Who gave the US the power to reject negotiation proposals between Ukraine and Russia? I thought Ukraine is an independent and sovereign country defending itself from an invading force. Who's the US to say what Ukraine can and can't meet to discuss?
Indeed they did, as they always do. I just can't stand burger crackers insisting that Ukraine is a sovereign nation, while at the same time their trusted media and government openly admit that the shots are being called from Washington and not Kiev.
It is a great investment for NATO. At the cost of spare inventory of 2nd tier weapons (which need to be replaced soon), they can broom fuck Russia from a safe distance..... And Ukraine is begging for this it's only polite to help out.
Why is Putin still trying to negotiate with the empire of lies? The breaking of the Minsk agreements, as well as the fact that the Nazi Arming and Training Organization expanded east despite agreements not to, should have been more than enough proof that the western snakes will always stab you in the back.
The only way this war ends is with the dismantling of the Maidan regime and the demilitarization of Ukraine.
Putin has been calling for negotiations since he took power 20 years ago. He's been appeasing the West and their insistence on marching the world's first transnational nuclear military to Russia's borders while asking for negotiations the entire time. In 2014 he ordered the invasion of Crimea in response to USA-backed militias violently taking over Ukraine by storming the capital and forcing the president to flee under threat of death and he was still talking about international agreements and negotiations. Negotiations have always been on the table.
There's no negotiation needed. Russia moving out of Ukraine and paying for all damage until everything is pre crimea. If that is all done, rebuild and paid for, then, they can negotiate for less punishment on top. That's the kind of negotiation you start because both sides have something to gain and not one to keep his unjustified war territory.
Even if there is no punishment on top, if Putin ends up losing all he gained, heads will roll including Putin's. If he can gain any amount of land in a negotiation and end the war, he can go back to his people and say that it was all worth it and many of them will buy it.
See, there's this slow motion guillotine hanging over Putin right now, and for each month of successive losses, it'll slowly be lowered until it reaches his neck.
Then, after a new favourite of the oligarchy and the generals have rubbed a few backs and made a few promises, said favourite will come up from behind and place his foot on the blade to force it through Putin's neck.
Dude, the war has been over for over a year, Ukraine lost, they were never going to win, it was just the west trying to use their dead bodies to damage russia.
Russia have lost nearly 400,000 people so far. They've crippled their economy and industry, not to mention scuppered any progress they made since the 90s. Ruined their growth in international standing and currently bending over for China and getting reamed on tech for the war by Iran. They have lost countless flagship military installments and their hold over the black sea.
In the nearly 10 years since their initial invasion they have captured no more than 20% of Ukraine most of which was captured in 2014s Crimean annexation.
When can we expect the United States out of the dozens of countries they've illegally invaded and neocolonized, then? Can I expect you to sit there and be quiet if another world power decided they wanted to arm and train Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso to start driving the settler military and its eagerly-tapdancing puppets out of the Motherland the same way you sit on your hands for Ukraine?
Or is this just about maintaining hegemon over the vassals and encircling, then unlimitedly genociding an entity that hasn't even been Soviet for 40 years?
All part of the attempt to sway the next election. Gives Cucker Tarlson an interview where he (Putin) proceeds to paint all of his actions as a poor humble Russian leader just trying to protect his own people from the big bad Ukranians. Then follows it up with an offer to negotiate peace, which shockingly the evil dictator Biden refuses to do. If only we had someone like the Cheeto Benito who's interested in peace leading the US, everything would be so much better for everyone! Queue troll farm spamming Twitter
Next time you wanna reverse the flow of your internal plumbing and spew fecal matter all over your keyboard, do it on an account that isn't a two-week-old keyboard smash. Maybe get some more posts in your history. One could see what this one is from orbit.
Not a single paragraph about the actual demands of Russia. Which they have stated often enough. Basically they don't want NATO right on their doorstep. This is what this whole war was about. But somehow this is never seriously discussed in western media.
If this war was about having NATO on their doorstep, why is it an invasion of a non-NATO country twenty years after the first neighbours of Russia joined NATO? It's never seriously discussed because it's either a lie or unfathomably stupid, and whichever of those two it is doesn't much matter.
Just for a second, imagine you're a neutral country in eastern Europe. Russia has been fucking with Georgia and Moldova since the fall of the Soviet Union, and now it invades Ukraine for the second time within a decade. Russia has never touched a NATO country despite bordering several of them for literally decades. And then Russia acts all shocked when you say you want into NATO
Because Europe never invaded Russia through the border at Belarus. They always invade Russia through Ukraine. First Napoleon, then the Third Reich.
Russia was appeasing the fascist West as they expanded their multinational nuclear military without democratic accountability into territories populated with leave-behind armies of fascists that they created. Ukraine was the obvious redline because it is the dominant strategic border, as demonstrated by all European and Russian military strategists in history.
You're confused about history because you don't understand it.
Yeah and Russia protested strongly every time. But Ukraine was their red line. Just because you didn't read it in western media doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I don't condone the invasion but it was predictable and a colossal "failure" of diplomacy if you look at it charitably. At worst it was a long term plan to force Russia into a conflict with the aid of western media to obscure the reason why this war was happening. Russia is acting just like the US would.
It is discussed, it doesn't stand up to any reasoning as to why they captured the Crimean peninsula. They also stated that it was because Ukraine couldn't stop the rise of Nazism. So which is it? NATO or Nazis?
Ukraine is an independent country and if they want to join NATO they can, having a legitimate grievance doesn't excuse an invasion.
And even if it was true and was accepted, what a disaster it was because it bolstered a floundering NATO, grew membership and increased military spending across the continent. Truly a genius move.
Ukraine is an independent country and if they want to join NATO they can, having a legitimate grievance doesn’t excuse an invasion.
The context of the thread is that U.S. rejects peace talks. Nothing speaks of Ukraine's sovereignty more than a foreign country rejecting negotiations on its behalf. 🤡
That's just such galaxy brain logic there. We've already built up a threat on your doorstep, so you shouldn't worry about us expanding that threat further. 🤡
Furthermore, Stoltenberg has now publicly admitted that this is in fact about Ukraine joining NATO
No one ever invaded Russia through Estonia. The last 2 massive invasions that killed millions of Russians were through the border with Ukraine - Napoleon and The Third Reich. You can't just pretend that every inch of border is equivalent. If you're going to pretend you know history, at least don't expose your clear confirmation bias.
I think you're missing a paragraph that tells how the border between Russia and NATO increased twofold since (and as the result of) the invasion.
"Hey it's all about NATO. We always wanted less NATO at our doorsteps, and you can see we tried our best to achieve this. That backfired, yes, but we ask you once again to... Ask all those countries nicely to withdraw from NATO. Having NATO at our borders is not healthy for our people, you see... With all those bio laboratories... And parent№1+parent№2 policy that you force on everyone..."
Basically they don’t want NATO right on their doorstep.
NATO is not the anti-Russia club. They're a defensive pact. Why would you be concerned about your neighbours agreeing to defend each other? Like a neighbourhood watch, perhaps. Maybe you'd be upset if you're planning to do the thing they're defending against. Which is all the more reason for those neighbours to band together.
Yugoslavia would levy a disagreement about NATO's status as a "defensive pact"; as would every Nazi who's historically headed that "dEfEnSiVe AlLiAnCe". They're just bodies on tap for the Five-Eyed Empire. As offensive as they're needed, at that.
Because they don't get the option to choose. It's not that difficult. Those countries weren't clamoring to join NATO until Russia invaded, so its their own fault.
Russia said since 2014 this was about NATO. Even before they protested strongly the NATO expansion. So how can it not be about NATO? You're either completely uninformed or lying.
Because it's invaders demanding unprotected targets. It's the dumbest propaganda imaginable. What is it doing in your mouth?
"We want the Stop Russia Invading Shit Alliance to be further away from Russia! To prove we're serious, Russia will invade countries that aren't yet part of the alliance."
I wonder if you guys realize that Russia is achieving it's war objectives? West-Ukraine won't join NATO anytime soon, because they know what will happen. This war also has seriously long term destabilizing effects on Europe - at least on their democracies (refugees, tax burden / austerity).
It's ludicrous to say that Russia's protests about NATO are bogus - because they protested about it for decades, ever since the US broke their agreement with Gorbachev to not expand NATO eastwards. It's just a historical fact that you want to alter in order to justify not negotiating. I'm used to these "alternative facts" level of brainwashing from trumpists but not from liberals.
Their demands are irrelevant while on the soil of a sovereign nation without authorization or sufficient leverage. Both of which are not only lacking but severely so.
This whole shit storm has been about one thing. Putins legacy as the czar that reformed the USSR. That's it. He wants to lift the iron curtain high once more. It's all dick stroking by a madman.
U.S. and Ukrainian officials say that the best Ukraine’s military can hope for in the coming year, especially without more American aid, is to defend its current positions. Even so, Biden officials say they are not entertaining the idea of pressing Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to negotiate with Mr. Putin.
This is the most eloquent.
If you can't fight a war for win, then it's reasonable to try to gain some better results through negotiations.
But the white masters don’t care about the losses of aboriginals.
Are you implying that white masters exist and implying that a European country can't decide what's better for it without consulting with white masters at the same time? Can I say that you are brainwashed by black masters?
That's literally how all negotiations work. Hostage negotiations - you take hostages and then negotiate for benefits in exchange for release. War negotiations - you dominate a space and then negotiate for benefits in exchange for ending violence. Unless you're the USA, where you dominate a region after the majority of forces are already defeated and then when someone tries to negotiate their surrender you nuke 200k civilians.
he doesn’t get to invade and then negotiate to keep part of the place he invaded
Are you at all familiar with any history at all? How do you think such treaties usually go? Or did you think borders spent the last couple millenia shifting mysteriously without reason?
Bad take. Why negotiate with an aggressor who is literally invading and trying to absorb a neighbor. You would be rewarding that behavior and Russia gets to stop their unpopular war at the same time.
I mean, Putin won't either, the negotiations are just for gaslighting and propaganda. Basically it's about not negotiating with terrorists, America has plenty other wars going on and even without Ukraine intends to increase military spending. They don't need it, but it's not up to them if it ends.
Basically it’s about not negotiating with terrorists, America has plenty other wars going on
This level of double think is really amazing. Within one sentence, "US has plenty of wars" -> good guys, Putin has one war -> terrorist, literally Hitler.
I'm not condoning Putin btw. It's just baffling all the excuses that are made for US aggression vs Russian aggression. Can you imagine if China put their weapons into Mexico? They'd be stupid to do that. But that's what Ukraine wants. In the end it's Ukraine, Russia and the tax payer that looses.