I suppose I'm a left-of-center liberal who flirts w/ anarchism & libertarianism. Thr's a lot of alt, electronic, exp'tal, & "world" music I like. I'm working on fan-fix-tion for The Handmaid's Tale and Star Trek.
my avatar: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Miou-Miou_mit-Partner-5713.jpg

"It a beautiful wall, a fantastic wall, just look at it, ain't it the best wall ever built? Didn't I tell you, 'promise made, promise kept.'?"

and this is another reason why libertarians rightfully booed him.

You're going to have to do more than that, Nikki, if you want Trump's endorsement—a lot more.

At times you don't have to pay Republican removed much.
(and before anyone cites me as being misogynist, Haley isn't half the two-bit removed that Graham or McConnell are)

Most Republicans who oppose Trump are cowards.
They will defend Trump, vote for him, and be happy about it.
That's one thing I like about Trump: the contempt he has for the GOP party.