I had the same thought. Like, I think Aurora is one of the most expensive ways to do this in AWS. But, since this particular set of data is so well-defined, and unlikely to change, roll your own is maybe not crazy. The transactions per second and size don't seem that huge to me, so as things grow I imagine they can revisit this.
But, since this particular set of data is so well-defined, and unlikely to change, roll your own is maybe not crazy.
I think that's the trick here. A relational database lets you do a whole bunch of complex operations on all sorts of data. That flexibility doesn't come for free - financially nor performance-wise!
engineering chops
a firm idea of the type of data
a firm idea of the possible operations you may want to do with that data
then there's a whole range of different approaches to take. The "just use Postgresql" guideline makes sense for most CRUD web systems out there. And there are architecture astronauts who will push stuff because they can, not because they should.
Every now and then it's nice to think about what exactly is needed and be able to build that. That's engineering after all!
They never would have been able to get the same performance from any solution that incorporates a general purpose database.
Their requirements/explicitly-not-required-ments include that it's fine to drop 1s of data. That would be an insane proposition for any other database. Also their read/write rates and latency requirements are unusual to say the least.
It's the same thing as tiger beetle. Ridiculously narrow domains allow for ridiculous performance improvements compared to of-the-shelf solutions.
I'm really excited to see what forks of tiger Beatle for other domains look like. They, supposedly, built it to be able to modify the state machine to other data schemes, but that code mostly just made realize I had no idea what I was looking at.
As soon as someone makes a KV on it, I'm tried to have be my ETCD database
It seems like features would be mainly additional key/values like temperature, humidity, etc. This wouldn't really change the underlying infrastructure greatly but still give good enhancements to certain customers.
They're just storing doubles in their own format too.
I'm not sure if they even need any spatial lookups on the data, they didn't mention anything about that in the article. Maybe they do that in-memory?