’ll have a number 6 with extra dip.
Big Smoke: I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. Make that diet, I'm trying to watch my weight.
Afaik, the only other options besides what you listed for beverages anywhere is milk, coffee and tea. And depending where you get them, the coffee and tea may as well just be sugar (or aspartame) too.
Well, coming from a tropical country to the US was a disappointment there. I used to be able to get a variety of freshly squeezed juices almost anywhere, and the only thing they serve around here are bottled OJ's that barely taste like orange. It's not even like there's a limited variety at the grocery store, it's just not a thing...
What's wrong with water? I usually just get water and ask for lemon slices to squeeze into it. Which is a game changer and they always have on hand because of the alcoholic drinks lmao
I feel like this joke would have landed better 5, or maybe even 3 years ago. Every even remotely fancy restaurant I go into has jumped on the mocktail bandwagon and offers plenty of options for people avoiding alcohol.
You are paying for way more than the sum of the parts when you order a cocktail, I'm not really sure why you'd suddenly be concerned about doing so when it comes to a mocktail.
Even then, it's not really accurate anyway. A cocktail is a bunch of ingredients mixes together. You can usually get them without the alcohol if you ask for it (obviously this doesn't work for every drink). They list of cocktails is so large because there's a lot of ways to combine a few ingredients to make different things. They don't actually stock that many types of drinks or anything. They're made on demends, and can usually be modified if you ask.
If you can remove the alcohol from any "cocktail" and still have more than just flavored ice or a dirty glass, you were drinking slightly alcoholic mocktails the whole time.
Old Fashioned mocktail is a cherry on top of a large ice cube that you've used to bludgeon some sugar and an orange.
A Sazerac mocktail is akin to an empty glass someone just drink a sweet lemony drink from. You don't get the lemony drink, just the dirty glass.
A margarita mocktail is salty lime flavored ice. This is basically a daquiri mocktail too, adding a strawberry seems popular.
A Manhattan mocktail is a sweetened cherry in an otherwise empty glass.
A mojito mocktail is a bit more substantial, minty sugar water with a hint of lime.
A mint julep mocktail, again just minty sugar water.
A white Russian mocktail is just a glass of cream over ice.
A mimosa mocktail is just a nearly empty glass of orange juice.
The non-alcoholic parts of a cocktail are rarely more than a quarter of the volume if they're made properly. Most cocktails are a half oz of sugar water and a citrus flavor. The other 2/3 of the volume (not counting the ice) is alcohol. Just order a soda, soda water (with or without a garnish), tea, or my favorite a Topo Chico and lime.
That's great news! Occasionally I browse the NA beers and last week I thought how great it would be to be able to drink a Guinness! Maybe it arrives here sometime.
Some this has to do with shelf life. Beverages containing alcohol have a long shelf life. A restaurant is not going to take losses on having 50 kinds of juice or whatever on hand. Another angle to this is that a lot of the drinks on the alcoholic menu are cocktails, so just combinations of other shit they have. Finally, what adult is just drinking milk? Have some water, it is good for you.
Is this coming from experience or are you just kind of guessing? There are plenty of cocktails that use non-shelf stable stuff that you can get anywhere. On top of that, the new movement towards providing non-alcoholic drinks on the menu just reuses these same ingredients in different ways.
I've worked on both sides of the house for 14 years and I'm in management now. The issue is once you open products, not when they're sitting there. Sitting there is also an issue, however, as stock that doesn't move still incurs costs. I work on the institutional side now and we only provide nonalcoholic beverages, but they are either single serve or cheap bulk prep. These are not what people are expecting at a restaurant. Many items in cocktails also have long shelf lives after opening or are cheap/move quickly.
With having IBD I'm pretty much limited to water or milk. I'm absolutely going to drink milk when I can because I get fed up drinking water multiple times a day every fucking day.
I guess, I primarily drink water. I'm not restricted in the same way, but I'm an innate fat fuck, so water is my drink of choice. I'm surprised milk wouldn't inflame IBD.
Not judging you on your milk drinking, but drinking too much milk can have serious side effects. Humans weren't biologically made to drink milk their whole lives.
This is not a very common cocktail at least in my area, so I’m sure most servers/ bartenders would have to google this. I can imagine the look on their face when they realized you actually ordered a glass of milk.
jokes on them, i'm just going to get water or fucking leave, i'm not paying 10 bucks for a beverage when you can buy soda at the store for 1$ per liter.
Even worse now is the non-alcoholic spirits you can buy that legit cost as much as the original alcoholic version, and then they use that in a cocktail.
Yes it Does taste just like the proper cocktail but your kinda missing half the point of the drink...
Not sure about other countries, but the Russian branch of Burger King had some uniquely bad sense of humor when it came to their ads. The most known as was a wordplay between "Don't get too spicy" and "Don't shit yourself", but there was another ad of chicken nuggets with a little chick in the corner saying something like "6 nuggets for 99 rubles!". I found it hilarious to see a chick advertising their mom.
There’s the trend of restaurants having “mocktails”, which is cool, but they often charge for them based on their price for alcoholic beverages. I don’t really want a special lemonade for $14.
be me: go to restaurant
=> ouch ouch why is everything overpriced =<
lol kek its 1 am and im drunk rn but the alcohol in coctails is not worth nearly 14 bucks you bellend
This thread has been so weird for me because apparently something I've always done without ever giving any thought to is weird to people. I don't give a fuck. It's all in jest, anyways.
I find it pretty disgusting to even watch on TV or something (McPoyles), but I don't sit around staring at people eating or drinking things that I find distasteful so I can judge them; in general I try to not judge people for having different tastes and tolerances than me.
We could definitely have a dinner and you can have a tall frothy glass of milk right from the cow's udder with it. If you're fun to talk to and aren't mean, we good.
Almost 70% of the global population of adult humans are lactose intolerant. Whether you think drinking milk as an adult is weird or not, it isn't something most human adults can easily do without digestive problems, and, because of that, it's somewhat unusual to many people.
Edit: I definitely think of drinking milk as a white people thing. Similarly I think of men showering without using a washcloth as a white people thing. Neither are true of all white people, they're just stereotypes I have, I guess.
Restaurants menus lacking milk as a drinking option is definitely a positive for me - I do not wish to dine alongside whatever freak chooses to drink milk with their meal.
I'm gonna recognize that what I said came across way way more harsh than was intended, this was meant to be playful, as are my responses below - I seem to be learning that my tone and how I speak do not always translate well to being written - for this, I apologize. I do need to work on monitoring my snark levels.
I'd like to state - that you are more than welcome to drink or do what you want. I was attempting to razz op - not berate op... even though milk is straight up disgusting and I gag when people drink it by itself and I cannot understand why anyone would make that choice - it is their choice.
This is a me problem - not a them problem.
Have fun enjoying your gross animal juice everyone. I'll just sit over here with my water.
Might also depend on where you are. I understand that in Finland, it's extremely common to drink milk all the time, whereas in East Asia, where adult lactose intolerance is the norm, adult milk consumption isn't really a thing at all.
Because I've literally only known a single adult to opt into drinking milk and it was my 90 year old grandfather. Always thought it was super strange to like milk so much.
My homie, if you have never had the glory that is milk with a cheeseburger, you're missing out.
Spaghetti? Bomb.
Burritos? Bomb
I can keep going, and even explain how and why various foods can be paired with milk and not only be as good as any other beverage, but can sometimes be better. It isn't every food, but it works often enough to be worth trying.
In a similar train of thought, have you tried having (good) orange juice with Mexican food? I used to love having it once in a while when we brought home Rosa's. Never did at a restaurant. Not a complete heathen. 😁
My friend ordered an omelette without the eggs before, and it worked. A server wouldn't sell me a double shot of Jager because it was "too much alcohol" but had no problem selling me two single shots at once.
I've never had that problem. I basically always order milk anytime I eat out. Sometimes they only give me a kids portion or even a kids cup (it was extra funny when my wife ordered it for me and I was away from the table changing a diaper while visiting family), but usually I get a full glass of milk
Ah, but it's a very old pool of toxin, cooked over rotten plant matter from a swamp and aged in an obsolete form of container, and it made them significantly poorer to order it! /s
It’s about money. People are okay paying way higher margins for alcoholic drinks. They want you drinking alcohol for profits and the inebriating effect makes you more likely to spend loosely.
You think restaurants take worker’s labor into consideration when making profitability choices? Look what servers are paid, they clearly don’t value their labor.
EDIT: I was being dramatic to prove a point. Restaurants run skeleton crews all the time to push profitability. Obviously they give it some consideration, but it’s rarely for the workers well being.
I think it's Edmonton that just opened an alcohol free mocktail bar. That sounds amazing as a non drinker, you get to socialize with people and enjoy everything from milkshakes to rare sodas. Bring back soda shops!
In my experience, it's usually the same length or alcoholic ones get almost a page long. Though I did go to one where the non-alcoholic options consisted solely of sodas, shame.
A proper white Russian is half and half or cream. Don't worry I drank plenty of milk ones after I watched the Big Lebowski when I was 20 but it's just not the same.
They might not have it in acceptable quantities for drinking, depending on the kind of food served. If they only keep it in stock for specific dishes, the front of house might not even know it's there.
Worked in restaurants for decades and never had a place not have milk available. It's used in lots of recipes and a lot of the places had Lil cartons for kids, also every drink was available "virgin" if you wanted a cocktail without booze, or we would have apple juice, orange juice, etc. I have never seen a restaurant that does not have a wide selection of non alcoholic drinks. Do you want them to list Arnold Palmers or are you asking for every type of non alcoholic seltzers or non alcoholic ciders or non alcoholic beers? Most restaurants have one or two but the non drunks don't drink 6 non alcoholic beers so it's just not worth the cost and room of keeping a large amount of non alcoholic pre made drinks. So stop complaining and have a water like a real man