Someday we'll learn that these types of positions are only ever occupied by sociopaths, psychopaths, sadists, and those full of hate. Then we'll realize that the institutions they are part of were designed by the same type of people. Then hopefully finally we'll realize that every state institution was designed by this same group that believes they know the right way for everything and feel entitled to force their ways on everyone else.
Well, political positions, yes. But there are tons of government employees around the country that are just normal people working at a regulatory agency. The overwhelming majority of them. They're just doing their job.
At least for now. SCOTUS is very close to changing that.
Right, there are many employees of the state with no power, these positions I'd expect are mostly not staffed by dark tetrad types. The DMV though, pretty sure that's staffed by mostly sadists.
In WA during lockdown, they requested compassionate release of someone who was paralyzed on half his body and confined to a chair. The DOC decided that he was a threat to society and needed to be kept in the COVID greenhouse.