Honestly, do people in the US actually know what the words liberals, conservatives, communists, marxists, fascists, etc. even mean? The words seem to just have taken on the urbandictionary meanings and serve as expletives more than anything else. Seemingly long lost are their use as per definition in Meriam Webster or Cambridge Dictionary.
To be fair, the establishment dictionary definitions of those words are about as useless as the urbandictionary definitions.
Even the Wikipedia definitions have their issues, because they’re written in the register of liberal/bourgeois hegemony. Just look at “totalitarianism”: it’s Arendtian horsepoo theory. Hannah Arendt came from a wealthy family and so unsurprisingly was anticommunist, and her work was funded & promoted by the CIA.
Oh, I can help. My best friend's grandpa was a cop under fascism. He still had the gun he used to hunt down communists in the mountains. It really painted a picture to hear him talk about it and defend it.
It seems like you and your tech friend are Joe Biden supporters because you benefit from the current system. It's interesting how people in the tech world think they are political experts without actually having studied politics. Your false confidence in this area seems to come from your expertise in another field. You labour aristocrats will never see fascism come simply by reason that it doesn't affect you negatively. For the poor black person in the US, fascism is already here; for the labour aristocrat, it is always just around the corner. For Palestine, it has been developing there for about a hundred years now, supported by the USA and by people like you.