I once mentioned to my father that most people are likely felons without realizing it because everyone will have violated a whole slew of laws they are unaware of or that are obscure/unenforced. He, being a conservative, became angry with me.
I can probably come up with a dozen felonies and goodness knows how many misdemeanors I’ve committed in my life, and I’m definitely not a menace to society.
Exactly. The worst thing that most people do as far as common laws are concerned is speeding.
The real bad things that happen that are rarely enforced is spousal and child abuse, religious abuse, abuse from certain authorities, etc. These destroy lives.
You wouldn't download a car, a House, two beautiful women or their chi...you know a highrise I mean. You wouldn't download a highrise or a jet plane or two really hot babes. right?
I don't know, have you guys developed the quantum teleportation reflux trackrowave transmission elometer yet? Cuz you're gonna need at least three of those in a bisiouscope to download anything of value really. And if you're looking at porn, dude, zoom out until the entire body is in view. It's a warning you must heed. Otherwise you better figure out how to get rid of body parts if you know what I mean.
I still think it's you. A lot of foreign actors want the U.S. system to collapse. Maybe you're not, but your earlier comment sure sounded like it. People are downvoting me bcz they misunderstood what my comment was directed at. I actually agree with the sentiment, but ignoring all of our laws outright is a good way to have no government at all.
Doesn’t it make you feel like the law is less important when all these rich cunts are breaking laws left and right, that would send you to jail real fast, and no one seems to do anything about it?