See Them Big Apples [tmz came up with this one] A company placed portal-shaped "sculptures" in the cities of Dublin and New York, allowing residents to essentially have a public, non-stop Zoom meeting with each other. And the marketing stunt went about as well as practically anybody could've expecte...
Lol nope! Republic of Ireland has been a heavily-Catholic country since its inception. It's lightened in recent years and some surprises do slip through but that ain't one of them.
I'm not saying it was a good thing to do, but once you have that idea, it becomes an irresistible temptation. The 9/11 one, although I guess it might be true of the other one, too.
"OnlyFans model flashing the so-called portal. Another "very drunk" woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man exposing his own derrière.
One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to The Guardian."
i mean, the problem isn't the portal in those cases, and i think the portal is a very cool idea -- imo, the fact that these people get in the news for it is probably why they're doing it, it's just one way to get people's attention by doing outrageous stuff around a new attraction
it's nothing new, and eventually dies off, and there are probably also many events of people being nice to each other that go unreported
edit: also, yeah, showing body parts generally shouldn't be considered that harshly imo - of you're forcing people to look at them, they're probably not pretty, but I wouldn't call those "vulgaire" either
"OnlyFans model flashing the so-called portal. Another "very drunk" woman was filmed rubbing her behind against the screen, while a different video shows a man exposing his own derrière.
One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone, according to The Guardian."
when I read where they put the portal I had the exact same thought as everyone else who knows what town is like on o'connell street. why didn't they just put it on talbot st
Also let's all live cramped up together in cities! Except for the owners who live in far off places. Cities make it easier to use you all in a convenient place. Plus it reduces traffic in the freeways. Traffic reduces the flow of goods which is how your owners can extract money from your labor at the end of the day. So get off the freeway, be at work on time, live in the city. Oh if you want to travel we have a convenient tram and bus. You can pay your owners to travel!
What an asinine take. I choose to live in a city because I can meet many different friends in many different interesting spots, where we can e.g. eat excellent iterations of different cuisines.
All without sitting my ass in a car and driving for an hour to meet a single couple that lives in some other hamlet. Or having to plan the exact amount of drinks and food to consume before the evening starts. And I can do that multiple times per week if I please.
You like living in the countryside, I get it. Don't pretend that's somehow objectively better lol
Were you not aware the auto and oil lobbies you're paying to get stuck in traffic for 20 minutes to get to a place a mile away are a huge portion of the capitalists who own our politicians?
Isn’t the purpose of the art piece to demonstrate the human condition across an ocean? Flashing/mooning/offensive memes, that is what humans do. This should stay up and more should be put in place. How much more culturally connected would cities in the US be linked to other UK or EU cities?
Def not a bad idea, the more cities around the world the better. I also like the idea of sister cities, if they were to stick to a single portal to portal connection. I’m in Minneapolis, maybe match it with a similarly sized city across the pond. Could root for each others sports teams, offer support in trying times, develop a digital bond.
That's not the same thing. What would be the same is if some dude pulled his shirt up to show his bare chest. What do you think the reaction would have been in that case?
Depends if they're just flopping it flaccidly from side to side or angrily masturbating. Same goes for if a woman were to start rubbing one off. Nudity isn't sexual, but what you do with it could be.
You know this kinda makes me think that it would've been funnier if they connected two cities that hate each other more than just like, dublin and new york, which I can't really think of as ever having had beef. Maybe NYC and chicago, or something. You can't really put something like this in texas or LA because nobody fuckin walks anywhere, unless maybe you put it in like long beach or like some random part of Austin or something. Seattle? Does Seattle have beef with anywhere? On the other side, could we connect Dublin with like, London or something? Maybe some city in northern Ireland?
That'd be fuckin awesome though, imagine the chaos you could just ambiently cause, especially if you made it out of like, bulletproof glass and concrete, and maybe included some self-cleaning mechanism, or set the camera back from the glass a ways, so people couldn't obfuscate the camera or the image. Could be the move, could be the play.
I don't know what they were hoping to accomplish, a lot of Americans practically observe 9/11 as a holiday, complete with documentaries showing off all the footage we have
It’s legal to be topless in NYC as long as it’s not for “sexual reasons” (whatever that means)— so this particular case might be something of a legal debate… but I don’t see any cop bothering to arrest her for it. Shockingly, they don’t care.
Did I mention legality? I don't find topless necessarily rude the same way I don't find hands to be rude, but if someone gave me the middle finger, that changes things.
Whenever I've been in NYC, there's always someone desperately trying to be seen.
Well, that was one of the instances of abuse of the portal. Another was a mooning, and yet another was a man showing NYC citizens pictures of 9/11 over the portal.
I assume they never thought that so many people would start being a punk-ass because they think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution like the one at home. It is trained behavior.
think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution
People do this shit face to face all the time. It's only easier to record like this. Same with the internet. It didn't make people into assholes. It just made it easier to record.
I’m sure this was killed by removed socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.
Oh the terrors of non-consensual nipples entering your line of sight. The beach must be horrifying for you, unless only women’s nipples require “consent” to be exposed. Social conservatism is the entire reason breasts have to be hidden like dirty sexualized secrets to begin with. It’s silly.
Tbf she had to take credit for it, it’s not like most OF models would be recognized in public. Hell, most internet celebrities would go relatively unnoticed in public.
There was a similar thing done as an art installation between London and New York called the Telectroscope in 2008. Apparently it was the site of a few marriage proposals.
I bet some people flashed that one and such too, but I could find no indication that it was shut down because of that.
It feels like society has backslid tremendously on some freedoms in the past 15 years, particularly where it comes to prudishness.
These days we even have otherwise progressive people jumping on the prude bandwagon along with hyper religious controlling anti feminists and it just makes for such strange bedfellows.
I really don't know why the people who set this up didn't foresee this sort of thing happening in a link between New York and Dublin. Maybe if you want to hope this sort of thing doesn't happen, link up Champaign, Illinois to Uppsala, Sweden.
What so Sven can walk by and see an obese man in a trucker hat double fisting Big Gulps? On second thought sure, it’d be a zoo attraction for the Swedes.
Ah yes, let's link up a college town with a bunch of drunk kids with a complete lack of inhibition and a similar perceived lack of consequences. It will surely work great.
Why is there so much whatever over a big tv/monitor, and a webcam...I really don't get humans fascinations with this when they presumably all own the same stuff at home.
You know what I did see over the portal in a video a friend shared on our group chat? Someone mocking 9/11 in Dublin. Nothing upsets New Yorkers worse.
Irish have experience at banter. They had to put up with England for all eternity. Also, they're drunk.