Jon Stewart will return to 'The Daily Show' as its Monday host and executive producer. Show correspondents will host other nights of the week
After scuttling a months-long search for a new host, the Paramount Global network said it had enlisted Jon Stewart, who presided over the late-night mainstay’s most popular era, to serve as its host on Monday nights throughout the 2024 election cycle and to run the program. He is expected to oversee the program through 2025. Various “Daily Show” correspondents will host the program Tuesday through Thursday nights, and Jen Flanz, the current executive producer, will continue her duties on the show.
Yeah it's no way the timing of Trump was an accident. He literally ran before when Jon was still working and was laughed off the stage. Then Jon retired...
What Zelenskyy did, his career trajectory I mean, is nothing short of… well, the sitcom fiction he wrote himself. A good one, btw— it’s called Servant of the People. It’s on Netflix. He’s hilarious. And that may be the most fucked up part: he seemingly predicted all of this (to some degree) in the form of, honestly, a pretty hilarious sitcom that got cancelled before the 3rd season started production because it fucking came true.
It’s not a direct A:B comparison of reality, but it’s uncannily close— also, proof that Ukraine is perfectly capable of making a delightfully funny politically-oriented sitcom for streaming. Well, until the guy became president and globally-beloved war daddy. Nonetheless, it’s bizarre how it coincided with, or perhaps provoked, real-word events that led to him becoming a popularly-elected anti-corruption president against all of the “influence” Russia could throw at the elections.
And he’s lived up to all of his promises. He spent the first pert of his presidency cleaning house, something he’s kept doing, even after meeting deep parliamentary resistance. Fucker has stood up to Trump’s attempts to extort him, over which Trump got impeached, btw. Like… holy shit! World leaders from far greater nations have melted in front of US presidents. Not this guy. After the Russians invaded, something nobody expected a comedian to have the temerity to face, he, in no uncertain terms - with a raised middle finger to Putin - has become one of the most inspiring world leaders of the 21st-century.  not only his people, but people all over the world fucking love him.  More importantly, they respect him. 
I think Jon would be great as president. Definitely better than our current options. But if he was done with the Daily Show (and even if he never left) I wouldn't be surprised at all if he didn't want the actual job of being president.
I don’t think Zelensky is a good example of anything lol his government has been the most right-wing and authoritarian government in Ukraine in recent memory. They banned all left-wing parties for goodness sake….
Out of a lot of jackasses in the world, Jon Stewart continues to be clear-headed unmitigated good.
Yes, that means I have forgiven him for using trans people as the butt of his jokes for a long time, and I'm hoping he's had enough growth to understand why those were bad. Also, to be fair, it's been quite a while since he has done a joke like that. And if he turns on a dime and makes some uncouth remarks about trans folks, he'll be in shit-city with me, and I'll take back the good things I said about him. Pretty sure he won't tho.
I did link that at the end, after a quick Google. I don't have AppleTV and never saw The Problem with Jon Stewart, so I was unaware of this, but the fact that he defended Chappelle at first was a bad look and to my knowledge he hasn't amended his statement on Chappelle's defense.
I'm less concerned about trans jokes specifically, but I worry that Jon Stewart of now won't be able to live up to our memories of him during the W years. Will be be sufficiently progressive for modern left viewers, or is he going to be a Bill Maher "center left" type? Will he be is sharp and cutting as he was, and be able to translate that to a world that is so more polarized and down the rabbit hole with conspiracy theories and all that junk?
Basically I'm afraid this is Michael Jordan coming out of retirement to play for the Washington Wizards.
Maybe my concerns are not well placed, I didn't catch his newer show because I don't feel like subscribing to Apple TV, so I don't know where he's at nowadays. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I'm fully prepared to be let down.
Or 9/11, JFK assassination, or MLK, maybe when Debbie Wasserman Schultz handed the DNC over to the Clinton campaign, maybe after the civil war when the traitors weren’t brought to justice, or when Gore won but didn’t take the seat. There are so many turning points.
I often wonder if an impassioned Jon Stewart plea in 2016 might have motivated enough young Bernie supporters to make the difference in a few swing states.
He had been doing it for 16 years. I think he said he needed a break. He took one for a few years, then started a show on Apple TV which was recently ended by Apple.
Does Jon even want the job? It sucks. You have to deal with so many roadblocks. You get blamed for everything. You pitch ideas and make demands and some shithead dept will block you and some company throws billions to turn the public against you.
Unless he finds loopholes like Trump and load it up with toadies willing to bow to the king, which I doubt Stewart wants to abuse because he has ethics, it'll be hard to get much of the government on his side.
Even basic shit like feeding school kids is a fucking political theater by assholes.
The only worthy host of the show. He was able to make a comedy show compete with shows on so-called news channels.
I wonder why it looks like he was the last person considered for the show, is it because he cared about issues that he talked about and made young people care?
It’s not quite that simple. Stewart wanted to do a show critical of China, Apple said, no, and Stewart walked. Since this was during the negotiations for his next season of his show, they mutually agreed not to renew for the next season.
Yes, this is shitty of Apple to put a limit on him like this, but it wasn’t so hostile as it might seem. 
He was the last person considered because 1) he already hosted for 16 years and quit so they probably assumed he didn’t want to go back to it, and 2) when they started considering people, Stewart was under contract with a competing show on AppleTV+ (The Problem w/ Jon Stewart), but that show was recently cancelled. Also, The Problem only airs once a week, so imagine Stewart told CC that he’d only come back to do one show weekly rather than the four that he used to do.
Because he retired from the show in 2015. Hence why he's only coming back part time. It was his choice to leave the first time, so that's probably why he was the last one to reach out to.
The coincidental timing with his contract non-renewal with Apple is also quite… serendipitous, no?
Stewart is at the point in his career where he doesn’t want to commit to something more than a weekly show and executive producership. He’s also digging the podcasting space. This works out for everyone. 
It's funny. I saw the potential of the daily show early on. Was a fan from the first episode.
When they let Craig Kilborne go, replaced him with no name comedian Jon Stuart, and ended five questions, I was so angry I wrote to Comedy Central and said the show would never be funny again. Boy was I wrong.
He likely wasn’t the last person considered. He was the hardest person to get.
He had another show up until recent, and I was famously burnt out from the Daily Show. They Likely need to wait until he was free and make him an offer that he couldn’t resist.
I'm just a random person in the world, so my opinion doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.....but I have never found Trevor Noah even slightly funny my entire life.
I feel bad saying that, because he seems like a genuine, sincere person from what I have read and watched, but his delivery on the Daily Show just comes across as bland/flat to me, I stopped watching maybe 1 year into his tenure.
As someone with no special insight into the internal workings, and who didnt watch trevor noah's DS too much, or know much about noah himself, i've honestly been pretty convinced that the problems with TN DS doesn't really have anything to do with trevor specifically, but i'm reasonably sure that comedy central took jon stewart leaving as an opportunity to "tame" the writing on the show.
I feel like comedy central wanted to pull the show back from leaning too far left to appeal to a wider audience.
What i mean by that, is where jon stewart might tear into a political figure for the way they stand on some particular issue he disagrees with, trevor's daily show would like...make fun of their hair/clothes, or some other "safe" joke that doesn't get too political.
And noah, unfairly, probably takes all the blame for this, even though i'm quite sure this is on the studio heads and was outside his control.
As a non-US person, I want to point out that US politics has shifted so far to the right that centrists in any other country would look like far left to you.
Maybe not funny all the time, but if you go on YouTube the daily show channel used to post between the scenes cuts of Trevor. I also used to dislike his delivery, but I found him way more interesting and engrossing in the more off-the-cuff style. I am convinced it was the writers or producers who were dropping the ball.
Agreed. He had big shoes to fill, and I don't know that anyone except maybe Colbert could've actually done it. He did have some good moments though, I remember a brief segment where he questioned why the US always seems to make things into an X vs Y dynamic, instead of X and Y.
"Why does it have to be cat people and dog people? Why can't we just love both of them?!"
I liked his from-home stuff during Covid, but never liked TDS with Trevor Noah. I'm not exactly sure why. Too silly, not "edgy," insightful, or hard hitting enough I guess. John Oliver's show is pretty good though.
I agree. See also, Seth Myers.
Like I get that hosting a regular show is hard because you need to consistently entertain with fresh material. But damn do they both miss the mark there.
And don't get me wrong. They both seem like sincere and down to earth dudes, but funny, they ain't
I really like Seth Meyers. His material is very targeted and curated to his audience, though, which he’s gotten to know very well by interacting with them, especially in YT comments (indirectly). You’re either in that audience or you’re not.
Stewart is great, but I wonder if any of the original writing staff is returning as well. He didn't carry the original show alone, and even the opening monologue will hit different if there's a new team behind it.
But also the show has been solid for years. Trevor did a great job, the guest hosts have done an great job. The show is and has been great.
Now, that isn't to say you don't need a good host. The guest hosts only having a week or so don't have time to make the show truly their own, but they still add their personal touch.
Trevor, during the pandemic especially, added a huge personal touch and really made the show work well.
Jon, coming back, is going to have a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it.
I'm the asshole who liked the og show and host Killborn. I didn't watch it initially when Stewart took over. It was a different show... Man what an idiot I was....
While I liked the og version Stewart made it so much better. Glad to see him back in some form.
I liked Craig too, that was a fun era for Comedy Central. I remember they played a lot of Absolutely Fabulous and Viva Variety back then. Good times.
It's really better to think of them as two completely different shows both with very different philosophies and strengths. One just happened to begin when the other ended. Also Jon's show took a while to find its legs.
Kilborn had a comedy show that looked like a news show. Even the interviews of the daily guest had a zany, fake-pressure vibe.
Stewart used comedy to get people engaged in a news show. Everyone else that has tried has either had too much comedy, or too much news. Too much news sounds like video essays and too much comedy isn't as impactful.
I liked the Kilborn show. He kind of an asshole, but I'm not one to hold that against people. But I feel we need the Stewart show.
He's willing to ask the questions other networks are to afraid to ask. He has destroyed careers because of it look up jon Stewart and hard ball. We do have NPR and MSNBC but they still won't ask the hard questions or confront the hosts. I've heard that only a couple of times on NPR but only lately. Plus Jon can taunt the people to afraid to come on unlike a professional news orgs.
When he got together with Colbert and did the Colbert report and tricked the entire GOP that was just icing on the cake.
In addition to what the others have said, Jon was a strong advocate for the 9/11 First Responders. Being a New Yorker himself, he took it extremely personally when Congress (controlled by, well go ahead and guess) was dragging their feet on giving these guys the health benefits they needed.
Jon Stewart is quite awesome in my book. He is legit funny and he put the Daily Show on the map with being officially a comedy show (and it was hilariously funny) but at the same time being just about the only reliable news source as he just cut through the political bullshit from both sides (again, in a super funny way). He has great interviews with politicians where he calls them out on their bullshit so hard that you wonder why any politician would still want to do interviews with him, but yet they kept coming.
Thing is, you can tell that he researches and knows the subjects that he talks about and he actually cares, so if during interviews the guy comes up with some bullshit arguments Jon would typically tear him a new hole with actual facts. He was like the original "he crushed that guy" guy. IIRC, he (temporarily) crushed ticket Carlson's career by literally ending tickets show overnight with an interview. Unfortunately, Jon retired and Tucker was fucking back.
His show also was the birth place of other comedians like john Oliver (who went on to make the similar great show "last week tonight"), Steve carell, and Stephen Colbert
The guy following after him, Trevor Noah, was just a sad little shadow, honestly, and in stoked to hear Jon is back as he has shown that he hasn't lost his touch.
Yeah, before Tucker got his Fox segment, he used to do a show on CNN with Paul Begala called Crossfire, whose entire schtick was having a conservative and a liberal talking head co-hosting the show and basically arguing with each other for an hour. Jon came on the show in 2004 and ripped the entire concept apart so thoroughly that it got the entire show cancelled. It's truly a glorious moment:
He was the best host of The Daily Show, a show that made current events and politics palatable to Americans that have Comedy Central. He's also immensely likable as a person. He fought for the US government to uphold their promise to first responders of 9/11 that all have mesothelioma from asbestos inhalation. He generally cuts to the core of most issues and doesn't suffer fools. He will call people out directly to their faces.
He's a much beloved comedian and a great show host. I think people are just excited to have him back again, especially in this contentious political environment where he thrives as "the guy who asks hard questions when nobody else will".
I actually liked the rotating host format tbh. I feel like it kept the show fresh and fit well with the post-Stewart vibe where it was more about the content and writing than the host.
What’s the best way, without cable or torrenting, to watch Comedy Central these days?
Edit: looks like Paramount+ might have it in the states. From time to time I sub to that to blast through all its Trek content, so this might work out for me.
I deleted my comment, because it was deceiving, you DO have to have a cable package to watch them online on the comedy central website. I misread originally.
They have roughly the 100 most recent episodes (S28E36-S28E122), but they don't include anything from this month. Most recent episode available online is from December 14th, 2023, so they don't have the most current episodes, but if you're fine watching on a mild lag-time, it's great.
They've got a really talented bench of people, I'm surprised this has gone on so long (though I am far from a regular viewer). My vote would have gone to Jordan Klepper, who I think has both the intelligence and sincere anger that made Jon Stewart the cultural force he was on the show. My theory is that the execs saw him as too much of a risk after his previous (unfortunately) failed solo outings.
Yeah that's a pretty good take. Klepper's on the street interviews with MAGA idiots and the like are the most Daily Show feeling bits of content I've seen since Stewart left.
When the app changed from hbo go to max, I was a little happy because Cinemax was the one with the bad rep back in the day for having softcore porn, a.k.a. “Skinamax” and it felt like a small victory over the fake outrage conservatives.
I don't think he got bullied out of retirement, I think running the sanctuary full time, while fulfilling, might only meet his needs 80% of the time and he still wants to express himself creatively.
And plus, animal sanctuaries are expensive to run.
Roy Wood Jr. was great for the job and they didn't want him. Shame. But I'm glad that they caved and gave Jon Stewart more money to fix their ignorance.
I dunno. I really like Roy Wood, Jr., but I don’t think he’d be great as host. His performance isn’t… energetic enough. His style is a bit more laid back, and I’m not sure if that’s the best fit for host of this show. I think he’s great, and an important part of the show, but whenever he hosts, it feels a bit flat.
Just my opinion, though.
I really liked when Charlemagne the God guest hosted. He was hilarious. 
It's a little surprising that he's never ventured into his own platform. At this point, Comedy Central (as well as they've been for his sense of political humor thus far) seems a bit of a downgrade for Stewart. Meanwhile, you've got the far right conspiracists getting banned from mainstream social media and forced to establish their own "free speech" platforms. Isn't Jon, in some sense, just the far(ther) left mirror-image version of Jones?
I really enjoyed his stint at Apple (more akin to Last Week Tonight + VOX) and would have liked him to continue more down that path of investigative reporting and interviews. I just don't know if he'll have the freedom he wants / deserves on platform owned by Paramount.
Jon deserves something bigger than a cable comedy network. He deserves a ton of money to invest in passionate journalists and writers. At least something as big, if not bigger, than Oliver gets. I don't know... I just feel like we haven't yet seen Jon as his ultimate form. Maybe our projections of what we all want from him are too grand for his own aspirations.
I don't think Jon is far-left. Maybe a progressive liberal. AFAIK, he's not even a SocDem, much less a DemSoc. Alex Jones is just a grifter conspiracy theorist. The likes of Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles are full-on fascists, and I'd think the mirror of that would be an anarcho-socialist or communist.
Maybe I don’t know the granular definitions of these philosophies. Far-left, progressive liberal, democratic socialist are all the same to me. Or at least all how I would describe my own ideas in general conversation. I’m aware there may be subtle differences but, generally for the point of this not political science 101 conversation about someone who isn’t here to represent themselves, I think we can forgo the nit picks.
Noah left? Huh. Makes sense i guess, he felt better during the pandemic when it felt like he was hosting a podcast instead of a show. Eh probably not going to watch anyway, i haven't even turned my television on since early pandemic.
I remember him talking about the Wuhan COVID research facility a stone throws away from ground zero for the outbreak. I have since also had some questions.
I mean I’m not saying that the Wuhan lab couldn’t have been the source, or that the CCP should be given even a millimetre of credit for approximating something like ‘the truth’, but I’ve heard that he went a bit unhealthily hard to wave a particular flag.
Yeah. Some adjusted format talk shows have survived. I'm just saying. Been a fan, but I think the late night format, while modified, I still wouldn't by stock in it.