Can $500 Million Save This Glacier? A bold engineering project might show a way to slow sea-level rise — and bring new imagination to the fight against climate change.
While this would certainly help the glacier from breaking apart, the effort required would be imense and a geotechnical nightmare. Building dikes above ground is tough enough as is.
On top of that we are warming so quickly. I don't see how this would stop the sheet from melting from air temperature/solar radiation
In the realm of crazy ideas, why not flood parts of the Sahara? Build a canal from the closest sea and just let it drain into there. There are also areas in Australia that were one great lakes that could also have a canal or two built to them from the ocean and flooded. Given the temperature in those places, it might make enough condensation to rejuvenate those and surrounding areas with the precipitation.
Mostly because it's expensive and the benefits unclear. This one had a bunch of modeling work done around the proposed intervention so we can know what it's likely to accomplish