If Video is the reason you have prime, sure. Personally the shipping is still the reason I have it. I don't really use the video service at all. Frankly I wish they'd unbundle all of the stuff and let me pay for just shipping.
This year the shipping has gone from two days from ordering to two days from processing to two weeks to maybe we'll just lose the order entirely.
Add to that that so many of the sellers seem to have migrated over from the eBay "hey look at this cheap knockoff crap that fell off a truck" crowd, and I'm just not seeing the benefit anymore.
My renewal is a week from today. I think I'm going to cancel by then.
I really don't know where I go from here vis a vis online ordering. Probably just use my boss' account when there's something that I just can't get anywhere else.
Very much the opposite of my experience. I get almost everything next day and lots of things have free shipping upgrades. I do live in a major city with an amazon warehouse nearby, though.
Mmm, interesting. Here in the UK Amazon actually added a new option - instead of next day delivery you can now get deliver stuff today on some specific items.