Since the conviction, Republicans' views have shifted in a way that puts the guilty verdict in a more favorable light and keeps Trump's candidacy viable.
He's been a criminal for all of his adult life. He's just rich and white and flew under the radar enough. If he had just fucked off into retirement on some island rather than becoming president (and committing more crimes) you'd probably never hear about him anymore and he could have lived in peace.
Nelson Mandela was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of South Africa. Vaclav Havel was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of the Czech Republic. Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.
Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.
It's a good thing that didn't happen. Having an independent state prosecutor bring state crimes in front of a jury of his peers in a public trial has been a great example of democracy working as intended.
Trump can't win with only 58 percent of the Republican vote. He needs somewhere in area of at least 80 - 90 percent. I see this survey result as good news.
How often are we going to act surprised that it's a cult, and he is their Fuhrer? This is getting ridiculous, the time for analysis of their side is over. We should long be in the phase of action.
Trying to find it again, but I had seen a set of polls earlier where they had asked some republicans "Would you be ok with a convicted felon as president?" and other republicans "would you be ok with Trump as president if he were a convicted felon?", and the ones asked the Trump version had said yes at a much higher rate than the generic question.
That's one thing that drives me fucking crazy, voters let that single letter define if they support policy or hate it. If trump had done and said everything he's done over the last several years but had a (D) they would hate him. And vice versa.
Team Blue has kicked and will kick members out who give the party a bad name. Hell, they'll kick 'em out before the conviction. That doesn't happen with Republicans, with only Santos (gee, Hispanic name, I wonder why) facing the music for his bullshit in all of the GQP.
Fuck this Both Sides bullshit. It's not true, and we shouldn't stand for it.
No surprise. They ended up agreeing that he was guilty of impeachable offenses too, but were okay with it and didn't want him to be kicked out or made non-electable because of them. "One of us", literally.
There's this thing called the Overton Window. Republicans are way past that. It's no longer relevant. Whatever their guy does will always be fine while if his opponents do it, it will be the end of all that is good and just.
By reaching out to them instead of ridiculing all of them. Sure, a lot of them are completely hopeless and unreedemable, but a great number of them are not.
I get what you're saying, but anyone still supporting this guy is well beyond just reaching out. Nothing, I really mean nothing, you say will make an impact because of how isolated the source of information they get is. Anyone on the fence has already jumped off.
Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?! You don't really believe this, do you?
To them, we're all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, the most evil sort of evil, and you don't compromise with evil. Gawd is on their side, and we're the devil incarnate to be opposed by word all the time, and by action (with guns) when they feel they can get away with it. Don't believe me? See this article and know that these people are fucking nuts and fucking real.
The only ones that can pull them out of the BS factory are they themselves. And unless and until they choose to do so, I am sure fucking going to keep ridiculing them.
Our better play is to stop thinking that we can tolerate 4 more years of Trump just because we didn't get EVERYTHING we wanted out of Biden. The Trumpers are firmly devoted to their God-Emperor, and those who are voting GQP who don't like Trump are despicable and unreachable in their own rights.
This should surprise no one. We all know that "rule of law" was just something they meant to be applied to uppity womenz, POC, immigrants, liberals, etc...
Still pisses me off that Ford didn't pardon Nixon for a crime, he pardoned him for a crime he might have done. A then reasonable SCOTUS would probably overturned it. BTW, charges were being drawn up by a young promising attorney on the Watergate Committee, Hillary Clinton.
You're trying to paint the GOP as hypocrites, but it doesn't work because your own hypocrisy is too obvious. Liberals don't care about law & order. Trump isn't being prosecuted because the left has suddenly become champions of justice. Everyone can see how the law is being perverted to persecute Trump for the political threat he represents.
The only people you're fooling is yourselves. Nobody else is buying this.
The guy is a shady New York real estate guy that's been defrauding people his whole life. He finally gets convicted of one of the many crimes he's committed and it's political?
He's a criminal, always has been, always will be. But most of the GOP is too chicken shit to admit it, so Republican Party is going to nominate a convicted felon to be their candidate for President.
See we were worried about Russian sleeper agents that get activated by a codeword, we never expected them to rally behind and vote for Putin the Lesser.
"Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan District Attorney office, they have no jurisdiction over him, they have no contact with him, they have no control certainly over him. So to say that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”
Trying to shame conservatives like this doesn't work. They're actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities. It's their entire identity. They see this and think "hell yeah, you don't want me repeating the story?? I better do it harder anyway!" - it doesn't matter that you are actually saying "btw this makes you look very dumb and gullible", all they heard was "i don't like this", and since you're The Enemy™, they love what you don't and hate what you do, and they double down on whatever it was, to Win Harder™.
This is why they'll often seem to take self-defeating or self-contradictory positions, and if you point that out, they take it as winning against you twice (instead of proving themselves wrong) and go straight to calling you a loser and patting themselves on the back.
We'll see if they turn over the communications between the Whitehouse and the DA's, which I doubt they will do. And you'd have to be pretty naive to think that the number 3 guy in the justice department just decided right before the Trump trial to demote himself to work for the local DA in New York that just happened to be the same office that persecuted Trump. Why would anyone ever do something like that?
Then why was Michael Cohen convicted? Was that a political persecution too, or are you just crying foul because somebody finally held your knuckle-dragging god king to account for once in his miserably pathetic fucking existence?
This reminds me of the flat earthers or the moon landing conspiracy theorists. At some point, the number of people colluding becomes so great, it must be a miracle.