The full GTA V source code has been leaked
The leak contains GTA V source code and stuff from Bully 2 and GTA VI
Leaked in a discord server by a random British guy in the 360 modding community known to get sued by Rockstar multiple times
"Now i am expecting a open source version of gta to arrive soon on linux natively . Tired of playing supertuxcart."
If you're not aware, the hack was performed by Arion Kurtaj, an 18 year old, who has been put in prison a psych ward in a uk prison. He hacked rockstar at a hotel, where he was left with no computers or phones, only to find that the TV had a chromecast, which he used to buy a phone and a keyboard (presumably by selling his monero).
He hacked into all major uk telcom providers: EE, BT and Orange.
He hacked into nvidia
This kid deserves a 7-8 digits salary as a pentester, not prison; plenty of pentesting companies would hire him in a heartbeat.
Don't get me wrong, he deserves a long and drawn out lesson on morals, but also a stellar salary where he can do what he's doing for the right side.
EDIT: I have made a mistake in my original comment, which has been pointed out. My bad, he's technically in a psych ward in a uk prison, because he's aggressive and unstable. I still stand by what I said (and what I clarified in the comments below), but I wanted to correct the record
You have to convince him first it is what he wants to do. He seems very fixated on being a cyber criminal at this time and money is unlikely to sway him.
He can learn once he understands the repercussions of his actions. Remember that he's an autistic teenager, he has a lot to learn about life and especially morality.
This kid deserves a 7-8 digits salary as a pentester, not prison; plenty of pentesting companies would hire him in a heartbeat.
I keep hearing this.
Find me any company that will hire someone so unstable and destructive, and I'll show you a company with bad hiring practices.
This is someone you can never count on to do anything they don't want to do. Someone who will destroy things if they don't get their way. Triple letters won't touch him.
Also, let's be clear, a lot of this was social engineering. He didn't do anything impressive, he just did things others wouldn't be brazen enough to do because they didn't want to get caught.
This is someone you can never count on to do anything they don’t want to do. Someone who will destroy things if they don’t get their way. Triple letters won’t touch him.
definitely, but people can change
a lot of this was social engineering
people always have a high and mighty mentality when talking about social engineering, most attacks today use some form of social engineering and have for a long time, if not always.
Social engineering, arguably, is one of the harder things to learn.
It's a collection of soft skills, and if you've been paying attention to rank and file tech jobs, places are looking for people with soft skills because they're so impractical to train.
This goes down to your basic help desk tech.
Anyone with an interest in computers can sit down and learn how to analyze and exploit weakness in code. In fact, it's a fun puzzle. Dealing with other people, let alone establishing oneself as another person and fucking SELLING that character enough to get what you need?
People write off social engineering far too quickly. It's quick, it's effective, and if done well, the person you exploited doesn't even realize they've been tricked.
Are you kidding me? Aggressive, unstable and destructive seem to be core tenants for the CEOs of many large scale blue chip firms.
If you want actual penetration defense, you absolutely hire the unstable person. I'm not saying you put him or her in the centre desk on the main floor, let him or her work from an environment where they are most comfortable, and one that supports them best.
If you want window dressing, hire the neat and tidy person, who couldn't actually penetrate an Excel sheet.
He’s talented, but the problem is jobs like pen testing require a LOT of trust to work in. So far this guy has said and shown that he intents on staying in cybercrime rather than doing legitimate work.
As it stands, given how he’s acted, I can’t see a single company that would let him pen test their systems or a red team that would take that risk to their reputation.
Exactly, all these redditors and lemmyers (lemmings??) keep saying "oh he should be working for MI5 or a cyber security firm, not getting court-ordered mental support!"
And it makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Even if we ignore him purposely breaking the law while on curfew from breaking the law previously, has been violent, and straight up said he wants to commit more crime, even if all of that is ignored, no company would trust him.
His application would be thrown straight into the bin in my company, and we don't even deal with stuff that's that sensitive.
Like seriously, have these people ever heard of the concept of insider threats?
Not even that he wants to do cyber crime, just that he's unstable and violent, and is absolutely the kind of person who will refuse or even undermine certain tasks if they don't feel like doing them.
He's not in prison, he's in a mental institution getting therapy because he has issues and was violent. He straight up told the judge he intends to commit more crimes.
I have zero love for Rockstar's bs and I do have admiration of this young man's skills, but he clearly presented himself as someone who can't just be free without any further intervention.
As far as I recall he actively seeks to commit cybercrimes and even says so himself.
It's not the first young hacker on the spectrum that has urges to hack stuff.
It's a whole different question when someone is conscious he is doing something illegal and actively seeks to do it.
This is not another Aaron Swartz story imo. It's an autistic individual that doesn't hack out of curiosity but in order to damage businesses, and people or benefit himself.
He deserved (past tense) all that opportunity before he proved his willingness to use it to do damage. Given his dedication to committing crime, I can't imagine who would ever trust him enough to want his talents.
No. He wants to perform crimes because he fell into the wrong crowd and developed a massive ego.
His acute autism doesn't predisposed him towards criminal actions.
Not just prison, life imprisonment under the oversight of medical professionals, until he can be deemed to not be a danger to others.
From a security perspective, what he's done is very impressive. It sounds like he has a lot of troubles, though, and if anything this act has probably pushed the authorities to give him the medical help he probably needed.
He hacked rockstar at a hotel, where he was left with no computers or phones, only to find that the TV had a chromecast, which he used to buy a phone and a keyboard (presumably by selling his monero).
You sure are making a lot of assumptions here and have some very interesting takes. Can you tell me how this would be done without a way to modify the Chromecast?
I have not made any assumptions, this has been shared multiple times in different articles which I did not write. As for the Chromecast, I misremembered, it was an Amazon Firestick.
No one is condemning him for hacking Rockstar. They're defending the decisions to put him a hospital because he's unstable. It doesn't help anyone having this kind of black hat shit being so public, sloppy, and visibly unhinged.
I don't see anyone simping for corporations, just not rushing to celebrate or defend someone so obviously unhinged.
Also, the point is not to get caught, and he's extremely brazen about it even when directly under police watch.
There are plenty of other black hats out there that don't act like this. No one is shaking a finger at them. By all means, crack these corporations wide open.
But this guy in particular is not worth raising up.
It's probably just the code without any assets (textures, 3d models, etc.). Code really doesn't take much space. You'd have a hard time actually building it to something playable as is, but this is still useful to modders.
As a release engineer for Electronic Arts for 13 years, this looks like to me a copy of either the source folder from Perforce, a devs machine that had synced a stream, or the same from a build machine. It's not uncommon to use batch files and python scripts to reconfigure a workspace to switch workspaces. I see a solution file in there.
I would bet that particular file is an automation script to configure a machine for development.
Yeah, the problem with stolen source code is that you can't really use it for much except maybe developing modding tools, and even then you can't say out loud that you used the source and didn't reverse engineer shit
I'm confused. This kid was arrested for hacking Rockstar and downloading and sharing 90 video clips of the unreleased GTA6, but this source code leak is GTA5, and the full leak is 1TB in size. He was in police custody in a hotel during the time of his 90 clip GTA6 hack. That's a lot of space for a smartphone and fire stick.
There are 3 leaks in circulation:
3.3 gigs, src only
17 gigs, src + partial assets
1 TB, src + full assets
How are we certain this kid was behind the GTA5 source leak, because these sources don't claim that. It's possible that he passed the info on to Lapsu$ members but unless you have another source, this kid wasn't the leaker of the GTA5 leak.