I'm deep into the seven seas but I still use prime because a family member pays for it. Its a decent enough ui and has some live stuff I can throw on to keep kids entertained. However, I've already added the shows I watch on prime to my jellyfin server just because this change is going to make me not want to use it anymore.
I can understand 1 and 2, although, for 3, even though, most of my (nontechie) friends don't know how to pirate, they know how to look up grey streaming sites like 123movies, sflix, fmovies, etc
I can't agree with #1. The interface is that of Amazon's regular storefront and it often mixes paid media in with the free stuff or has stupid stuff like seasons 2, 4, & 6 being free while 1, 3, & 5 are paid. Maybe it's different in the TV apps, but the browser version is atrocious.
The player interface is excellent. Being able to see who the actors are in each scene is one of my favorite UI features.
I agree that finding a thing you want to watch is meh at best. Especially because they mix in rentals, purchasable content, and prime content all in the home interface window.
They also have a ton of subtitles and audio options. Like a shit ton.
Meanwhile Netflix most times doesn’t even have subtitles in one or more of the official languages where I live. And for sure they could have more, considering where they operate, they just choose not to.
However prime UI sucks for splitting shows between seasons so they get recommended multiple times. It just makes no sense
When I still was paying for prime (cancelled it last price increase) I was pirating any prime videos as that was easier than dealing with the shitty prime video UI.
I originally started paying for prime for the free shipping. Prime video is a perk as far as I'm concerned. I haven't re-evaluated it in a long time though to see if it's worth it. I do order a ton of stuff on amazon since I live 160km from the nearest city.
I pay for Amazon prime. The only time I watch Prime Video is every once in a while I wonder: is Stargate: Universe as terrible as I remember? And then I try watching it and remember that it is. 
I honestly thought it wasn't terrible and would have benefitted from fleshing out the rest of the story. It was definitely a huge departure from the styling of SGU and Atlantis but not horrible on its own.
Yeah I thought that was a pretty obvious attempt to ease people into it. So this news doesn't come as a shock. If anything I'm surprised it took this long.
“We aim to have meaningfully fewer ads than linear TV and other streaming TV providers. No action is required from you, and there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership,”
The double-speak is relatively subtle, but it's always interesting to see how much work they put into gaslighting their customers:
"No action is required from you..." - yes, Amazon hopes we do nothing, but Amazon unilaterally changed the assumptions underlying agreement, so "no action" is an acquiescence to a materially worse reality for us and a better one for Amazon.
"...there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership" - yes, no additional dollars are required because Amazon is now selling our time and attention, but that is still a new "fee" we are paying.
Now corporations start with that bulshit of "oh, that model wasn't sustainable actually" even though it worked perfectly fine for the last decade and they still get record profits year after year. They keep ripping everything from under us, this gotta stop.
The only reason I ever had Prime was free shipping, then I realized as soon as I bundled my orders to be over a certain dollar figure I STILL got free shipping, I kicked Prime to the curb.
For me it was the "Amazon Day" shipping that bundles up a week's worth of separate orders into one shipping day. Convenient sure but now I'm not getting 2-day shipping... so what am I paying for again? I'll just bundle up the orders and shipping my damn self.
I cancelled Amazon Prime awhile ago when the customer service took a nose dive and I realized too many of the 3rd party vendors were using Amazon as their defective products outlet.
But I actively and permanently skipped out on an Amazon Prime subscription because they refused to give me a pro-rated refund on the remaining 8-9 months of service after I cancelled. They literally told me that they start with the pro-rated amount, then subtract out the cost of all the "free" movie/show/music rentals as well as all the "free" shipping on orders during the time you've had prime, and you only get whatever remains (if anything). Within the first 3 -4 months, I had already accrued enough "free" $5.99 shipping and $3 - $4 rentals that it exceeded the $100 or whatever cost of a prime membership was back in those days, so I got no refund. Bunch of crooks.
No surprise, I'm completely on board with folks kicking Prime to the curb.
You can even get a free week of prime for 2 dollars by just not giving-in which you can then immediately cancel and get ovre and over and over and over again.
Amazon has been progressively getting worse and worse. I was not a member of Prime for the video. It was a nice perk.
The combination of Amazon making it hard to search for things to buy, the huge amount of low quality crap for sale with confusing descriptions, and this most recent change of putting in place ads if I do not pay an additional fee has led me to cancel my subscription.
They have taken the enshittification too far. Good bye Amazon. Hello Home Depot, Target, et al.
I did a review on Amazon yesterday that said I was shocked to receive a quality product because everything on modem Amazon is post war recycled tin toy quality.
streaming has absolutely no future. if they keep pulling shit like this it's going to decline even faster. i suppose it's more about sucking off advertisers than it is pleasing customers, too....if you're going to fail anyway why can't you at least make a positive difference in the world?
It will be like the Netflix exodus, the reddit exodus, etc. They'll make more money. The best you can do is be true to yourself and not participate if you don't want to.
My prediction is that it all goes back to Netflix when they decide it’s not worth the time and expense to run their own services. They had a nice passive income thing going on there for many years and can have it again if they just license their IP again.
Streaming isn't going anywhere, and if anything will likely continue to grow for as cable dies off. It's just going to consolidate and get shittier (ads) as basically things move back to a model more cable-like. Piracy will probably ramp back to like levels for music in the early 2000's, but it will remain a niche. Amazon specifically will see blowback for this, but it's unlikely to move many off of Prime since it's sort of a tertiary benefit to having a Prime membership, and even if it's all you got for your Prime membership, it's still one of the cheapest streaming services.
Then you didn't look too closely. !technology@lemmy.world's first rule is to follow the lemmy.world rules and links to the mastodon.world rules page. The first server rule there is "No illegal content."
I've got the next week off, migrating from Plex to Jellyfin is on my todo list, but I really like the pipeline I have set up now for .. my sailing habit. arrr
Servarr Suite. Netflix interface, piracy backend. Operates over Usenet. Can handle movies, tv, music and ebooks. I've been told there are viable workarounds for televised sports, specifically F1.
I have Prime and have never actually used it. I still watch Amazon shows, but I'll be fucked if I use their shit interface or expose myself to their datamining to do it. Let alone watch fucking ads.
I tried to use their UX. Its bad. And the worst is I fell asleep watching something like Project Bluebook once. And the Prime Reccomendations streamed a SHITLOAD of alien conspiracy content while i slept. It ruined the recs etc. And you cant delete the primary account profile....only the sub-profiles.
Frankly i only go on it to see what I should maybe load into Sonarr/Radarr at this point. fuck em.
I was watching Yellowstone on Prime back in 2021, before they moved it to a premium tier, and the audio was always out of sync when using Prime Video, so I had to adjust the audio sync latency, and remember to switch it back when watching other content. This was on an Nvidia Shield Pro, too, so not some scrappy TV vendor's implementation of the app on some underpowered SoC.
After a while, I gave up and just watched it on my Plex server instead. I could also use the Watch Together feature to watch it synchronously with friends, a feature not supported by Prime Video.
In my case, the piracy (if you call it that, when I was at the time a Prime member) was absolutely a UX issue, not a price issue.
If there are commercials, why should someone need an Amazon Prime membership at all? It becomes just like broadcast TV then, and they should just allow anyone to watch to maximize revenue. They have all this AWS infrastructure to deliver video, why not maximize the use of it?
But wouldn't they make more money by not requiring a subscription and having many more viewers? They will get paid for showing ads, not collecting Prime subscriptions.
Nice to know I can finally cancel Prime though. The entire value proposition has now gone. Free shipping is hugely conditional (and prices are artificially jacked to cover it in the first place), and now they want to put the worst thing on the internet (ads) into the only component of Prime I still sorta kinda use sometimes. I'd rather keep the $140 a year or whatever.
Personally, idgaf what they do with Prime Video. After about a decade of having Prime, the only thing that has ever caught my attention was Rings of Power and that shat the bed so I'm good there.
I order enough off Amazon that faster delivery is a major draw for me. Ordering from other merchants is a drag because Amazon set the standard forever ago. But is it worth $140/year? Idk, I'll have to do the value calculation on that one. But it's getting closer to not being worth it. Especially if they continue to bundle the cost of video that I don't use onto my shipping subscription.
I canceled my Prime account this past summer when I was informed they were going to increase my yearly fee. I've been a Prime member since 2003. It used to be FREE strict 2 day shipping on everything amazon sold. I think it was $85 a year then. 100% worth the fee. The shipping got worse and worse until the peak shit when they sold the contract for shipping to USPS from UPS for the majority of packages. Used to be if something wasn't there by the guaranteed delivery date, you could call and complain and you'd get a month of prime added to your account. Then it got so frequent they started changing that to a $5 credit if you complained. Now they just change the "guaranteed" date if it's going to be late, and no one gives a fuck if it still doesn't get there. All this time the fee has ballooned to over $140. Now you're telling me they're going to start adding commercials to their streaming? It's total horse shit from one of the largest companies in the world. They shit the bed with the gawd awful Rings of Power and are passing that cost on to us. Fuck Amazon, Hulu, Disney, Netflix. They are all garbage companies. Fcuking pirate everything you can.
Guess I’ll just start downloading that content too because I’m not paying you more for the same shit. I’d get rid of it altogether if it wasn’t just included as part of prime in general.
I never use prime, and stuff usually shows up in 2 or 3 days, anyway. They optimized their shipping abilities, and then convinced some people to pay more for it.
Amazon has turned to utter shit these days. They've been requiring you to show your ID to get a refund. Getting asked by some Indian dude who I can barely understand a picture of my government issued ID sure doesn't feel comforting.
fuck this company, the only thing i bought on amazon was filament for my 3d-printers. now that i zeroed in on a brand, i can just buy it at their online store. goodbye amazon.
Which brand filament did you decide on? I found that Hatchbox filament is really good and that they sell it on their site for the same price as amazon with free shipping options as well. So I just buy from their site directly now.
i mainly buy esun. pretty consistent for the price, and they offer multiple different materials and colors. they even have those fancy dual/triple color filaments.
Sometimes even local, you just have to search and find! I stopped using amazon, because I found local shopping more efficient, I order online and I pick up.
You know, they'll ship stuff to your house for free as long as each order is over $35 (or maybe it's $50?). It's just that you have to plan ahead a bit more because it's no longer the "guaranteed" 2 day shipping.
I quit prime because that guaranteed delivery date was frequently not the actual delivery date.
I don’t use Amazon much anymore anyway, because the products are overwhelmed with cheap, poor quality trash you couldn’t peddle on alibaba and completely worthless, largely faked reviews and ratings. I order once or twice a year some replacement cable or adapter I can’t find anywhere else reasonably quick, but that’s pretty much it, so canceling over this ad bullshit doesn’t really hurt me much.
Next on the list is my Netflix sub, which I largely use just for oldtrek reruns as second screen background noise while I use my computer. I could probably, uh, procure those shows fairly easy, or splurge on a collectors edition and would still save money.
Go ahead, I did the same and I really don't miss Netflix. I should also mention I have crappy internet, so it's much better/easier to just download good quality vidéo files overnight than sit through a constantly-buffering 240p stream
I had never heard of usenet, this is eye opening thank you! I have been thinking about reverting back to torrents, might have to try this out first though.
What a bunch of cunts. FFS, it is never enough. Their return policy sucks now, too. It used to be that if Amazon fucked up your order, they'd refund you and you could keep the product. It made ordering online a relatively risk-free proposition. Now, they won't refund you until you ship it back, even if it is their fuck up, which really kills the convenience factor. Plus, you get to over-pay for most things. What's not to love?
You expect a company to let you keep stuff that they send you wrongly?
Let me know which company still has this policy. I need to trick them into sending me some very expensive graphic cards wrongfully
I didn't say that they should, I said that they did. And they did it to overcome people's hesitation to buy online. You take a risk ordering online because you don't physically pick the item you want.
Your comment is relevant nonetheless since I suspect they stopped their original return policy because of scams.
Is Prime Video something that people sign up for a d would cancel? I thought it was something they just happened to get when buying the express shipping package.
Each part of Prime just keeps getting shittier and shittier, this could definitely be a straw that broke the camel's back situation. Shipping stopped being 2-days every time during the pandemic, returns used to allow for pick up at your house are now drop off at a store. Music catalog is being slowly locked behind Unlimited, and now it's all station-ified so you can't even listen to what you want.
My Prime membership is up in March. I've already decided to not renew it, since they decided to cancel The Peripheral. Had I not already made that decision, this change would have made it for me anyway.
Their catalog is so shit that I don't even know what plays on Amazon. Back when they refused to make an Android video app I just got all their crap from other means. I've had prime for years just for the shipping I've never watched a video through their service.
It seems like every streaming service catalog is deteriorating. Almost every time I've looked up a movie to watch on justwatch, they're only available for rental/"purchase." I'm done paying my hard earned money for dogshit services.
I've also just kind of given up on watching much of anything, I have better things to do than sit in front of the TV for hours on end.
I have better things to do than sit in front of the TV for hours on end.
I hear that. I watch way less than I used to. I've also made it a point to stay out of other people's algorithms as much as I can. I only pull exactly what I want from youtube then go do something else. You can't doom scroll Lemmy because you run out of doom after 30-40 minutes.
My guilty pleasure is still binging certain series, but I try to wait to watch stuff until it's canceled or at the very least until the season is over and I can just catch up in a weekend.
No point in paying for Prime Video when other services like Tubi or even Pluto TV offer free movies/shows with ads built-in. When I realized that it was easy to cancel.
If Video is the reason you have prime, sure. Personally the shipping is still the reason I have it. I don't really use the video service at all. Frankly I wish they'd unbundle all of the stuff and let me pay for just shipping.
This year the shipping has gone from two days from ordering to two days from processing to two weeks to maybe we'll just lose the order entirely.
Add to that that so many of the sellers seem to have migrated over from the eBay "hey look at this cheap knockoff crap that fell off a truck" crowd, and I'm just not seeing the benefit anymore.
My renewal is a week from today. I think I'm going to cancel by then.
I really don't know where I go from here vis a vis online ordering. Probably just use my boss' account when there's something that I just can't get anywhere else.
Probably going to work. Just another company trying to wring money from their user base since they can't reasonably grow. So many people were like "oh I'm cancelling Netflix if I can't share it" and then it was record sign ups for them and overall more money.
They are doing this right before The Boys comes back on and somewhat during Invincibles part 2 airing. People will be annoyed and pay the upcharge.
And like me pirating those still won't change much since I already was.
These companies have to compete in a higher interest rate environment. Otherwise their stock will fall and they won't be able to refinance debt. The free money era is over.
Bummer. Not because of the extra $3, honestly I'll probably just pay it. But because until now Prime programming has been able to operate with a certain freedom. I know 0 people with prime for the video (as opposed to the free delivery) so they were willing to take risks with the shows.
Solos and Tales from the Loop are both amazing works of art that would never have shown up on network TV, or Netflix which would much rather make cheap mass appeal shows with little depth. Even more shows with wider appeal (e.g. The Expanse) might not survive the TV Executive mindset now that they have a reason to care about the number of views as a primary metric, over user happiness.
And honestly, it all baffles me, I will gladly subscribe to a streaming service for one great show. Produce 3 or 4 a year and I'm subscribed for good. If I wanted an endless string of medicore baking reality shows, I'd get cable again.
Ugh yes. I canceled my Amazon Prime like 5 years ago, and swore off Amazon completely until they started streaming Vox Machina. Sucks that's the service Critical Role went with, but it is what it is.
I should check out Tales from the Loop too.... and cancel AppleTV now that Ted Lasso is over.
Prime's entire UI already sucks dick. I can't even tell which shows/movies I can watch without having to pay, rent, or subscribe. Like mfer I'm paying to watch whatever Amazon has to offer. I only use it for The Boys, Reacher, and Invincible. Even with how much I would love to support these shows, fuck Amazon.
So for those who don’t know, this happened with cable back in the day. No ads was part of the pitch, then they were slowly introduced, the appeal of the product fell, and, at least in my circles, fewer held on to the product over time.
the first cable stations were OTA (network) stations from major cities being served to rural areas. those had ads.
the first cable-specific channel was TBS which was just a converted Atlanta NBC channel that also had ads.
as basic cable grew, new channels launched with ads.
Premium channels like HBO launched in the 70s without ads but afaik those channels are still ad-free except self-promotion between shows.
Well, not everyone lives in the US or has the same timeline or window of experience. I should have made the relativism of my statement more clear, though it was touched on briefly.
Yeah we get that in the great white north. A immediately Skippable ad for a different show on prime. That is fine by me, however ads like on so many other services will mean I cancel and Maybe setup a plex.
Amazon Prime Podcasts wants you to know that ads are bad and they offer them as free*. But here they are talking out the other side of their bean counters saying that ads aren't a problem.
The fast talking at the end of the ad says "some podcasts may contain ads."
Even though I don't have Prime, Amazon's moves are making other sites more attractive. Walmart has been pretty good recently, offering 2-3 day shipping at no additional cost in my experience, along with a better app UI/UX. Now that Amazon has upped the minimum for free shipping, the only edge it holds over Walmart is the wider selection.
I encourage you to think about dropping Prime. Saving your money. Their shipping really isn't that great (anymore), most orders $35 or more ships free, and the money you save ($14/15 per month) can go towards your purchases.
Earlier this year, Amazon announced plans to start incorporating ads into movies and TV shows streamed from its Prime Video service, and now the company has revealed a specific date when you’ll start seeing them: it’s January 29th.
No action is required from you, and there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership,” the company wrote.
Customers have the option of paying an additional $2.99 per month to keep avoiding advertisements.
The rest of the email summarizes the many benefits of a Prime subscription — no doubt an attempt to keep customers from cancelling over this decision.
The move comes as competing streaming services continue to raise subscription rates across the board.
The monthly cost of Amazon Prime isn’t changing, but if you want to preserve the same experience you have today starting on January 29th, you’ll end up paying more.
The original article contains 282 words, the summary contains 145 words. Saved 49%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
I have Amazon Prime which includes Prime Video and I just watched the first four episodes of Reacher 2 on Stremio with Torrentio. Before this, I binged all of Better Call Saul also on the latter, before cancelling Netflix. I also cancelled Disney+ after they announced the second price hike in less than a year, ended up watching Loki 2 also on Stremio. Fuck this greedy assholes.
Just before our yearly subscription ends. I’m busy ripping and saving what we like for the next month and finally canceling prime this year, this is just the added motivation to remember how much it sucks.
The TV side of Amazon Prime is functionally free. And its not like I'm going to cancel the service when what I really use it for is mail-order retail shopping.
So I'll pirate their smattering of good shows and they'll tell advertisers I watch their stupid ads. Everyone gets to play pretend and the wheels of commerce will continue to turn.
My membership is up in a week or so. I was looking into the Walmart equivalent as a replacement, but they've proven to be even worse. I don't know where to go from here.
I'm not a daily Amazon user. Maybe one or two orders per month. But when I need those things, they can be tough to find at brick and mortar.
Use Amazon as a search engine, find what you need, then Google the manufacturer and buy it directly from them. You'd be surprised how many have free shipping . It's usually not two day shipping, but what do you really need that fast?
If it's electronics, buy online for local pickup at Best Buy. If it's tools or house supplies, buy online for local pickup at Lowe's or Home Depot. Buy online for local pickup at Target.
I haven't purchased anything from Amazon in 4 years. It's honestly way easier now than it was before Amazon started, but no one realizes that because Amazon got them locked in.
My parents still watch cable and the odd time I've seen an ad for some other service advertised as only 12/mo with ads or something like that. Is that supposed to sound good to anyone. All these shit corporations need to get fucked.
We have prime because we order enough through Amazon that the 'free' shipping we pay for is still a good deal. If I don't watch any Amazon video anymore, that's fine. And I don't plan to if there are commercials.
I'd forgotten they were gonna start doing this. I've got Amazon for the shipping there video has always been leaking. I use it maybe twice a year. They're probably trying to delay a price increase to Amazon and increase revenue.
It's worse than you think. As an advertiser, I can actually buy targeted product placements in shows. So, let's say I'm Google, and I know you recently searched for a Google Pixel. If I pay for product placements in the next Prime show, I can get all the phones to be Pixels when you watch it.
But if your friend searched for an iPhone, and he gets targeted by apple, the phones in the show could be iPhones.
Look up "trash guides" for the *arr programs. I use Sabnzbd, Prowlarr, Sonarr, Radarr, Recyclarr, Jellyseerr, and Jellyfin. All in docker containers on their own vlan. Lemme know if you need any help.
It's mind boggling to see the volume of content Amazon has produced that nobody cares about. Rings of Power was $89 million per episode. Citadel was $42 million per episode. There are solutions other than, "Higher fees".
Presently, every time i dive into az video i find nothing and that my time spent was in vain... so now they want me to pay even more for this added misery? Easy decision... I'm out.
There is no change to the current price of your Prime membership. We will also offer a new ad-free option for an additional $2.99 per month* that you can sign up for here.
Then there is a price change you damn dimwit, you just gave the shitty tier the same pricing as the old normal tier, and amped up the normal tier by $3.00. I absolutely hate the wording for this, you just know it was to be able to not release the ad membership at a lower price.
As for video streaming, it's going to take a breakup of the Big Tech monopolies via revival of anti-trust laws to fix that. Hear the first chapter of The Internet Con (skip to 2m5s) by Cory Doctorow for more on that.
The only reason I still have Prime Video is because of a super weird bug where it tries to charge an already expired card. Somehow, it doesn't register as expired and I can just "renew" it every month
Fortunately a VPN is like 30 quid a year. Jellyfin and Radarr are my jam now.
I've kept Netflix and Disney+ for now. I was looking to cancel one for a while, and Amazon made that an easy choice. There's fucking nothing on it at the best of times.
eh, I don't really care. It's a gimme with prime. TBH I rarely watch anything on it. The only thing I'm watching right now is the current season of Reacher.
Honestly. I'm surprised they haven't done this sooner. Prince video is included with a normal prime subscription. So, with some of the originals they've produced and paying for the rights to many movies/shows, they are probably bleeding money with this service..
You make it sound like a savvy business decision to double dip with subscriptions and ads. They choose to give it away with prime to get market share from Netflix. All that's changed is they've decided you're ready to be bent over a barrel now.
This may be a shocker to many of you but it costs money to produce TV shows.
Cable was lucrative because of the subscription fees and the fact that channels could still run ads. People are now expecting to pay $10 a month for access to everything ad-free when previously they'd have to pay multiple times this amount to watch shows at scheduled times, and still sit through ad breaks. There was no such thing as an online on-demand catalogue just fifteen years ago.
Now imagine that networks are making far less money per viewer, have to pump out shitloads of original content to keep people subscribed (and in the case of Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and others, mitigate the risk of copyright holders jacking up fees for third party content), can't run ads to supplement their income and have to deal with huge levels of inflation because governments had to print a fucktonne of money to bail us out of a financial crisis and a global pandemic.
Piracy has raised a generation of entitled cheapskates that refuse to pay for content, and these are the people who are most likely going to break a lot of studios and publishers.
The only real saving grace here is that this could be the downfall of Disney, which would be a net boon for copyright reform. Disney are the core reason why US copyright law is so fucked and why we're only now close to seeing Steamboat Willie (first Mickey Mouse cartoon from 1924) enter the public domain.
Speaking of entitled cheapskates, most of the good content is older shows not new ones. Most of these streaming providers are coasting on shows and movies made before they existed.
I don't care about the "cost of new shows" because most of them suck. Just because you have a big CGI budget doesn't mean you made a good show. Not only that, but good new shows are all cancelled after one or two seasons.
The reason for this is obvious: creating a new show adds another "square" on the Netflix screen. Adding more seasons to an old show doesn't. Plus you can advertise "new show" and people will just watch to see what it is. Viewers need to stop watching things just because they're "new".
I hope that downvotes are mainly due to the cheapskate remark, because most of the post is quite correct.
The fact that people think they have a right to enjoy entertaiment that costs millions to produce and which not only make a profit, but also emplys thousands, many super skilled, foe free, is just plain wrong.
Piracy is not even close to the reason any of the streamers are struggling, and even then I'd be surprised to see if Amazon was actually struggling. Piracy itself is a rounding error, and is more of a function of the shitty way that most of the streamers run their business.
There is a lot going on:
Lots of these streamers, and especially Amazon, keep green lighting projects with massive budgets but then forgetting to tell a good story or hire people who seem interested in making the show they're making. Rings of Power and Wheel of Time have insane budgets for what are generously mediocre shows. I can't even imagine the pitch meeting for WoT. "I want to take a massively beloved cornerstone of the fantasy genre that spans 14 gigantic books and a few novellas, turn it into a TV show with 8 ep seasons, make a ton of changes to the story and lore that is sure to piss off the audience that is most likely to generate word of mouth for us, and for the low, low price of like a billion dollars. You should trust me with this money because I worked on 2 seasons of the hit show (that was on the edge of cancellation basically it's entire run) Agents of SHIELD and a streaming show on Netflix that was canceled after one season." By pretty much any measure, this is an insane set of decisions.
This is everywhere - The Witcher, Halo, Star Trek: Discovery (and most of Picard), Secret Invasion, Book of Boba Fett, just about every goddamn "blockbuster" Netflix attempts. It's either they take a beloved IP and decide to do something entirely different and usually not even good-different (has anyone that worked on Halo even seen an xbox?) or they set up a project with a pitch like "Ryan Reynolds is a big star, Fast and the Furious is a big franchise, make a movie with Ryan and cars or whatever." Insert meme of the guy getting thrown out of the window for asking "does it need a plot?"
The existence of half of these streamers in general belie the real issues. You can't tell me that Paramount+ or Peacock should even exist. The whole premise of these goddamn things is "people want to watch 20-40 year old re-runs of Star Trek and Seinfeld, I bet we can charge $15 in perpetuity for that as long as we sprinkle in the occasional new show that makes a point to let our audience know we hate them for liking these shows."
It's just a massively, massively mismanaged business on basically every level. Ads is the latest in this fiasco. They should be either small, cheap networks that make a lot of small budget shows, or if they're going to take some big swings they might want to have a proven strategy of any sort. Quite a lot of the shows that found massive success were made for basically the change you find in the couch cushions. A show like Friends probably cost about $7 for the first season, and didn't balloon until later seasons when the cast was each making a decent amount and every other episode had a major guest star. Most sci-fi until very recently was extremely cheap. Carter: Sir, we've arrived on the planet, looks like the MALP was accurate. O'Neill: It's really weird how most of the planets we visit look like the woods in Vancouver, BC. Even Game of Thrones which probably started this arms race of spending, didn't start getting $20+ million budgets until it was a massive, massive hit (worth noting how that show tried to stick closely to the source and didn't start to suck until they ran out of book) and even then that would be seen as "cheap" compared to a lot of these.
Capitalism is fucking the world raw every minute of every day. People will get what they can to mitigate the existentiel crisis they got plunged into. I gladly pay for concerts, cinéma and music CDs, always have. These companies make profits and fatten multimillionnaire executives while providing a poor service. I agree that we've gotten used to plentiful content and it's spoiled us. What's called for, imho, is a reimagination of distribution schemes and redistribution of wealth. I want actors paid a normal wage, more public funding of cinéma (or at all, depending on the country) and semi-public platforms that don't seek profit. To give an example of what I mean, there is madelen.ina.fr which is an archive of french tv and cinéma, accessible for 3€ a month, existing under the umbrella of the INA (national institute of tv)