Restaurants menus lacking milk as a drinking option is definitely a positive for me - I do not wish to dine alongside whatever freak chooses to drink milk with their meal.
Cow boob juice is for baby cows. Human boob juice is for baby humans. Adults of any species should have developed past ingesting boob juice in childhood.
I mean I've known that I'm lactose intolerant since I was 13 or something and I had to be be bribed to drink it before that so, yeah, it wasn't hard to stay away from drinking straight milk into adulthood.
I've never drank milk as an adult, and I honestly don't know if I can think of anyone I've ever known that has ordered milk alone (not in coffee or something) as an adult and drank it. I'm not white though, so idk. But a lot of my friends and coworkers are, and I've never seen it.
I like this interpretation of history. I guess that means the Wright brothers were drinking Red Bull?
More seriously, they drank milk because they were pastoralists with a lot of it, and because it's something you can consume. Hell, they were even lactose intolerant; if you happen to be European or West African all the better. Not sure where this "it's for kids" idea comes from, maybe it's some kind of American cultural thing. (If you want to be really bio-deterministic, it's for babies, older children are in the same group as adults)
Side note Italy being blue explains why they have strange rules such as "no cappuccino after noon", it's not that it's bad or anything it's that many Italians can only stomach one, maybe two a day.
I'm gonna recognize that what I said came across way way more harsh than was intended, this was meant to be playful, as are my responses below - I seem to be learning that my tone and how I speak do not always translate well to being written - for this, I apologize. I do need to work on monitoring my snark levels.
I'd like to state - that you are more than welcome to drink or do what you want. I was attempting to razz op - not berate op... even though milk is straight up disgusting and I gag when people drink it by itself and I cannot understand why anyone would make that choice - it is their choice.
This is a me problem - not a them problem.
Have fun enjoying your gross animal juice everyone. I'll just sit over here with my water.
Might also depend on where you are. I understand that in Finland, it's extremely common to drink milk all the time, whereas in East Asia, where adult lactose intolerance is the norm, adult milk consumption isn't really a thing at all.
Because I've literally only known a single adult to opt into drinking milk and it was my 90 year old grandfather. Always thought it was super strange to like milk so much.
I once had to live with a guy that would go through 2-4 gallons in a week on his own and just let the empty jugs build up in (around) the recycle bin for weeks on end. Grew up on a dairy farm. Honestly I shouldn't have to say more to tell you he was a freak.
Haha wow, yeah that's pretty weird. I can't stand the taste of milk, but I feel like even if I could, like anything else, it would get sort of sickening in such large quantities
My homie, if you have never had the glory that is milk with a cheeseburger, you're missing out.
Spaghetti? Bomb.
Burritos? Bomb
I can keep going, and even explain how and why various foods can be paired with milk and not only be as good as any other beverage, but can sometimes be better. It isn't every food, but it works often enough to be worth trying.
In a similar train of thought, have you tried having (good) orange juice with Mexican food? I used to love having it once in a while when we brought home Rosa's. Never did at a restaurant. Not a complete heathen. 😁