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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 25
Nato chief says Donald Trump comments 'undermine all of our security'
  • Unfortunately, he is a product of the American way, remove him from the equation and some other narcissistic, imbecile will eventually walk the same walk.

    Unfortunately, trump is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.

  • Are all these posts feat Apple headsets really planted ads?
  • I doubt that these are stealth advertisements but apple know that a vast majority of the people who buy their stuff really, REALLY want others to see that they have them. It's some deluded prestige/ status thing that they perceive apple products gives them.

  • Americans rack up $19 billion in credit card debt in one month
  • For a while, i wondered why Americans tend use their credit cards instead of debit cards but then it occurred that they are encouraged to use credit cards because you cant get into debt using debit cards and debt is very profitable.

  • The Male Fantasy
  • Yeah... I always thought that anything and everything which appeals to "the male fantasy" should be permanently banned... because i hate everything that makes me imagine stuff.