To the young'uns - when you see someone in their 50s or 60s nowadays, just remember that a huge chunk of us spent the entire 90s utterly fucked up on coke, ecstasy, dope and LSD, listening to extremely loud electronic music
Except opiates, barbiturates, and REEEALLY specific RCs, but I’ve tried a lot of weird RCs. Wellll I also have smoked opium a few times. It was awesome. Never any hard opiates. Too scary.
Oh, also never had mescaline. Would try it though.
The weirdest of all of them was Foxy (5-MeO-DiPT)
The most addictive was Mephedrone (scary)
The worst one was DOC… I was ready to be done a few hours in. NOPE OVER TWENTY HOURS
Opium first time: handed a bowl at a festival circle, took a hit… instead of flower, it was flowery! Didn’t do much, but smelled and tasted nice.
Next time: Friend’s house. Smoked a decent chunk. Smelled great, felt kinda like more relaxing weed. Was nice.
Final time: With my partner, when we had begun dating like a decade ago. A good chunk. We smoked all of it on their bed and watched “Memoirs of a Geisha.” It smelled and tasted lovely. I got fucking SPLAPPED. Like, I’ve never felt anything like it. Absolute 10, and that’s when I knew I’m not touching opiates again until I’m terminal.
Foxy… the most fucking weird thing I’ve ever done. Tried it with my previous partner. It was a nightmare for most of it. Beyond visual and auditory distortions, we literally had temporal distortion. Songs we were familiar with would streeeeetccchhh out and go slower, and sound deeper… orgoreallyfastandsoundsuperpitchedup. My body got heavier when things were slow, and lighter when time went fast. I ate a burnt chocolate chip cookie. Nightmare nightmare nightmare. Then we fucked for like an hour and that was GREAT. We felt better after that. Never again, but also WAY FUCKING COOL experience. I was, at the time, moderately experienced with paychs (acid, mushies, 2cs, 4-aco)
Mephedrone started out so innocuously. “It’s like X but with no comedown! And you can redose! But you’ll smell like cat piss.” I try it, maybe 15ish years ago.
Then a few months later, doing it every other weekend, I’m sitting with some friends and we have a giant pile on a table. The stuff is basically free, anyway. We’re all taking turns schnerting lines. My nostril starts bleeding, and clogs. I use the other one. It also starts bleeding and clogs. I can’t breathe through my nose anymore. Everyone else is still railing, and ALL I CAN THINK OF for the rest of the night is
“How can I snort more of that”
I hadn’t plugged anything yet, or I would have found a way to covertly do that.
That was the last night I touched mephedrone. I vowed never to have that feeling again.
Read my other response, absolutely wild! I felt so weird and bad, both sound and time distorted and my body felt weight when it happened. It was NUTS! I don’t regret trying it, but I’m never doing it again hahaha
I’ve done it once. Found a bag (we knew who from, never saw them again) of high quality. Kept it in collection for a while. Partner and I were joking about trying it, and how we’d do it. We joked “haha in our butts obv”
So we put it in our butts. It was pretty good. I prefer adderall.
My psychiatrist asked me that once during an ADHD diagnosis, listing several examples of some common ones, and I said "all those" unflinchingly because I was super restless and anxious during the diagnosis appointment which was also during work and he jolted and pulled out a little cartoonish handkerchief to wipe his brow it was like an old timey book
Alcohol I consider the most dangerous and destructive of all. It is very hard on my body and tolerance as well as dependence build up quickly and often noticed too late due to social acceptance.
MDMA is great taken responsibly with loved ones. My wife and I enjoy it every few months for a “free parents weekend”. It really helps opening up emotionally and makes physical touch even more enjoyable.
My almost daily vice is weed. I use it to manage stress and unwind after work. It works best when I do it together with exercise. The workout high is my personal favourite.
Shrooms are also great. They are easy to grow and very pleasant to me. After I’ve done a high dose (6g) I can do 2-3g as a chill daytime dose that mellows me out. It’s especially great for playtime with children - brings me kind of to the same mental level without losing my mental capacity.
In most states in the US it's perfectly legal to own and possess spores of psilocybin/psilocin producing mushrooms, what's technically illegal is growing and harvesting them. There are quite a few legal (check for your state) online sites where one could acquire spores for... mycology.
Also, it turns out, people have figured out how to grow a variety of mushrooms at home, culinary or otherwise, using different "teks" and it's gotten to be pretty easy. If one were to be truly interested some simple searches would most likely turn up any information needed.
Nicotine once. Friends at the time said I needed to try it to say for a fact I didn't like it, and I didn't like it. Then I learnt there are extremely rare cases of illnesses from just one smoke, so that advice was stupid, IMO.
Caffeine was a regular as I was self-medicating with it. Nowadays, I drink mostly decaffeinated. I wish there were more flavors and variety for it, though, at least a chocolate one...
Alcohol has always been an occasional thing for me, once or twice per year. I try to keep it that way because my family has a long history of substance abuse disorder.
Methylphenidate once. I borrowed it from someone's prescription. I thought it would help me get energetic, euphoric, etc. Well, it was calming, and for the first time in my life my mind was quiet. It was so strange to be sitting with no turmoil, no direction of what to jump to do or even say spontaneously. It was just me and the silent room. Tranquility, so much that it was uncomfortable as it was new and not what I expected at all. Turns out I have hyperactivity and the medication turned it down.
If I were to say, I prefer uppers and I'm curious about substances like cocaine, but I don't want to risk my health. I'm fine.
One of my local tea shops sells tea w/ basically these tiny hershey kisses mixed in. Honestly I tried it (Ex: Chocolate Drizzle) and it wasn't for me, but if you really want that chocolate flavour it seems you can just straight up just add chocolate or sweetened cocoa powder to your tea. You may need to experiment to get the ratios the way you like it
Weed, alcohol, nicotine, mushrooms, ecstasy/molly (the pills have been cut with heroin, coke, meth, mescaline), LSD, Salvia, opium, Percocet, and my kid’s cuddles (I swear to god, that counts, and it’s probably the most intoxicating). I’ve also done some random ass herbs I bought online that were supposed to have an effect, but never did. Questions welcome lol. I will also add, everything but the first 3 were about a decade before I had my kiddos, so no worries there.
Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, weed, shrooms, acid, speed, coke, mdma, ketamine...
I stopped weed first, nowadays it's just caffeine...
Od'd on speed once, seriously convinced I was dying, that was horrible, 5 days of paranoid hallucinations, I was at my own funeral, people only came to removed about me...
acid is ok, shrooms are better, mdma and shrooms is amazing.
...but stopped when I became a dad, 17 years ago...
In order of the first time: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, LSD, amphetamine sulphate, cocaine, ecstasy, pure MDMA, psilocybin mushrooms, ketamine, DMT.
I always preferred psychedelics but they're hard to find where I live.
I spent most of about a 6 month period when I was 18 on ecstasy. It had some negative effects but it helped me deeply connect with my best friend who I remained close to for nearly 20 years.
I'd recommend trying pure MDMA, especially with someone you care about, if you can 100% trust the source. I'd also strongly recommend DO NOT TAKE ECSTASY TABLETS. Thanks to the war on drugs they rarely contain anything close to MDMA these days but are likely to contain fentanyl and other nasty crap.
The most evil drug I've ever encountered is alcohol. That's what ultimately took my friend's life. It did it slowly over the course of most of her life but she still died in her thirties. The final years were horrible. With what it did to her body but also her mind. Most of the violent crime in my country involves people who are intoxicated on alcohol.
Weed was always my favourite drug and still is. I can't do it anymore because I'm in a job that tests. Also I don't live in a country where it's legal so I don't think I could even score it anymore. The people I used to buy it from either quit themselves or died from other drugs.
In an ideal world I'd smoke weed at most 10 times a year and take LSD twice. But I can't imagine either will be legal in my country in my lifetime.
Old friend went hard on research chems for a few years. I remember seeing a spreadsheet with more than a dozen variants of DMT, quite well organised with loads of notes. The thing that stuck with me was one of them had a big bold warning 'do not take with xxx you will die'. He's OK now but it all culminated with him nearly killing a mutual friend and being committed to a mental institution for a few months.
I’ve had phenibut a couple times and it was okay… the final time I had it, I was dissociated or depersonalized for three days. Never touching it again hahaha
Sounds about right, I managed to get 40gs and went thru it in about a month I believe. It's my weird one, I'd have so much energy I could've jumped over the moon, but also could pass out at any moment. One time I sat in a shared bathroom for 4 hours without realizing, watching youtube. When I finally came out I collapsed in the hallway before making it to my bed. Roommates weren't happy w that one. Another, I had gone to a theme park with friends and just sat out all the rides (was paranoid the cops would realize I was on something and stop the ride to get me off) and looked like a crackhead. Got lost on my way to meet them at the end of a ride and almost fell into a nearby pond.
First time I had gotten LSD the tabs were dosed super inconsistently. Took one and started playing Factorio, ended up just placing conveyor belts down for the rest of the night without feeling a thing. Second time though... The goblins were in the walls
Gawd yeah. Even dosed consistently… my first time was from a Jesus looking dude at a festival. For 10USD he dropped a drop onto my hand and I licked it off. Three hours later I was pissed because it didn’t do anything and I was super curious, so I took some mushrooms. As soon as I was done eating the mushrooms, my tent walls were moving.
Some jerk downvoted you but the first time I try many drugs, I don’t feel much/anything.
I tried (good) X with friends who took THE SAME PILLS three times before it actually hit me. I was so disappointed looking at their giant eyes and gurning jaws and thinking “I’ll just think myself happier, that’s what I’m supposed to feel I think”
The fourth time I tried with the same friends, the same stuff, and it was fucking MAGICAL. Beyond euphoric. I knew then that my self-happy-thinking was indeed NOT the feeling I was supposed to have. Holy shit.
Basically alcohol and the tiniest smidgen of weed. I am allergic to hops and pot as it turns out so wheezing like I am dying or throwing up doesn't seem worth the plusses. Still figure I got off lightly though, got a buddy who can't go into cities or near concerts because one whiff will send her into anaphylaxis.
As for everything else I just am leery. Too many elementary school buddies dead from Fentanyl and I saw a lot of really fucked up shit from my friend's addict parents when I was a kid.
Alcohol, Cannabis, MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, Ketamine, 2C-B, and DMT in that order. I don't know if there is anything else I'm interested in trying other than Mescaline and even then I'd probably only consider doing it if it was San Pedro.
Alcohol is fun. I dont really have a problem moderating. I have a large stature and passively tend to pace myself around others so I tend to be slightly more sober than whoever I'm drinking with. I will very rarely drink alone.
Weed is alright. A little trickier to get a hold of if I want some for myself. I think it may just be that my tolerance is low but it gives me problems with racing thoughts and paranoia, and weirdly of late, racing heartrate. In the last few years I've needed to do mindfulness exercises while high in order to keep my head right. I simply cannot partake in social or public situations, the problems outlined being magnified. Last couple of times I did, I ended up having panic attacks. If I can keep a lid on things, a quiet evening at home alone, stoned and watching movies or cooking something slightly fancy can be very enjoyable.
I LOVE shrooms. I've done them I think four times and every time it was an absolute blast. First time my friends and I watched Fern Gully first, then switched over to Team America World Police after we peaked. I don't think I've ever laughed harder, before or since. I genuinely had concern at some points that my life was in danger from how brain meltingly hard I was laughing. Every other time it just turned an average afternoon into a big fun adventure, made me feel better about my place and trajectory at the time, and just happy. Id love to get a hold of some more to do them with my current friend group.
2C-E was... weird. Technically my first psychedelic actually. It was kind of giggly for a while coming up and I remember food tasting really good, but I ended up having some slightly disturbing visual hallucinations after peaking. For some reason someone in the group wanted to watch the Walking Dead and it was the episode in the second season where they have to clear out all the zombies in Herschel's barn. Everyone's faces were in like extra 3D and I got freaked out at one point thinking the zombies were going to come out of the screen. Also I distinctly remember thinking my kinesthetic sense had identified my internal organs, like I could map out my guts and tell where my spleen was and stuff. I'd probably do it again having done other psychedelics since but considering how rare it is and the oddness of my only experience I have no motivation to seek it out.
I accidentally did a heroic hit of DMT and massively dissociated, experienced ego-death, got swallowed up in the wormhole and was bare-face confronted with the absurdity of my own consciousness by the machine elves in the 9th dimensional slipgate of the causal firmament. As a nihilist it's the closest thing I've had to a religious experience, before or since. It doesn't last long if you smoke it like we did; you peak within a minute and come down within like 15 minutes, but man it felt like hours I was out there. I can't imagine being on ayahuasca for 8 hours+ real time. That one hit of DMT I genuinely feel affected my worldview and character as an adult more than maybe any one other experience I've had, and I must say for the better. For probably a year afterward I just felt a glow, and connection to everything, I felt like I was more in tune with my emotions, I could make my brain do things I had trouble with before, I just felt more alive. I don't believe it's a miracle drug and like anyone else hearing someone wax poetic about a wild trip they had my eyes glase over at the thought, but I will say: if the stars align, you get access to DMT, maybe have a bit of experience with other psychedelics, are in a healthy social situation, and feel you can keep your head above water, fucking go for it. There's a leap of faith aspect to it but never in my life would I take back that experience I had. In truth I'd love to do it again, if I were able to track it down, and maybe even send some to the lab for testing.
I also wanna try acid (LSD), but it's famously difficult to get ahold of in my area. I'm hopeful once weed goes federal the dealers will switch to psychedelics and I'll be able to prock but cest la vie until then, I guess.
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