This bill must be funded by VPN services because anyone who thinks teens won’t figure out a workaround has never tried to stop teens from anything. Disobeying is what they do on an evolutionary level.
They also may have run the numbers and decided that social media teaches more kids to accept people regardless of race, gender, sexuality or neurotypicality than it trains to be far-right xenophobic dogshit.
I can't really think of any other reason they'd do this. They don't do anything unless it's in their self interest.
Banning Social Media FOR KIDS. Is just a quick means to spy on what ADULTS are getting up to on the Internet. Right now if you don't want to ID yourself to go see cat pics/videos on Instagram/TikTok, you can just sign up for an account and go searching for cat pics/videos. With this bill, if you want to go find cat pics/videos on Instagram/TikTok in the state of Florida, you'll have to submit a government ID to verify that you're not a kid, and I'd believe for about as long as I can breathe water that the linking of my real identity/government ID with a social media account will have no negative real world outcomes.
Cybersecurity is something that almost nobody takes seriously. I used to say that nobody takes it seriously until they're hurt by their poor cyber hygiene, but these days the insurance policies pay the same either way so companies/people still do the bare minimum and call it a day.
I'd much rather pay a VPN provider to be out of that jurisdiction than ever give anyone anything that concretely ties my online persona to my actual identity and it's just incredible that lawmakers so fundamentally misunderstand how this all works that they don't know it's that easy.
How else do you think they'd do age verification? It's the same way they do it for porn sites, you upload you DL/passport/ID to verify your age. The difference here is that now these data broker social media companies now have a hard link to your identity instead of a pretty strong inference, and are able to shore up their advertising profiles in an unprecedented way.
This is where the challenge will be I think. Xitter wants a copy of my ID to validate who I am and what age? No thanks. There's no reason to allow that. No reason they need that. No reason to give them or any social media site the ability to stock pile that info to later be leaked.
Sure it is. Platforms could for example close online sign ups and make people go to a physical location to open an account. Just like with banks. This of course will not pass but the issue is not that you can't enforce age limit. Banks do it. Online banks also do it. The issue is that enforcing this would kill the platforms.
The smarter kids will just go in and change their bday or create a new account that has them old enough. The only way to prevent that is to make them verify ID on every single person logging in from a Florida based ip or is a resident. But, what about those who are traveling from other states, should they also be forced to upload ID? I'm going to say no.
NOBODY should have to to upload any sort of ID to use the internet. The issue began when corporations started getting involved. Fuck Ajit Pai, Ethan Zuckerman and the political world all tied to this. Amazon is trying to force people to upload ID for refunds.. pathetic.
what a fucking dogshit state. not that social media is good for anyone, but restricting kids from one of their main forms of communication / news / outlet to the world is just designed to be obnoxious.
even best case scenario, active malice aside, these people somehow have zero memory of what it was like to be a kid; having to wake up for school at 6am and do endless homework for no material benefit, and now this
Social media wasn't known until I was 16(?) and I'm a millennial. So no these people did not grow up with social media as most politicians are older than me.
It's insane you think kids today need social media like they need exercise, fun and oxygen.
I would suggest that it didn't happen in its most well known form until we were older (MySpace launched just after I graduated high school), but it did exist. Communities and message boards were a thing before MySpace and Facebook.
Kids today do need a sense of community. And we have enshittified the outside so much that they aren't likely to get that spending time in public. How far will this spread? Social media isn't just Instagram, or xitter, or the like. It's also things like steam, or video game forums, or anything with a chat feature. Kids make meaningful connections with others this way. Not all social media is bad.
How many afterschool clubs still exist? How many group activities are catered around school (but not school) these days that aren't sports? Where is the place that is for kids in our communities?
I'm sure you know that the words that come out of their mouth are worthless because of actions like this but for some reason, millions of people politely accept it.
They're never going to admit out loud "We just use freedom of speech to shame people out of deplatforming far-right extremists, we don't actually believe in it" or "We know the second amendment will never be used to overthrow a tyrant and we fully intend to be tyrants. We support it because it brings in $16 million a year in bribes and gains us millions of supporters who will tolerate literally anything except domestic abusers not having guns".
Every abuser has an excuse and it's never "I just really enjoy abusing people".
Eh… yes and no. On the one hand, kids are undoubtedly addicted to social media, and their screen time should be limited for the sake of their mental health.
On the other hand, this is absolutely not going to limit most kids time on social media. They aren’t idiots, and some of them are (properly) tech savvy. Meaning a bunch of kids are going to find an easy workaround, and spread that info around.
And this is almost certainly going to result in an ID requirement similar to the laws requiring ID for porn sites in certain companies. And unlike PornHub, I don’t trust that Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or the others are going to actually have integrity when it comes to ID laws.
A stopped clock is right specifically twice a day. Any broken clock is right eventually. the only way a clock can be never right is if it works properly and is only desynchronized.
Or just let them discover random fucking propaganda on their own and bad examples on social media and become an Andrew Tate jr by the age of 17 or some extremist little fucker, or just be an indecent human being if you don't want such an extreme example.
This bill will do jack shit, but so are the parents who put smartphones in their kids hands as early as possible and let them browse the internet unsupervised.
Just to be clear I do not agree with the bill in this form and the whole "provide an ID" bullshit, but I really don't think young children should be allowed on social media.