Skop serves as vice-president and director of medical affairs for the national anti-abortion research group Charlotte Lozier Institute and is a member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She is also a plaintiff in a US supreme court lawsuit seeking to revoke the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the key abortion drug mifepristone, which she argues is “dangerous” despite years of evidence showing the drug is safe. She has authored a number of research papers that were ultimately retracted for misleading errors.
We can't beat far right extremism with moderate politics.
There's no compromising with people who lie and say anything to get what they want.
We also have to overcome gerrymandering, which SCOTUS just said is legal (as long as the GOP pretends to disenfranchise people for political reasons rather than racial ones). At the same time, we need to overwhelm voter suppression with enough genuine votes that it isn't effective. Same with the Electoral College, the illegitimate Supreme Court, and the Senate, which gives outsized influence to big, empty Red States and fight against the unlimited flow of dark money in politics...
It can all still be done, but we have to all vote, donate, and volunteer, as well as be unified as you said. My big unity wish is messaging. No one can compete with Fox News because Right Wing media is very good at staying on-message and we're a "big tent" party, but still; we have to be better at it...
But they do t like that it's legal for other reasons that they know don't have plausible deniability.
So they claim (against all science) it's dangerous, and count on extremists judges to pretend they believe it and outlaw it on that premise.
No amount of factual evidence about the safety of the drug will change any of their actions, because they don't give a single fuck if it's safe or not.
Moderates always fall for the trap and take them at their word. Which is insane, and at this point it seems safe to say the reason is they have a lot of the same donors, and part of the strings to that money is going along with the dog and pony show even tho everyone involved already knows what the result will be.
"I behaved the correct way, and this did not happen to me. If everyone else did the same as me, they wouldn't suffer. Since their suffering is preventable, they cannot complain and must suck it up."
"See? I'm on your side. Treat me better than you treat them, please."
Source: live in a red US state and have talked to a few conservative women and minorities
You're forgetting the ones who had abortions, but 30 years later regret it because they imagine it would have made their life better if they had the kid.
They think they're "saving" the next generation, when really they have no idea what their lives would have been like if they had their own kid.
Kids are a huge change in lifestyle, and they're just think of.missed positives and not the missed negatives.
It's just how our brains work. Same as with the lockdown curbing how bad COVID was, because we avoided the worst negatives, people think they werent a possible result. And just look back at the potential positives they could have experienced.
They're obviously not right. But that line of thinking is pretty normal.
If we want to fix the problem, we need to properly identify what's causing it.
Lots of time it's just our brains working exactly as they evolved to work.
Sure but I mean… Wouldn’t you want to try to make the world a better place in general? Why do we have to force some people into a suffering underclass?
Misogyny is subversive. It's capable of being internalized. It is consistent. The ideology behind it is enforced in subtle ways throughout the entirety of our lives. We become accustomed to it, expectant of it. We are trained to accept it and be tolerant of it. Misogyny can seem beneficial to certain women, and those will readily accept it and become ignorant of the consequences it has for them.
Misogyny also doesn't exist in a vacuum. It exists alongside white supremacy, xenophobia, queerphobia, ableism, classism, and other forms of social oppression. Women can identify with and ideologically support any of those systems of oppression. All of them interconnect, though. Each system is built partially on the foundations of the others. They all affect each other. Being a white supremacist doesn't make you a misogynist, but those 2 things are ideologically consistent with each other. White supremacists tend to support misogynists and vice versa.
When we realize Misogyny not simply as a singular concept on its own, but rather a socially constructed one interconnected with different systems of power - it's actually very conceivable for women to be misogynists and actively participate in the oppression of women. They are able to firstly distance themselves from the group being oppressed using logic like "I'm an oppresser, I am not oppressed." Then they are welcomed into the greater sphere of social bigotry and systems of power. White supremacists uphold patriarchal households and white mothers, for instance. Xenophobic households uphold women and mothers from their nation and who share their religion. They are upheld not as a form of empowerment but as an example by which to compare others.
I can't say exactly why this woman specifically has chosen to actively participate in the subjugation of women, but it is a predictable phenomenon and, unfortunately, part of the strategy of fascism.
This reminds me of the many stories I have heard of family gatherings; the women all prep food and cook while the men drink beers and watch sports or talk about their work. Men who tried to help their wives in the kitchen got weird looks, and women who didn't feel comfortable playing the role of tradwife got scolded and shunned.
The misogyny is ingrained in those families, so much so that the women do not recognize it and instead take pride in their 'role.' It brings them comfort to exist in a space where their contribution is both defined and 'valued,' despite the 'role' existing as a result of misogyny. Attempts to change these expectations are seen as undermining the importance of their 'roles' and thus treated like affronts to their contributions.
Wave enough money under some people's noses and they'll say or do whatever you want. True with doctors as anyone else. There's a reason why famous people can get all the prescription drugs they care to.
Surely that can’t be the case for all I hope. That helps me understand one case, but roughly half the country is women. And these people are in positions that have influence.
You would think that because there’s so many more women not in these positions that we could do something about it.
The issue with the high-paying medical profession is that it attracts 2 kinds of people: nice people who want to do good and help people, and self-centered people who want to feel powerful and in-control while making a bunch of money. The latter are the reason for shit like this. I'd bet that she doesn't care about children at all, and just wants to feel powerful, while raking in the cash from rich people looking to use her license to validate their terrible behavior.
People in the first category seem to be getting pushed out of the profession, to the extent that many good doctors remain so despite their professional role which had shifted away from being a healer toward being a vehicle that huge hospital conglomerates exploit to goose more profits out of sick people
Compared with deliveries to patients aged 20-54 years, deliveries to patients aged 11-14 years were associated with increased risk for severe maternal morbidity (aOR 1.73, 95% CI 1.49-2.00), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.71-1.88), and postpartum hemorrhage (aOR 1.37, 95% CI 1.27-1.49).
I can't even find data for kids as young as 9, because it's such a rare and obviously bad situation.
Well that removed is an ugly flavour of stupid. Can't you get your license revoked for employing alternative information? christians need to go back to being meek like the bible tells them to and stop acting like they can understand anything, when the bible tells them they can't. No wonder fascism is on the rise, the fucking dipshits.
It would just be the Master. In one incarnation, he forced his wife to dress sexy and abused her regularly, he should feel right at home among Republicans.
It looks like she stopped practicing last year in order to focus on her pro-life political stance. I personally know one physician (my partner worked with them previously) that works at this practice... And they're not a right-wing nut. Ingrid on the other hand...
If I was some crazy schizophrenic religious nut job, I'd say God is punishing states like Texas with severe weather due to shit like this...but I know it's just awful weather patterns from Global Warming...which is also Texas's fault by a lot so I'm not too far off either way