Buried deep within the pages of Project 2025's plan is a massive kill order, according to HuffPost.
A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40 prisoners on death row. The section’s author, attorney Gene Hamilton, advised that Trump “do everything possible to obtain finality” on the current list of people until Congress forces them to stop. Hamilton is the vice president of America Legal First, a group of former Trump lawyers bent on attacking “woke” companies, headed by Stephen Miller. Trump’s approach to the death penalty stands in stark contrast to that of President Joe Biden, who has openly opposed the death penalty, but done little to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.
For those of you not in the know Project 2025 is Republicans plan to turn the USA into an authoritarian state.
There's a series of detective novels I've been reading for years. Bernie Gunther is a WW1 veteran who joined the Berlin police force in the 1920s, and left when his Jewish boss was fired by the Nazis. Author is Philip Kerr.
In one of the novels, Bernie runs into an old cop pal and they have a drink. The cop tells Bernie that there were about 30 executions in all of Germany the year before the Nazis took over, and there have already been over 200 this year. The cop wonders how far it's going to go?
Yes. Each book is a stand alone, but they do go in 'historical' order.
Slightly off topic. Max Allan Collins Nate Heller books are 'hard boiled historicals.' The latest "Too Many Bullets' covers the Bobby Kennedy assassination.
Look, can we just collectively agree -- all of us who are left of center -- to work together and set our differences aside until after this election? Now really isn't the time for us to be divided. We need to first curb stomp the fascists, so we don't all get killed
I don't disagree...but the party-line Democrats have been telling progressives exactly that since the Clinton administration.
Again, to be clear: I'm happily voting Biden this November, but the Democratic party has become very good at doing just enough to keep their core loyal while also doing nowhere near enough to keep the country out of constant existential peril, effectively cultivating that crisis as a (pardon the pun) trump card that they then use to tell progressives "what you want is less important than the current crisis! Just go along with us in this election and we pinky swear to do more for your causes!".
They know if they move left they'll be displaced by a combination of progressive candidates and centrists, so they have basically adopted the strategy of keeping the right just dangerous enough to be credible while keeping their left flank secured with a drip feed of snail's pace "progress".
I can't really disagree with you. The issue is we have reached the actual point where the current crisis dwarfs all others. Maybe I was just younger then, but it didn't feel like we had such existential threats in the Bush and Obama years. I remember people said that Romney winning would be the apocalypse, but it's laughable to say that would've been the case in hindsight.
I think what we can take heart in is that we've been seeing a gradual increase in progressiveness in the party. And not just a small constant increase, but a significantly growing one. There are a nontrivial number of Congressional members who are incredibly progressive, and they've shifted the mood of the party notably leftward. The Inflation Reduction Act was a historic level of climate spending, to the point that Europe felt pressured to pass similar legislation. And the IRA actually closed the corporate tax loophole too -- large corporations raking in billions in profits now have to pay a minimum 15%, even if they could previously loophole their way to $0.
I wish things were faster. Gaza in particular has highlighted to me just how frustrating it is for things to only improve at a snail's pace. And specifically with Gaza, I don't think the progress is actually amounting to material changes.
We are seeing material changes in other areas though. Healthcare could be a hell of a lot better, but as someone who relied on Obamacare for a few years, things have actually improved for people. The important thing is that we don't lose heart, and that we keep pushing for better. The US has a rich history of leftists persevering to accomplish women's suffrage, civil rights, labor rights, and gay rights and equality. As long as we press forward, just like they did, we'll be successful. The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice and good.
If we could just bury the fascists for good, we could start to make serious progress.
They want blood. No matter the route. If I can ask anything of my fellow liberals is that you arm yourselfs. I'm not saying we take to the streets with weapons. I'm saying we should all be prepared for the absolute insanity that may ensue if he actually wins
When the nazis came to power, they forcibly took away the guns of their victims. They'd send a squad of SS to your house, surround it, and force you to give up the gun. If you didn't, they'd kill you, if you did, they still got you in the end.
Some of their victims hid, refused to give up their arms, and fought back. They didn't survive.
If guns were the answer to dealing with fascism and authoritarianism, germany never would have had the holocaust.
The first thing the nazis did, was purge the bureaucracy. Taking away guns was no concern, at all.
Privately owned guns played no significant role in the nazis' rise to or hold on power. Anything else is simply marketing by american gun sellers.
Some of their victims hid, refused to give up their arms, and fought back. They didn’t survive.
About 10-15,000 jewish germans survived the holocaust by going underground in Germany. They were colloquially called U-Boote or Illegale. Of course, that has nothing to do with guns. Guns were, after all, handed out to any able-bodied male.
If guns were the answer to dealing with fascism and authoritarianism, germany never would have had the holocaust.
That is only partly true. Germans are only a small fraction of holocaust victims (<5%). The victims overwhelmingly came from eastern Europe, particularly Poland and the Soviet Union. The holocaust happened in the wake of the advancing Wehrmacht. A more far-sighted response to german war preparations would have made a difference. A lesson one must bear in mind in today's world.
Yeah, it's a fucking joke to assume that guns are a hedge against fascism. They'll take your guns or shoot you. Maybe there's some protection in being an organised group in the moment, but if they want to get you they'll get you.
Part of the reason the Nazis didnt face too much resistance is because a possible major for of resistance got purged before their rise. The Spartacists got purged pretty thoroughly by the Freikorps who also used it as an excuse to purge other similar groups.
Also guns would be one of many different tools in such a resistance scenario, alongside things like car bombs and just stabbing people. Its just convenient to have a long range weapon that requires little training, mind you stealing a gun or manufacturing one would also be viable i guess.
There will be insanity if he's allowed to run at all.
There should be no way for people to participate in a democracy they have attempted to overthrow, and these fuckers are absolutely going to try again. It will be a shitshow. I hope the US justice system comes through, but it will be a very dangerous time for America if Trump and his cronies are not prosecuted for their crimes before the next election.
Even if Trump gets prosecuted for 1/6 before the election, there is ZERO chance it's completed before the election. There will be appeals carrying it on for YEARS.
That being said too, there's nothing in the charges that would disqualify him on conviction. There SHOULD BE, but there isn't.
Ideally I'd like to see Congress get their shit together and get a Constitutional amendment that says "Convicted felons are inelligible".
That would solve the problem right there. Convict him in the Stormy Daniels case, problem solved.
we should all be prepared for the absolute insanity that may ensue if he actually wins
We should also all be prepared for the absolute insanity that will ensue if he loses. I fear we will have a more violent insurrection this time around and maybe even local violence in some areas.
Nah, without control of the levers of government they're just terrorists. Don't forget that the government was well warned about Jan 6, and Trump's team actively suppressed preparation and response. It's not going to be the same if Biden is in office.
There will be no local violence. His supporters are riding rascals through Walmart, the few that could participate will turn and run when shit gets real, just like 1/6
I mean that's a pretty stupid thing to say considering everyone knows you'll get your comment removed and probably also your account banned for explaining what should actually be done, what should actually be being done, right now. Maybe eventually everyone will get mad enough that mods will stop standing in the way of what needs to happen, but by then they'll have pulled the plug on the internet anyway..
A highly public series of rapid-fire executions gives Trump some very immediate media "wins".
And when you review the list of death row inmates its easy to see how conservatives can twist any objection to execution as endorsement of police slayings, carjackings, kidnappings, and child murder.
Right-wing news will have a field day announcing "Daniel Troya, the man who murdered an entire family in cold blood JUST GOT HIS DAY OF JUSTICE!" with swooping infographics and blaring trumpets. Drag on some Project Veritas stooge with B-roll footage of a crying pink haired college kid and topping it off with "WOKE LIBERALS ARE SO OWNED!" and you'll have a fascist feeding frenzy.
I’m saying we should all be prepared for the absolute insanity that may ensue if he actually wins
This is actually the incarnation of “Defending the Free State” IMO. To be clear, the right to bear arms does not mean you get to attack and overthrow the government, but to defend yourself (along with other states) against any state trying to impose tyranny. The federalist papers posited this (no they’re not law, and they certainly have other issues) and IMO it makes sense, even if it is a view shaped in a time that no longer exists.
Late edit: you don’t get to attack and overthrow the government because you find some policy inconvenient or irritating personally. Tyranny I think is pretty specific, and has nothing to do with government trying to push things like saving life on earth, incentivizing electric vehicles, someone asking for a different name than their birth gender, or trying to protect kids and everyone else from random or other actors with firearms intent on mass death.
You frame it as a contradiction, but this is very nakedly the nature of a patriarchal theocracy.
There's no real conflict between the view of a dictatorial Israeli King as someone who treats woman as chattel and endorses state execution of prisoners. This is all over the old testament and common enough in the New Testament Letters from Paul not to be remarkable.
Very cool and consistent, a serious political party here.
They're deadly serious. It's the 1980s all over again, folks.
I grew up JW, and all the scriptures used to fight against abortion are in the first half of the Bible, before Jesus is involved. To quote a certain former Trump staffer...
Dozens? Surely a lot more than that. He was pretty enthused when it seemed like his political opponents were going to die, last time around; he's just too timid and thick to be able to make it happen through his own volition. In a next time around I think a lot of the guard rails that stopped it from happening would be removed.
Let’s be real, they START by executing prisoners
Pretty soon anything but their political party & their religion is made illegal so anyone daring to say otherwise gets arrested / imprisoned / executed.
The first thing Nazis did was make other political parties illegal. That and they came for trans people
Let’s be real, they START by executing prisoners Pretty soon anything but their political party & their religion is made illegal so anyone daring to say otherwise gets arrested / imprisoned / executed.
I mean they openly spoke about this on CPAC. Project 2025 sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's not a theory, it's right out there in the open.
This is why it's especially irritating when the bothsiderists go on with the #BidenSoOld stuff, or the tankies go on with the #GenocideJoe thing, or the handwringing over whether journalists should side with democracy and so on.
This stuff is right out in the open. Do bothsiderists, tankies or journalists think they'll be safe under this kind of thing?
Oh, did SCOTUS rule that presidents cannot do whatever they want? Did one of the lower courts hold him accountable for committing insurrection or election fraud?
Last time he had a bunch of "normal" (old style) republicans in his cabinet, and they stopped him from doing a lot of what he wanted to do. And of course the career civil servants in all the government agencies followed the law and that stymied a lot of his and his minions' schemes--which they learned from. Now they know where the roadblocks to dictatorship are and have had 4 years to come up with plans like project 2025 and others.
Next time, no one will even try to stop him. Everyone in the cabinet and appointed post will be loyal lackeys who will do whatever trump says. Career civil servants who don't follow illegal or crazy orders will be fired and replaced with those who will. Even the Supreme Court now has the 3 extreme conservatives he appointed along with many many federal/district court judges who were drawn from a list compiled by the same people who authored the project 2025 plans.
The next time ain't gonna be like last time, folks.
He did election fraud and an insurrection last time that he still hasn't been jailed for, why wouldn't he escalate? Nine people are currently sitting around deciding if maybe a president should be legally permitted to execute their political opponents. Six of them are corrupt shitheads and three of them were appointed by an insurrectionist.
Trump’s approach to the death penalty stands in stark contrast to that of President Joe Biden, who has openly opposed the death penalty, but done little to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.
So, it's saying his words stand in contrast. His actions, on the other hand, seem to say very little.
...you realize that still doesn't speak well to the Democrats ability to organize and pass legislation? The republicans are the threat that they are because Democrats leave this shit on the table. It's like abortion; there have been several occasions in 21st century where the Democrats had the legislature and the presidency, yet it still comes down to 9 unelected elders. They even had a month's forewarning of the Dobbs decision, yet no legislative fix! They didn't even try!
Some people have absolutely nothing better to do with their time. Just point and laugh, they'll take the hint eventually when they don't get the reaction they want.
Considering it's a brand new account made today, I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone who already got banned and is trying to evade it.