Jesus Christ, that fat fuck is trying to fuck the entire future of our country over just to stay out of prison. I can’t wait for him to die and I hope it’s really painful.
She is so disgusting to look at.
She looks like that troglodyte they just recreated from that skull more and more every day…
Execute him already!!!
Oh I know. I also am surrounded by racist pigs in family and ex cop coworkers. They’re all cunts. Fuck most cops.
Pigs. No thanks.
Cops love to beat up people protesting genocide but they won’t run into a classroom of kids being murdered because they’re too afraid.
After a googolplex of zeros
In a hole preferably
I’m sure Trump doesn’t pay anyways. He’ll use the money donated to him by Cleatus the slack jawed yokel.
0.000000000% unfortunately