Dear : Please stop saving images as webp when I drag them out of the browser. Forever stop that. Even if they are webp originally, just give me a setting to auto-convert them to JPEG. When I
Dear @firefox : Please stop saving images as webp when I drag them out of the browser. Forever stop that. Even if they are webp originally, just give me a setting to auto-convert them to JPEG. When I get a webp file the first thing I have to do is convert it manually if I'm going to do *anything* with it.
Mastodon's UI for groups is terrible. This community is indistinguishable from an account named "@Firefox" with thousands of followers unless you open its page and notice it says "Group" and understand what that means.
When I save an image, I want the exact same binary 1:1, not a recompressed one or whatever, I want the original picture, be it jpeg/png/webp, every graphics program can open webp, nothing wrong with it.
At least if you hate webp, convert them to png, but not jpeg...
Not really. It is better than shitty JPEG encoders but not really much better than good ones. It's lossless was fairly good but still barely worth it. Really we should chuck it for JPEG XL but Google is strong-arming it for unknown reasons.
Windows supports WebP. Software that uses Windows APIs to read image files has no problem reading those even if it's from before 2020. I forgot which application it was but in one case changing the file extension was enough for me.
Some CDNs like Akamai and Cloudflare have options to optimize images. We use the Akamai one where I work. It means our creative teams, customers, etc. donât need to worry too much about whether an image is properly optimized when they upload it. Akamai will, behind the scenes optimize the quality, color palette, and image type (jpg, web, png, etc) and create a number of different versions of the images. Then when a client requests the image Akamai looks at the client device (mobile vs desktop, screen resolution, browser version, etc) and serves the copy of the image thatâs best optimized for that device.
So even if the URL ends with .jpg you might be sent a .webp. If you use the browsers developer tool to inspect the response headers youâll likely see the Content-Type header says itâs .webp as well.
Facebook Messenger on android. I hate messenger but that's where my Luddite family hangs out. Often have to convert the webp meme I downloaded from lemmy first.
Why? PNG is good enough today, so everything moving to jxl isn't particularly urgent for me. AVIF is probably a better option in terms of platform support vs jxl.
But yeah, when it's ubiquitous, it'll be cool I guess.
PNG is good only because it's widely supported. It only has 8bit per channel, no support for arbitrary channels, has subpar reading and writing performance. For lossless purposes I suggest TIFF, for packing data OpenEXR is best and JPEG-XL is very promising but has limited support right now
I might have to try that. I've been using Save webP as, though I'm not sure it's exactly what OP is asking. I like that it also does animated webp conversion.
fortunately, since you use Firefox, there are a handful of extensions available just for this problem already. Maybe not for the drag n drop, though...
funny thing is, for some reason, it just... never came to me to just drag images from the browser and save them like that đ , but surely sounds a logical and convenient thing to do, so I can see your frustration
I prefer PNG because of losless-nes (is that right?). If it's jpeg, or webp originally, i don't mind getting the image in that format. But converting/recompression is bad.
After turning the word into a noun though, you'll need to know how to turn it back into an adjective. We use "-less" to turn the noun into an adjective.
I prefer PNG because it losslessnesslessly compresses raster images.
I prefer PNG because it uses a losslessnessless algorithm.
Webpee is more Google shit being forced down our throats. They absolutely will eventually phase out all other graphic formats on Chrome. These giant tech companies are breaking the Web and this is just another example of them throwing their weight around.
@MisterMoo@firefox Echoing this!!! Stop it with webp entirely!!! NONE of the applications I use accept webp as input where images need to be uploaded! Not even Discord!
@MisterMoo@firefox I use the extension "Don't accept image/webp" don't know if that would help for your use case. but it does do it for the right click/saveas
I want youtube downloads to stop being in webm. I set my gui app that downloads to prefer mp4 even if it's lower quality. I will do the same with my command line tools when I get around to it or get frustrated enough that they aren't supported by QuickLook on my Mac.
I was looking for a fix that didn't involve yet another extension, but only found how to block webp entirely which would just result in broken image links. Sadly i also found that this is a security vulnerability, likely deliberate for data harvesting, and has been a problem for FOUR YEARS. It's only the incidence that is picking up now.
I'm a Linux user and didn't even notice, let alone care, when I downloaded images as webp because it works just fine with all my other software (Dolphin, Gwenview, GIMP, etc.). There is no problem with webp; who gives a shit?
@grue You don't need to identify yourself as a Linux user. The insulting remark at the top of your post and the tone of the rest of it makes it clear.
Ever been forced by your workplace to use a piece of software you'd prefer not to? For example, ever tried to share a webp image on MS Teams? You can't; you have to convert it first. Lots of household-name software rejects the format.
Hopefully the Firefox team needs to care about more than the needs of condescending Linux users.
You using shitty software is not something somebody else would or should feel inclined to solve. Suggesting that everybody should suffer from not receiving the content they request from the webserver, but instead an arbitrary lossy compressed and therefore different picture for your individual comfort is just a self-centred, ignorant and narcissistic request. So go away and use edge, and then complain to Microsoft (whom you pay in contrast to mozilla+community!), that their shitware doesn't work.