Never felt like there was hope for the u.s till now, I hope our comrades over there can tap into the dissatisfaction

It is beautiful and also explains libs so well at the same time

Of Course they are incompetent with intersectionality just like they are with everything else

Same, that game's been on my play list for so long

A fellow tarnished, and yeah, waiting for them to drop denuvo

Biden IS racist, let's not pretend that geriatric old fuck isn't any less racist just because he doesn't openly call for killing minorities. He only bombs them

Genocidal apologists should've been swallowed.
Palestinian Officials in Gaza = Hamas = Terrorists
Lmao, so every palestinian official is Hamas now ? Ignoring everything else wrong, where did you get that from ?
Gone are the days when groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, and other Islamist or far-right groups were considered pure evil
I don't understand, how does this even correlate here.
Where the new norm is to trust Hamas's propaganda
Ha ? Hamas isn't the only source that's reporting the 240.
Fucking scumbag cracker.

And i don't understand their brand of cynicism either, they are ignorant of the problems around them and i myself am a cynic and everything does feel hopeless all the time but i do not understand how a liberal who is very much in support of the status quo and doesn't want to fight for anything beyond the length of their shoe lace has anything to feel cynical about.

incrementalism is a fancy way to spell passivism. fuck them libs

have more submarines