Remember when he asked the supermodel what the "first five digits of the Pythagorean Theorem" were because haha stupid women? Then he got super owned because he meant to say Pi? What a complete wanker.
He must have meant the first 5 digits of the theorem expressed as some kind of Godel numbering. I mean there's no way he's a complete moronic cunt, right?
Sorry to say to my UK friends, it looks like these people have no manners when it comes to debating. Asking a question and then proceeded to shout over them. I'm surprised they still have viewers.
Holy hell, It hurt watching that so freaking much.
It was not worth watching it just for that moment. I am blown away at how much he kept saying something with a response being the opposite of what he wanted and then him repeating it. "I did protest Obama" "I already told you I don't know" "I don't know the number" dude, I am amazed at her patience with a grown man acting like a toddler that didn't get his way.
I would agree Mr PP Boy, but my self proclaimed communist friend from childhood loved Stalin. And last I ran into him he was reading Maos theory. Guy was 27 years old at that point too.
Oh my. What kind of interview is this? He doesn't let her answer anything but answers his own questions for her. This is ridiculous; she is cool though.
You know that with late stage capitalism, that type of authoritarian collectivism is going to become more common, right? Like Piers Morgan and the rest of the neo-liberal/classical-liberal bunch will continue to screw the world with their delusion, ultimately leading to the dreaded cyclical end of society, where a lot of things can happen. I just don't hope it goes nationalist again, because at the end of that cycle, oh boy...
Please tell the world about how awesome communist rule is while in a free democracy. Please let those starving people in those concentration camps in China know how good they have it.
Lol yes, abolishment of private property and government ownership of the means of production doesn't automatically mean authoritarianism. How could I forget? To control a government best thing is to give them more power, gotcha. Thanks for clueing me into your logic steel trap dawg
China really isn't. They gotta jump through some wild hoops to do business over there. Apparently the way they exchange value between companies is via some share of inventory for sales or whatever. It's complicated AF, so I don't know how to explain it.
Well, it's not a fair argument but non-communist countries have starved a lot more people to death than Communist countries ever had, but something tells me you're not really here to learn anything or that you care for fair arguments.
You think that a commune can't have voting? Well that says enough about your level of understanding. Would you really like some light on the definitions of words, or do you think you're just bringing some slam dunk "haha commies bad" you learned from your grandpa?