Jon Stewart will return to 'The Daily Show' as its Monday host and executive producer. Show correspondents will host other nights of the week
After scuttling a months-long search for a new host, the Paramount Global network said it had enlisted Jon Stewart, who presided over the late-night mainstay’s most popular era, to serve as its host on Monday nights throughout the 2024 election cycle and to run the program. He is expected to oversee the program through 2025. Various “Daily Show” correspondents will host the program Tuesday through Thursday nights, and Jen Flanz, the current executive producer, will continue her duties on the show.
He's willing to ask the questions other networks are to afraid to ask. He has destroyed careers because of it look up jon Stewart and hard ball. We do have NPR and MSNBC but they still won't ask the hard questions or confront the hosts. I've heard that only a couple of times on NPR but only lately. Plus Jon can taunt the people to afraid to come on unlike a professional news orgs.
When he got together with Colbert and did the Colbert report and tricked the entire GOP that was just icing on the cake.
In addition to what the others have said, Jon was a strong advocate for the 9/11 First Responders. Being a New Yorker himself, he took it extremely personally when Congress (controlled by, well go ahead and guess) was dragging their feet on giving these guys the health benefits they needed.
Jon Stewart is quite awesome in my book. He is legit funny and he put the Daily Show on the map with being officially a comedy show (and it was hilariously funny) but at the same time being just about the only reliable news source as he just cut through the political bullshit from both sides (again, in a super funny way). He has great interviews with politicians where he calls them out on their bullshit so hard that you wonder why any politician would still want to do interviews with him, but yet they kept coming.
Thing is, you can tell that he researches and knows the subjects that he talks about and he actually cares, so if during interviews the guy comes up with some bullshit arguments Jon would typically tear him a new hole with actual facts. He was like the original "he crushed that guy" guy. IIRC, he (temporarily) crushed ticket Carlson's career by literally ending tickets show overnight with an interview. Unfortunately, Jon retired and Tucker was fucking back.
His show also was the birth place of other comedians like john Oliver (who went on to make the similar great show "last week tonight"), Steve carell, and Stephen Colbert
The guy following after him, Trevor Noah, was just a sad little shadow, honestly, and in stoked to hear Jon is back as he has shown that he hasn't lost his touch.
Yeah, before Tucker got his Fox segment, he used to do a show on CNN with Paul Begala called Crossfire, whose entire schtick was having a conservative and a liberal talking head co-hosting the show and basically arguing with each other for an hour. Jon came on the show in 2004 and ripped the entire concept apart so thoroughly that it got the entire show cancelled. It's truly a glorious moment:
He was the best host of The Daily Show, a show that made current events and politics palatable to Americans that have Comedy Central. He's also immensely likable as a person. He fought for the US government to uphold their promise to first responders of 9/11 that all have mesothelioma from asbestos inhalation. He generally cuts to the core of most issues and doesn't suffer fools. He will call people out directly to their faces.
He's a much beloved comedian and a great show host. I think people are just excited to have him back again, especially in this contentious political environment where he thrives as "the guy who asks hard questions when nobody else will".