See Them Big Apples [tmz came up with this one] A company placed portal-shaped "sculptures" in the cities of Dublin and New York, allowing residents to essentially have a public, non-stop Zoom meeting with each other. And the marketing stunt went about as well as practically anybody could've expecte...
I’m sure this was killed by removed socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.
No one forces you to stare at the girl. People see offensive shit every day all over, but society doesn’t conform to all offenses equally, does it? Why is your ethics enforceable, but other people’s aren’t? Why does she have less right to practice her ethical choice to expose her body (assuming by your answer you would have offense)? Why is it more ethical to have others right to view taken away than for you to simply turn your head away? Ethics is very subjective, especially when there is no direct harm to either party.
Are we talking about the same thing? I replied to someone taking about OpenAI, not porn in general. The creation of porn without the consent of the people fed into the program is nothing short of an ethical nightmare, even in cases where said people are pornstars. You're painting me as a repressive for shit I didn't even say.
“I’m sure this was killed by removed socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.”
That’s how it showed up. If you were responding to a different comment, my bad, please disregard my comment. Sometimes the line system in Lemmy is a tad hard to follow.
Edit: realize I misread the line scheme and you weren’t responding to me. Sorry.
Because seeing a nipple is on par with murder. Not to mention society makes all sorts of terrible shit ethical, like billionaires bribing politicians to subvert the will of the people. My point was ethics is a subjective defense at best. Especially when no harm is perpetrated on either party and nipples being required to be covered was not an ethical standard most of human history. Murder would cause harm to the murdered party. Nipple viewing would only harm a child because they have been taught that nipples are “supposed” to be hidden like a dirty secret. Even though all mammals suckle from them in early life. It’s absolutely silly to make a bare chest being exposed such a big “ethical” deal and people should be questioning this like I did. It only exists due to the puritanical religious idealism pushed on society. It has no basis in reality as a detriment to society.
Oh the terrors of non-consensual nipples entering your line of sight. The beach must be horrifying for you, unless only women’s nipples require “consent” to be exposed. Social conservatism is the entire reason breasts have to be hidden like dirty sexualized secrets to begin with. It’s silly.