I thought the idea was that Republicans are actively working on destroying what has been working fine and is benefitting lots of people, not just on preventing more progress.
As if Democrats don't do the exact same thing in lock step. Interesting where your focus lies however. It's helpful though because it indicates your bias.
It's purposefully hyperbolic to illustrate a point. You think that Finland is seriously making all ice cream free?
I would not be the least bit surprised if all the Abbotts and Thomases and Trumps and Desantises (Desanti?) announced tomorrow that they would no longer be supporting the ADA's immoral drain on commercial profits governmental budgets.
And before someone points it out, gutting a system that he has personally benefited from to fuck over Texans is exactly the kind of thing Abbott would do.
And before someone points it out, gutting a system that he has personally benefited from to fuck over Texans is exactly the kind of thing Abbott would do.
Not would, he has. After the tree crippled him, he sued for his wealth. Then he outlawed the same type of payouts for the exact type of lawsuits he benefited from. Definition of pulling the ladder up behind you.
Just read through some of the responses I've gotten. Some people think it's a good illustration because it's very plausible. Some because it's not at all plausible.
I'm saying it's not a good illustration because it's not at all plausible.
What? Europe very sound protection for the disabled. Putside of historical buildings built before disability care you won't find better access anywhere.
I get America is pretty good too, but your comment makes it sound like Europe is a nightmare for the disabled.
Not sure about how good or bad it is in the US, but in the Netherlands (a place that is known for good infrastructure) it's definitely not perfect.
I never realised until we got a baby and I started walking with a stroler. Way too often the sidewalk is inaccessible because of cars or bicycles. Also lots of places without ramps or elevators.
Europe very sound protection for the disabled. Putside of historical buildings built before disability care you won't find better access anywhere.
But that's the point: Most buildings were built before disability care, and haven't been upgraded.* Think about your favorite restaurant, bar, kebab place, corner shop etc. – I don't think any of mine are wheelchair accessible. Also good luck taking a train in Germany, where many platforms aren't wheelchair accessible and they might or might not have a lift to get you into the train.
The Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) is miles ahead of any legal framework that I'm aware of in Europe. The US is a broken country in many ways, but that doesn't mean that literally anything and everything has to be worse than in glorious Europe.
*The former is true for the US too, but the ADA still required many of them to make reasonable accomodations.
In most of America you can't walk to the store even if you don't use a wheelchair. At my old place I could see a grocery store from my house, but it was on the other side of a limited access road, I had to go 1.5miles to a pedestrian overpass to be able to get to it making it a 6 mile walk to get 100 yards.
Is.. is that actually what happened? My younger self might have assumed you were exaggerating, but my current self has seen too much to assume anything.
It always pisses my wife off when I park in a "handicapped" spot that is really just an old spot with badly faded paint.
For a handicapped parking spot to actually be a handicapped parking spot, you need both the pavement painting and the sign.
I would like to note that the spots I'm talking about aren't even the ones close to the building (which is probably why they took down the sign), and there are actual spots closer to the door.
Hey there, sometimes-wheelchair-user here. Afaik the law is also the same where I live, the spot has to have a sign. Here, when there's a spot with just faded paint, it usually just means that the handicap spot got moved somewhere else. The only thing I'd suggest is if you don't already, just check and make sure that there is a spot somewhere else that does have a sign. If there isn't, it's probably because the owner just didn't mark the spot properly. In that case, it's best to leave it open for those who need it, even though it wouldn't technically be against the law to park there.
I'm not accusing you of anything, just putting this out there in case the situation comes up. Cheers!
Idk, man. Finland has been posting some Ls recently. The Orpo Cabinet is all about those tax cuts, business-friendly deregulations, big new military spending budgets, and tighter restrictions on immigration.
Per the bible, we aren't really even allowed to be human beings and are all born wretches full of original sin. If that's true than I'd rather have the free ice cream and body tattoos and promiscuity while I'm going to hell.
Well there never really was a "Jesus" who saved us from original sin, and the bible is simply a work of misogynistic and bigoted fiction. I don't need "saving," I'm not a 'wretch,' I was never "blind but now I see." WRONG. WRONG ON ALL COUNTS!!!! I am a human being of great value and worth by virtue of my existence, and I don't require or want dependency on some fictional idiotic being for my salvation or sense of worth.
Check out his (and Andy and Matt's) podcast "probably science" it's a wonderful way to get all the poop, flatulence, and penis science your brain could ask for. They occasionally have on great guests, and (almost) always have interesting people doing the show with them.
Also he is great on Twitter, but usually deletes his posts after they get over x amount of views/shares, because he isn't into going viral.
Also, please bring back Jesse vs cancer, it's been over a year guy.
There is much to say about reporting biases, but in this case you're touching one of the most humane services only the most progressive countries have touched on. The ability to pass away in a respectful way on your own terms. No one is being forced or pressured, that's a blatant lie many media channels are responsible for.
You don't choose to be born, if you feel your life is unbearable/complete you should be able to step out of it without having to be kept alive by pills and/or treatments while slowly deteriorating mentally/physically. And don't get me started on the uncertain outcome and dramatic outcome of suicide, which is usually an insane 'counter-argument' that gets proposed as available option.
Sadly many countries have not yet reached that level of sympathy, mainly because of religious intervention. Which is exactly the point of this post.
I'm assuming even the people who agree with you hate the way you're approaching this. I hope you're just a troll, because the alternative is that you're an idiot.