reply