The idea came from a British guy called Robert Owen in the 19th century. It was a huge step forward in workers rights seeing as it was fairly normal for factories to work from sunrise to sunset to try and maximise their output.
Typical working hours were 10-18 hrs a day 6 to 7 days a week
I'm not saying I love working 8hrs a day and modern society can definitely do better but this was a positive step forward in history and should be celebrated... celebrated isn't quite the right word but I hope you get what I mean
It is more made to debunk the idea that capitalism has given humanity more leisure time. But relevant here too because makes the case that historically people worked even less than the 'typical' week we have today.
It makes me wonder if the reason we mostly feel like working 40+ hours is too much is because people really don't seem to have worked that much until the industrial age.
I really liked that video. I'm always cautious of stuff like this, which can easily become a fallacious appeal to history, but I think this video effectively avoids that territory. Like, it's useful to consider how things used to be different and how things became this way, without presenting the former as a solution for the latter.
150 years ago some guy made advances in workers rights, and the best way we can honor him and that accomplishment is by never making another advance in workers rights! /s
I know that isn't your point, and I agree we shouldn't demonize him without bothering to know the context, but I couldn't help thinking this as a response.
Whoever invented the eight hour five day work week is Satan.
Unions. Unions won the five day eight hour workweek after heavy, sometimes bloody conflicts with employers. Before that it was common for workweek to be 10 or 12 hours a day.
Too many people are ignorant of the role Unions played in American history. I assume they were brought up in places where the GOP controls the schools.
The bad news is their power has been systematically eroded for a long time. The good news is they've made a bit of a comeback in the last couple of years. Hopefully this trend continues.
While I agree, the amount of productivity that's increased since the 5 day work week was established has made it reasonable to once again change the norm. That, or pay workers equivalent to the increase in productivity that has happened. It's all going somewhere.
Admittedly, they were completely at the mercy of disease, herd migration, had no plumbing, buried astounding numbers of their children, were not the apex predator, didn't have mattresses and when injuries happened they often healed poorly and painfully.
Labor unions are the Satan to which you are referring. Labor unions brought you many infernal things: the weekend, lunch breaks, paid vacation, social security, minimum wage, FMLA, 8-hour work days, OSHA, sick leave, child labor laws, etc.
You are very right, it's just that saying "whoever invented the thing that's better than what was before is Satan" is kinda unfair to be people who fought for the 8/8/8 system. The focus should be onto whom hinder or even regress progress
Indians currently work an average of 47.7 hours a week — higher than the U.S. (36.4), the UK (35.9), and Germany (34.4), according to the International Labour Organization.
Infosys founder Narayana Murthy recently sparked a controversy on social media when he said young people should be working 70 hours a week to boost India’s economy.
Perhaps it's common for the workweek to be that long in the informal economy, but the official data at least doesn't reflect that.
I had to removed slap my ostensible boss with this when I first started my current job. He tried to tell me that he thought it would really be "best" if I showed up approximately 30 minutes before my scheduled start time. I responded him flat out that if he wanted me there half an hour earlier, he should schedule me to be there half an hour earlier. Alternatively, you could try biting my feathered ass. I know which one is bound to get you better results.
I clock in when I get here, I get paid for the time I'm here. This ain't no charity.
I am now VP of the company. Make of that what you will.
Yeah, I try to be grateful for the progress we have made, given that labor used to be even more exploitative than it is now. Still, we have miles to go.
A video about the historical work-day one of my favorite YouTubers (Historia Civilis) released a few months ago, I think everyone should watch it:
His videos about Roman-era politics & important battles are also great :)
Backwards. Satan was a bro and tried to tell god to take a chill pill when he was being a fuckwad but God was "like no U, go to hell" and he did and now we bow to the corporate overlords as God intended.
“Lest we forget the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom."
We shouldn't have to work so many hours but until labor right improve and companies hire 20% more people to cover the lost 8 hours for everyone that isn't white collar, then we're going to need another baby boom in most societies where population is declining instead.
World understanding that the stock market is basically a magic money generation machine for the rich while only funding a measly retirement for the working class since they don't pay us enough to save for our own retirement without magically quadrupling what we put in via compound interest. Have fun trying to reconcile static based GDP with retirement via stocks until we figure out Fusion and make a Dyson sphere.