Exactly my thought. Gotta get fuckin ready to go all John wick or John McClane or Jean Claude Van Damme. With the right music maybe even go straight up Jon Hamm on those motherfuckers. Never go full John Cleese, though. And with the wrong music you might show up going John Mayer. Your wife might be into it, but she’d be dead real fast.
I was going to say yes and make a joke about song choice, but then realized that if this were actually happening then I'd probably be too distraught and focused on getting to her to queue up a sound track so was going to say no, but then I realized in my distraught state focing on getting to my kidnapped wife I probably wouldn't bother to turn off the radio which is always on by default in my car... so basically, yes, I'd be listening to the local radio station at a moderate volume.
Life is not an action movie. If that actually happened I wouldn't be blindly throwing myself in the middle of a group of armed/dangerous guys. I'd be calling the cops (they're more trained than I am to handle the situation) and freak out hoping nothing bad happens to her.
Nah, I'm my fantasies I go Rambo style and slice everyone with a tactical knife while wearing a ghillie suit and warpaint, before carrying my wife victoriously in my arms to safety...but that wasn't the point was it ?
Fucking smart. Thanks for the tip. My car is still playing music cause we need the mood, but now that my brothers are in the car the soundtrack is harder to choose.
I'm thinking Jeru the Damaja, but whatever those two dickheads can agree on should work.
I'd probably have an audiobook going. Then when I got there, I would probably have to sit in the car for a few minutes to get to a good stopping point. I'm sure the kidnappers would understand.
That’s for getting you pumped up to fight when you don’t want to and would rather just kind of wander off. The situation described, you’re fully engaged without hesitation or choice.
Out of all the great suggestions ITT, I think I like this one the best. But I would be the kidnapped wife in this situation, so I don't get to pick the music.
If my phone's in Bluetooth range, music is going to automatically start playing at high volume in about 10s anyway, because that's always how I last existed the car.
Coincidentally my wife hates it because when she gets in the car to leave, it still gets connection to my phone in the house and starts blaring hard rock, psychedelic rock, journey trance, or syntheave.
There's a lot and all over the place. Hard, simple, cosmic, journey...
I love our Australian stuff. There's early Tame Impala (first two albums), lots of the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is psych rock (soooo many albums), and probably my fave is High Visceral Pt. 1 by the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. The song Denmark / Van Gogh & Gone is a great headphones track.
No. If I'm going somewhere to save someone, I don't want my presence to be openly announced to everyone by having my music blaring, especially not some kidnappers. I'd want to be as quiet as possible, whether that's on the way there or while dealing with kidnappers. I'm not smart enough to know what I shouldn't end up saying and who knows if the info I blab about could be used against me in some way, so shutting up would be the best solution.
Nope I'd be too busy getting into The Transporter mindset to fiddle with the radio. I may be an audiophile, but I'm a driver first and foremost and I have my priorities. Seconds count in a scenario such as this one.
And then drive the car into the building, if possible jumping out earlier. Enter with knife. If they kidnappers have any logic in them, they are gonna book it because sure as hell whoever came is not normal.
And it gives me alibi of being in a state of irrational panic or something. Nobody will question such statement from someone who drove car into the building. :3
i think that might just classify you as clinically insane. You gotta be careful with what you say if you want a crafted image smh.
"yes officer i disemboweled 13 people in a fit of rage and then ate three human hearts but my wife was kidnapped what else was i supposed to do!" smiles cutely like an anime girl
She's been kidnapped by a wizard holding her is a temporal bubble that is perpetually 30 minutes away from you, regardless of your position or velocity. If you move incredibly slowly you can actually see her.
When I was in college I had a Playlist that Pavloved me into a state of calm, focus and short term memory retention. I played it before every exam and it helped a lot. I would play that Playlist.
Wait, is this too "boomer humor" in the line of "wife bad, hurr hurrr"? I need better material.
In reality, no, I wouldn't be listening to music. I'd be on the phone with every person I know who hunts, asking if I can borrow a rifle for a late night hunting trip, right the fuck now. Bonus points if they're a good enough friend that you can ask them to help you bury the bodies, then just invite him along for fun and entertainment.
If my car started playing music automatically I think I'd keep it on. But seems like poor form to waste time actually putting music on. I assume every second counts
I just visualized myself driving mad focused, mentalizing myself for the encounter, in silence with “In The Air Tonight” sounding in my head building up tension, ala Miami Vice scene…
No music, I'm fucking forcing as much gasoline and/or electrons into the motor as the pedal will permit, while planning how to park a little bit away and sneak onto the property quietly.
Let's see who's got the better strategy, because questions will be answered.
Yes, because my imported car tunes to a foreign radio station that doesn’t exist when you first turn it on, the “source” button cycles through all 27 of the pre-programmed foreign radio stations then moves onto digital radio then CD and then Bluetooth, but picks my wife’s phone first, and needs to fai before allowing you to move onto the next phone.
Honestly, I just drive in silence most of the time.
Nope. But I never have the radio on anyway because I can't stand the noise. Instead, I would be planning on just how I was going to kill each bad guy in the most torturous ways.
During one of the big wildfires I was trying to get from work to home through and wait to see if we need to evac I played Rivers in the Desert from persona 5 soundtrack the whole drive on loop.