Late-night host gives justice, under fire over undisclosed donations, 30 days to accept offer, which includes a tour bus
Oliver made the proposal on Sunday’s episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, saying the supreme court justice had 30 days to accept or it would expire.
The British-born comedian’s offer came after a steady drumbeat of media investigations in the previous several months established that Thomas failed to disclose that political benefactors bought him lavish vacation travel and real estate for his mother. Thomas also failed to disclose – as required – that he allowed school fees for a family member to be paid off and had been provided a loan to buy a luxury motor coach, all after openly complaining about the need to raise supreme court justices’ salaries.
As a result, Thomas’s impartiality came into question after he sided with the contentious ruling that eliminated the federal abortion rights once provided by the Roe v Wade case.
He also recently listened to arguments over whether Donald Trump can be removed from states’ ballots in the presidential election after the former president’s supporters – whom he told to “fight like hell” – staged the January 6 attack at the US Capitol in Washington DC. Thomas resisted pressure to recuse himself from such matters, even though his wife, Ginni Thomas, is a conservative political activist who has endorsed false claims from Trump and his supporters that the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden was stolen from him.
We're stuck with him till 2034 at least, he had this to say following his confirmation:
"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk renmembered Thomas who was 43 years old when confirmed saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."
I dunno. Oliver has guaranteed him a cool $1mil per year, until either Thomas or John dies (out of his own pocket no less!!), AND thrown in a brand new, top of the line Prevost Marathon motor coach.
Which he will turn down. If you watch the episode you'll see all the perks he enjoys from being who he is. Which of course he'd stop being invited to, if he retired from the position.
Third option: he turns it down because he likes STIGGINIT too much.
What's funny is, NPR did an interview with a guy who wrote a book on Thomas, and one of the things he points out is how much Thomas hates affirmative action because of a deep-seated insecurity about his own accomplishments.
Which becomes the ultimate irony: the only reason Thomas is on SCOTUS is because Republicans wanted a black man to replace Thurgood Marshall, but without all the pesky "morals" and "ethics." In other words, he obtained the pinnacle of his career... Because of his skin color.
Even if he decided it was a good deal, if he cares about the legacy of his past decisions at least seeming legitimate, he has to turn it down. We all know he’s for sale, but he loses deniability if he straight up sells out.
Don't even need to sell yourself to foreign actors. There's plenty of cash floating around the Microsofts, Eli Lillys, Berkshire Hathaways, Proctor & Gambles, et al.
You can take all the "lobbying" you want and remain a Faithful Patriotic Americantm
That was my point. Turning it down either means he just loves judging so much that he's willing to do it until he dies or he has a financial incentive worth more than a million dollars a year.
I’d agree but. Stewart had a much harder job multiple days of the week imo. Oliver gets a week to really write gold. So Stewart still goated imo. Or his writing team was lol
Fuck YouTube. Who cares? That platform needs to go. Hopefully more people do this.
EDIT: I wonder how many of the people giving me all these the pointless down arrows are the same ones that complain every time a news article shows how shitty YouTube is to its patrons.
That is fine too. Better be more expensive for them.
However, I'm rather inclined to suspect that they have enough "blackmail" over the course of his life's proclivity (including some before he even became a judge) hence money is probably not going to sway him that much.
Yeah cash is great but power is its own thing and attracts money all by itself. Why sell a guaranteed legacy, a guaranteed mention in history books for a couple mil?
He doesn't need paychecks from a comedian, he can get all the paychecks he wants. Quietly, from men in expensive clothes at nice resorts on vacations he's not paying for. Followed by a wink and a nudge.
The money probably isn't most of it. Thomas likes the power. He could make more in Congress through insider trading and bribes and then retire. Fucko likes putting his dick on the scale of history to hurt the kind of people he's used to be: poor.
I don't think he'll take it, not because he doesn't want to, but he's acutely aware that public confidence in the judicial system right now is at the lowest it has ever been. Accepting this deal would do even further damage to the image of the court's impartiality and his own legacy. It would send a message to the nation that the US Supreme Court seats can be bought and have a price, even if they are technically not allowed to accept bribes or gifts for favorable rulings.
Yeah. He'd just fight the suit in court for years. And then when ordered to repay her could and have lived off they interest if they didn't somehow seize it into escrow.
Heres an idea. We give trump and others like elon literally all the money in the world, every single cent.
The economy would collapse in an instant and we can take of our own neighborhoods and communities without needing a money insensitive while the rich can drown in their valueless wealth.
This is very interesting. With all the crowd funding methods, would it be theoretically possible to put something like this together? Granted, the person has to accept, but imagine being able to pay a politician to just disappear.
If it were to actually happen, it'll just open up a trend of people joining politics and being major asswipes with the sole intention that people buy them out
I didn't realize the show was back. Outstanding work. The Trump-packed courts are the reason I don't think the USA can be fixed during my lifetime and will only get worse.
Contracts can do pretty much anything legal. This is offering money to not work and penalties for this round be repayment. So there isn't a lot of risk involved at long as someone doesn't try to screw to receiver through bad contractual language.