I once mentioned to my father that most people are likely felons without realizing it because everyone will have violated a whole slew of laws they are unaware of or that are obscure/unenforced. He, being a conservative, became angry with me.
You wouldn't download a car, a House, two beautiful women or their chi...you know a highrise I mean. You wouldn't download a highrise or a jet plane or two really hot babes. right?
I don’t understand how 40 years of prison for a non-violent crime isn’t considered to be both “cruel” and “unusual”. It is objectively cruel. I certainly hope that it is also unusual. I certainly hope that there aren’t many more like him, imprisoned for decades for what amounts to personal-use levels of pot. 5.5 lbs of pot when you include the stem and roots isn’t that much and certainly sounds like a personal supply to me.
These people are kept in jail to be used in labor. It’s not about being cruel. It’s about making money in the cheapest way possible. Since Alabama is a hellhole with no workforce they turn to modern day slavery.
Yeah, when you read the article you see that the parole board has stopped issuing paroles almost entirely in the last couple of years. This is 100% about manufacturing cheap labor and keeping the oligarchy running smoothly.
It is the most cruel people in the world that hide behind a law book and the pretense of being fair and worse even: past cases.
But since you first have to study for a decade, then kiss ass for a decade or two before even beginning to qualify for 'JUDGE' it is not more as normal you will have lost ALL BONDS WITH REGULAR SOCIETY.
If you think 15$+tax+tip is fine for a glass of wine with lunch on a daily basis; you are NOTTTTTTT qualified to speak for the benefit of society : in contrary!
Yeah I think you're mistaking what a Judges role is. It is merely to uphold the law. The problem in the US is that the role is so politicised that the idea they are legal experts rather than representatives of parties is being lost. They should be representative of society to an extent but ultimately the main qualification is legal experience.
The issue is the law itself and that comes back to the elected politicians in Alabama. It's a problem of one party rule, and first past the post electoral system plus gerrymandering which means a stagnant political system dominated by one segment of society. The US increasingly looks like a it's just a large collection of failed democracies.
You don't specifically need representative judges. You need electoral reform so you have an actual representative democracy, and everything else comes from that.
To put it short, he was a guy who led federal officers on a chase through the desert. They didn't know who he was, but he was stealing from travelers passing through. It wasn't far from some US government facilities, and this being not long after 9/11, they're super worried he's a terrorist.
Spoiler: he was a Canadian who started growing weed to help his wife's medical issues. He apparently made some primo bud and started selling it. Naturally, he got caught and was thrown in jail. When he got out, he moved out to the desert and tried to survive on his own.
Jail changed him. He became more paranoid and detached from his family, friends, and society. He wasn't the least bit dangerous until they threw him in prison.
I'm all for legalized marijuana, but going into another country and breaking their laws is never a good idea. There are places in the world that would be a death sentence.
The people of Alabama voted in an election (2014, I think) whether to keep or not the unenforceable law that forbids interracial marriage. More than 40% voted to keep it. Fuck them.
Life sentence for growing some pot. Meanwhile the Jan 6th insurrectionists are getting maybe 2 years, or if you're a card carrying proud boy terrorist you might be looking at up to 20 years.
Some guy beat someone so bad they need 24hr supervision, and he got 7 years. Cops get of with paid vacation for shooting or running over: dogs, unarmed adults and children, flash bang babies, drunk driving, beating their SO, planting drugs on innocent people. Did I miss anything?
War on drugs, no, it's a war on personal freedoms.
It's not even just a war on personal freedoms. It's a war on anyone the people running the system don't like. The US has been at war with its own citizens longer than I've been alive.
There are actual recordings from the Nixon Whitehouse where they decided that since they could no longer legally discriminate against people based on race, they'd have to find another way and drugs was it.
Someday we'll learn that these types of positions are only ever occupied by sociopaths, psychopaths, sadists, and those full of hate. Then we'll realize that the institutions they are part of were designed by the same type of people. Then hopefully finally we'll realize that every state institution was designed by this same group that believes they know the right way for everything and feel entitled to force their ways on everyone else.
Well, political positions, yes. But there are tons of government employees around the country that are just normal people working at a regulatory agency. The overwhelming majority of them. They're just doing their job.
At least for now. SCOTUS is very close to changing that.
In WA during lockdown, they requested compassionate release of someone who was paralyzed on half his body and confined to a chair. The DOC decided that he was a threat to society and needed to be kept in the COVID greenhouse.
That law provides several different levels of trafficking, and Hotchkiss was convicted under the lowest level – having between 2.2 lbs and 100lbs. That weight includes all parts of the plant, root and stem and all.
Many--there are people whose lives REALLY suck and they can't imagine them being better so they want to make others' lives worse. This is how a significant portion of the population votes.
This is stupid, why is the lowest charge range so big. 2.2 lb to 100 lb that is a huge range and you're telling me there is ranges higher than that? He already has life in prison the hell do they do with the higher ranges
a friend in highschool used to collect all the seeds and scatter them around town. de-seeding was part of the low-grade weed ritual. seeds would explode and blow-up your joints or bowls
Also, Washington state, a solidly blue state. But also, let’s not suggest being allowed to drive a death machine is less responsibility than having sex, drinking, or voting.
They also just barely avoided voting for a fucking pedophile who would go cruising for little girls at the mall to the extent that they had to ban him. That state is backwards as all fuck.
What could the parole board's justification for denial possibly be? I don't see any risk from this guy, unless there's something more nefarious than 2.2 lbm of pot going on.
Guarantee that they looked nowhere beyond the actual text of the law and didn't consider anything else. This is only "it's illegal because we say it is and we will punish you for not conforming".
Free healthcare in that the prison doctor or nurse will refuse to diagnose him with anything until he's on his death bed and then give him comfort release so they don't have to take care of him?
Remember these headlines any time someone makes excuses for the lack of action by the Federal Government, even when we give Democrats Congress and the presidency.
I hope you don’t consider the 50-50 split Senate to be one of the times we “gave Democrats Congress and the presidency”. Do you think they were going to find 10 Republicans and overcome the filibuster for that legislation?
The last time the Democrats had control that gave them a realistic chance of doing something like this, marijuana legalization didn’t even have majority support in the US. Even among Democrats it was pretty divided.
The time before that, Bill Clinton was president and was under fire for admitting he had ever tried marijuana in his life, and had to claim he “didn’t inhale”.
And those were all the times in my life that the Democrats had any sort of majority in Congress and a Dem president.
You make it sound like there have been these chances over and over. But there isn’t even one single time you can look back at and say “right here, you had all the opportunity in the world and we asked you to do it, and you didn’t do it”.
2.2 -100lbs is a massive range especially when the weight every part of the plant. That's a difference of growing enough for a month to smoke and supplying the neighborhood. Two massively different goals.
He literally does not have the legal power to do that.
Biden has pardoned a lot of federal marijuana charges, but a core part of the Constitution is that the federal government's authority to interfere in state justice systems is very limited.
Not a federal crime or prison. Either the governor would have to pardon him, or he would have to get his appeal all the way to SCOTUS and get his conviction overturned. Neither of which seem very likely, unfortunately.