It's all fun and games until the cat gets fed up and this turns into an "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me" scenario. Especially with bare legs.
Learn for all! Wait until its summer and super hot. Cats, like us, dont like being super hot. Then casually bring the cat into the bathroom with the door remaining open (so it can leave it it wants). Now start petting the cat. Cats like pets. After 5 pets, wet a rag with cool freshing temp water. Pet the cat gently with the wet rag once in a while once petting. The distraction of the pets, plus the cooling effect of the water create a positive response. Ive done this with two cats and both ended up loving the shower so much theyd jump in with you if you didnt shut the door. Classical conditioning is op.
I’ve found it’s the sound of water that freaks them out. Poor baby is just nervous. Next time fill a bathtub partially with warmish water, don’t let the cat near while it’s running. Once it’s off bring in dirty kitty and let them stand in the water, then gently pour the water over them with a cup or something. My cats all love this, only had to do it once to my void when she got covered in shit as a kitten. But my tuxedo needs them once every few months because he gets crazy stinky and isn’t the best groomer.
Can someone explain to me what makes people need to publicly express their sexual urges? Like, what do you get from this comment? It's not like it's going to get you laid. The only effect it has is making people who have no interest in knowing about your turgidity know about your turgidity.
I don't think I've ever said something like this as a thinly veiled form of screaming "I AM HORNY, SOMEONE DO ME". If that's what I'm feeling and want someone to know, I might go with something like "dude I need a wingman tonight" which essentially reveals the same information.
I make sex related jokes, engage in wordplay, and puns, because it's funny.
And yes, you can include that stuff in the process of courtship, but if sex is the goal, sooner or later you're gonna have to make your intentions clear and ask. But no part of sex-humor requires the people making the joke or laughing at it, be horny.
Beyond that... People just like telling other people how they feel? We broadcast literally every emotion we experience, how repressed do you have to be to consider doing the same with arousal to be in bad taste?
Can someone explain to me what makes people need to publicly express their sexual urges?
Sure! 😀
They're not expressing their sexual urges, rather making light humour around something we all do (sex) and the common ground we all have with it. Like how we all poop, so comments about common experiences or preferences for pooping are a common ground for everyone, regardless of differences
Like, what do you get from this comment? It's not like it's going to get you laid.
Wh-...what? This just got weird...
The only effect it has is making people who have no interest in knowing about your turgidity know about your turgidity.
Why is your brain going here?
And "turgidity"? Are you like me and was raised in a super oppressive religious environment, taught to lash out in angst at any common discourse of sexual nature? Shaming anyone for who they are because it doesn't align with your ideals of how you want everyone to be?
Give me a stone, I'll cast the opener. Let's get this fucking weirdo! How DARE they be that way!!!
yep, it was a pun
in this case: pussy = cat or vagina, and wet = water or sexually aroused
so, the bawdy humor here is, "wet pussy" referring to both a literally wet cat, and op's preference to see a sexually aroused vagina.
Don’t be so uptight. Learn to find humor in the world. Everyone is such a fucking cry baby about everything nowadays. I didn’t type that out in any way to think I’m gonna get laid from a random picture on the internet.
sometimes you really do need to wash a cat... for medical reasons or it's covered in crude oil or something...
otherwise this is just animal torture and that person is going to get doxxed...
also not funny
(see also the documentary: "Don't Fuck with Cats")
(no, that's really the name and it started with torturing a cat in the shower)