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yessikg yessikg
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Comments 6
Does anyone else remebers,how it was trendy to hate on Emma during the Shows run?
  • I never saw that, but I avoided a bunch of the fandom

  • Traveling Between Realms
  • It's bad writing, decent writers would have had consistency about travelling between realms

  • Ya’ll have you seen the OUAT musical? 😭 And I’m not talking about the musical episode
  • Ok but like does it dunk on CS and OQ? If it does I'll watch it lol

  • Florida House of Representatives approves bill to ban social media for kids under 16
  • Make no mistake, the purpose of this bill is to try to stop kids from organizing protests and other political acts

  • Dish & Sling Sue ‘Pirate’ IPTV Operation For Circumventing Widevine DRM
  • Boo! They should be expending the money on adding more channels instead

  • If anybody in the USA is interested in a region-free blu-ray player
  • What I do is change the country on amazon and order it from that country directly. The shipping can be expensive tho

  • If anybody in the USA is interested in a region-free blu-ray player is having a sale. I have bought several players from them and they've been great

    Now, I know what your thinking, are region free players piracy? Well, it depends which country you live in
