But the system is rigged so that a relatively small minority of morons can fuck shit up for everybody else. So yeah, guys, vote like your life depends on it because it literally does.
Exactly, and even if it might seem like your single vote doesn't matter, you would be surprised. trump won in 2016 because disinformation on social media convinced people that their vote won't change anything and Hillary will win anyway.
Also vote at least every 2 years, it isn't just the president that matters, the Congress is important too
He's the Republican nominee. What do you mean by letting "the media and talking heads convince you of anything?" Based on the previous two presidential elections, he's got a 50/50 shot which says a lot about his opponent.
I live in italy and here too government took a steep turn to the right since last elections.
It is like the most roborantly bamboozling idiocy someone from a stage can scream the more he gets applauded as the folks' hero for speaking their unsung voices.
On the other hand if you try to build an organic and critical dialogue you only get yawned away as utterly boring.
I don't think it is the ones screaming from their stages being the morons, well not the most moron at least, but instead they are those who give their precious votes, hard conquered from their ancestors who gift them with a life in a democracy, to these unambiguously unmistakable frauds, and who hide in the self-obliviousness of the guilty conscience for the vote they have cast their incapability of admitting their own deep existential self-inadequacy.
Lots of people are incredibly stupid. Many of those stupid people are also selfish and mean. It will always be easy to appeal to those people by blaming all their problems on others. Until science figures out a way to force on the empathy parts of our brains, we'll go through these cycles of stupid people cheering on fascism.
Fuck trump and all but he literally did not say he would stop all electric car sales. He said he would stop all sales of Chinese brand cars manufactured in Mexico.
The speech linked by the NYT article that Gizmodo/jalopnik references
That Gizmodo article is HORRIBLY written up and there never actually mention the quote outside of the blurb beneath the headline so the lack of context had me questioning them. Pretty shitty reporting.
Which is funny since Biden has the exact same position, which is why he expanded on Trump's trade war with China by upping tariffs on EVs to 100%. I highly doubt Biden would let China do the Mexico workaround either, if he can help it.
100% tariff on cars imported from China makes them unsellable. However there’s a free trade agreement with Mexico so GM and Ford can use the cheap labor.
Many people have pointed that out as a loophole and BYD has announced a factory on Mexico. If we wanted to block importing Chinese cars from Mexico, while still allowing GMs and Fords, we’d have to take additional action. This just means both candidates have vowed they would
I don't think she is calling herself a free market capitalist.
Though I agree, she is being cheeky. This isn't a free market, it's the opposite of it. It is insider trading and she and no one in Congress should be allowed to do that.
This is just naked corruption, making promises to the oil execs he's been trying to curry favor with, right? Because apart from that - the thing that might put more money in Trump's pocket - I can't fathom what the point would be.
He's pandering to the section of his base who all drive lifted coal rollin' diesel trucks who all know that "everyone knows" electric vehicle owners are all avocado toast eating homosexuals who vote Democrat.
It's a double win for him. Yes, he's courting automakers and the oil and gas industry, so this gets him that, but a giant percentage of his base is simply against anything that liberals are for. Think of those idiots rolling coal. They're literally making their cars as polluting as possible. What do they gain from it? The only thing it does, besides contributing to climate change, is upset liberals, and that's the goal. Every one of those people will support this.
He's a liar and a con man and he's just telling his supporters what they want to hear. Tomorrow, he'll tell his other supporters that he's going to do the exact opposite because that's what they want to hear. There is no consistency or underlying ideal other than telling people what they want to hear so that he can get more support.
This will eat 80% of Tesla profits, so he will probably ask Tesla to hurry up with the $56 billion he think he is owed.
Tesla stock would plummet even faster than they have recently.
Then he will try to convince Trump to use SpaceX for his Space Force, and have Trump implanted with a chip from Neuralink so he can remote control him. 😋 And then blame any problems on the Jews.
Well Elon and Trump supposedly talk several times a month, so it's probably Elon telling Trump to block non American EV sales here. But there's really no telling what they're talking about.
Trump just confused things (Hailey, Pelosi, Biden, Obama etc). What he means is that he will ban European cars built in Mexico, but allow Tesla produced in China.
I'm half serious, because that's much more consistent with his policies in 2017-2020
Why? Better margins on gas cars, I think industrial Michigan would love this because it means they won't be squeezed into electric car manufacturing. I get told by big 3 engineers that if it wasn't for the subsidies they wouldn't be electrifying their fleets. The consumer may not like it, unions may not like it, but the companies could give a damn.
Congress recently passed a tax bill, as proposed in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, that offers a $100,000 tax credit for business owners who purchase any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more when fully loaded.
Because these rules didn't require a business to exist for a minimum length of time or post a profit, car dealerships would help buyers spin up small businesses on the spot in order to avail themselves of the credit. SUVs flooded the market and have been a load on the national car fleet ever since.
Now we're pivoting to electric vehicles in order to stay competitive globally, and (fossil fuel endorsed) business magazines have suddenly started poo-pooing the idea of vehicle subsidies as unnatural. Curious.
If I want to buy an electric car, why shouldn’t I be able to?
Because you are only allowed personal freedoms if you express them like every other white conservative and fit a very narrowly defined picture of American culture, ethnicity and gender identity.
I'm beginning to think he doesn't have values of his own and has discovered that he can easily keep dangling simplistic talking points in front of America's most ignorant and most vulnerable segment of simpletons and morons.
I might take it one step further and say that these aren't Trump's ideas. These are fossil fuel industry talking points that get pumped through a rich network of right wing talk radio dorks and Brietbart style news feeds and Joe Rogan guests.
Trump and his ilk are just the guys who can turn a talking point about "nobody is buying electric cars" into a real policy of "nobody is allowed to buy electric cars from over the border".
Donald Trump says random bullshit he cannot deliver on, that will appeal to his most rabid supporters.
The Biden Tariffs have way more impact on total EVs sales than reducing the EV credit to $0. The tariff blocks $6k EVs from enter the US, the credits just knocks $7.5k off a $50k car.
Like I get that us here in the United States are wary of Chinese things, but let's all be honest, American car companies aren't going to produce a sub $20k EV anytime soon. LiFePO₄ batteries have been a thing for some time now, the excuse the batteries are the main cost of the car is faux argument that US makers just aren't ready to stop subsidizing their other vehicle platforms with EV sales.
Trump's arguments won't do shit no matter which side of the aisle you sit. The thing killing wide adoption in the US of EVs is the US EV makers.
US makers just aren't ready to stop subsidizing their other vehicle platforms with EV sales
US carmakers aren't subsidizing their other vehicle sales with EV sales. They're literally losing money on every EV sale. If anything it's the polar opposite. Tesla is the only company thus far that has figured out how to build a profitable EV.
It's not that the other companies can't figure out how to make a profitable EV, it's just that they only dip their feet in the water. Giant SUVs and petrol economics are a hard drug to shake.
On one hand a Trump presidency is awful, on the other hand seeing Elon Musk have a mental breakdown as he can no longer sell Teslas in America is almost worth while
Can anyone give a legit reason as to why EVs are bad? Because all I've seen is "they don't make cool BROOM BROOM noise" and "they're bad for the environment" which is only true because of oil and gas companies bribing governments to restrict green energy infrastructure
theres only two temporary reasons. 1. the environmental reason is less the gas vs battery situation, but more the EVs are heavy, and the biggest pollutant are car tires. this tied with US consumer obsession of SUV sized vehicles dont help.
the other is not all places have an equivalent "gas tax" which is used for road maintainance usually for EVs since, well they dont use gas.
both fixable problems but can be considered a problem
the tire wear thing was a very warped interpretation of a study. Tire wear emits more particulate pollution than exhaust does. Pollution from exhaust is primarily gaseous.
If my math is right, about 2.6 million tons worth of tires are sold in the US annually. While co2 emissions from vehicles amount to around 1.5 billion tons. Even completely vaporizing every tire sold in a year wouldnt come close to tailpipe emissions.
Isn't it also that sourcing the raw materials for the batteries results in a lot of pollution, and the charging is often provided by coal burning plants?
I didnt know tires where the biggest polluters, I'm all for getting rid of cars in general but the public transit sucks which makes me think it's just wishful thinking
Not sure what I would have done in Biden's spot. China has a long history of ignoring patents, doing industrial espionage, and government funding an industry to corner the market on it, shutting everyone else out. We need cheap EVs, but that cost is so high.
Then WHY in the world does the US import so much from China? Seems like a pick and choose bullshit take. The US is losing against China, they're protecting US automobile manufacturers.
The US also has a history of blocking shipments of items that are proven to be infringing of trademarks, patents, and most importantly trade secrets. I do think China has gotten away with a lot but in this specific case, the industry is using the government to get out of lowering the value of a new car.
What's this stupid crusade against electric vehicles really about?
Don't like them, don't buy them, free market, right?
I get that little D. Trump wants donations from the fossil fuel industry and ice car manufacturers for his campaign, but why is it that all the stubborn conservatives are all over Facebook hell-bent on shitting on every post about EVs when nobody is forcing them to drive them?
What's so scary about it? Progression? It's going to happen and they're going to like it.
The funny thing is that when they eventually need to buy a car, they'll buy an EV anyway, because that makes sense when they sober up and look at what is best for themselves financially.
It's soo fucking stupid...
I have this aquintance who is into politics on the right wing who's posting this shit all the time. However, both he and his wife drive electric cars.
It's like they just want to be hypocritical stooges hoping to outsmart everyone else, just using any excuse to shit all over the place thinking their friends will admire them or think it's funny or something. But it's actually sad. Who hurt them?
Trump wants to ban all EV sales despite what Americans want.
Biden wants to ban China EV sales despite what Americans want.
About what we can expect from this stupid fucking election.
Biden wants to ban China EV sales despite what Americans want.
No. Biden wants to enact protectionist policies that increase the price of Chinese EVs. It's true that some Dems are suggesting Chinese EVs be banned, notably Sherrod Brown. There are actually some pretty good arguments for doing so.
But I gotta be honest, if paying a bit more for a cheap ass brand new car is the worst of your concerns... well, I suggest you pay closer attention.
No, you're right. The worst of my concerns is Biden's insistence on making us complicit in a brutal genocide for a fascist foreign power.
Needlessly doubling the price of electric cars and bikes, collecting the difference as a tax on lower income Americans who would have most benefited from these much cheaper forms of personal transportation, while also posing as the environmentalist candidate, is just one example of the crock of shit we're expected to participate in this year. Let's just acknowledge that Biden is only here to defend and uphold billionaires, in this case, the ones who own the US car industry.
No. There is no reason to protect the American auto companies. They sold out 80% of Americans to a policy of profiting off of selling fewer, more expensive cars in a world that they lobbied to make cars mandatory to exist in almost all of the United States.
I don't like Trump either. But as others here have said he didn't say this. That's a quote from the article the quote from him says "You won't be able to sell those cars" not "I'll ban all electric car sales"
Why are people downvoting this? Trump is a literal poison, but misinformation is misinformation. The author changed the meaning:
"You won't be able to sell those cars, because they won't have EV incentives" NOT "because I'll ban them."
Basically, China has a bad habit of faking technological innovations as a PR stunt, with many of their Electric Vehicles being explosive combustion engines made to look EV to outsiders.
They have also claimed to have revived Karl Marx as an AI who "revealed" that he was "totally chinese the whole time"
He can want things all he likes. Aren't we ruled by law? Isn't that why the Democrats can't seem to do anything? Why is that law so fragile when conservatives want something and so adamantine when Democrats want something?