The Fortnite maker filed antitrust suits against both tech companies – while one emerged victorious, the other was found at fault on 11 claims
"Google has taken great pains to appear more open than Apple, licensing the Android operating system to third parties like Samsung and allowing users to install apps via other methods than the Play store. Apple does neither. When it comes to exclusivity, Apple has become synonymous with “walled garden” in the public imagination. So why did a jury find that Google held a monopoly but Apple didn’t?"
Many companies have already implemented aggressive email "retention" policies, where only specifically tagged and marked emails can be saved in a system that will periodically require the user to verify if it is still required. All other emails get purged.
This to avoid years old emails surfacing in those nuisance lawsuits and prove the company willingly did illegal things.
They didn't. Only one of the cases was by jury, so it's wrong to claim that "a jury found Google held a monopoly but Apple didn't".
And even if they were both jury trials, they'd be different juries, so it's not like one group of people looked at all the facts and decided Google did the wrong thing and not Apple.
That's in addition to the different facts in the case which this article is primarily about.
I disagree, The Guardian is objectively one of the best free News outlets out there.
Also Op is literally just citing a side sentence out of the article. Which makes me to believe you didnt even read the article.
The article make is very clear what the differences are and that the Apple case just didn't have a jury at all.
"The jury, he argued, was essentially allowed to conjure up damning evidence in their minds that may not have existed"
Well yes, that's exactly what the court will do if they find that you've been deleting evidence - they assume that whatever you deleted must have been damning to the case otherwise why would you have told employees to use "delete after 24h" communication channels?
Google claimed to be open but ran backroom deals to ensure low competition. In doing so it proved its weight in the industry could squash competition, proving its monopoly, which is illegal.
Apple never made claims it was open.
As simple as. Toss in one case was decided by a jury, and the other a judge, and you'll quickly see neither are related.
Basically your question was nonsense from the jump, and pushed by blogs and the like to get idiots to click. Had you read the news, you'd get it. By why read when others will explain it for ya.
This is a discussion forum. Sometimes an obvious question sparks conversation well beyond the original topic. But someone needs to ask the question first. You don't have to be rude. Just scroll right past.
I mean, Google can sure try lol. Pixels make up like 1% of market share. If they cut off Android from everyone else, they would fall completely out in no time.
It's also worth noting that Apple was never proven to not be a monopoly, only that Epic couldn't provide enough evidence to prove that they were. US courts never prove innocence, only guilt.
Google simply could have been worse that Apple at hiding what they were doing, making it easier to find evidence. Or perhaps Epic's prior failure to provide evidence in the Apple case may have helped prepare them with what to look for this time for the Google one.
Edit: Not to mention that the Google case was decided by a jury, whereas the Apple case was decided through a ruling by a judge, which adds another layer of difference between them.
I also would point out that Google and Apple sells very different things. Apple does not sell iOS. It sells hardware to customers and the right to access users through this hardware to third parties (game makers). Google’s product to begin with is software (Operating System) on multiple phone platforms. Different laws and rules may apply there.
Because in practice, the term "Monopoly" is subjective. Anti-business, anti-capitalist call every big business a monopoly, whether it is or not. They think anticompetitive means not actively helping your competition get ahead of you. Actual monopolies are almost always a creation of government regulation, which is why they get away with it.
That is a silly thing to say. Being big AND abusing your market power in an anti-competitive way is being a monopoly.
If you sell my competitors product, you will not get the discount all other clients are getting, and your orders will go to the bottom of the pile. (Intel crushing AMD)
If you offer your product on any other point of sale, your product will never be highlighted. (Amazon to any seller)
You have no other choice than to buy electricity from us, so you will pay whatever price we say. (Power companies)
We will hard-code all our applications to use our own browser, make changing the default as convoluted as possible. (Microsoft in the browser select)
If anyone other than us repairs our product, the software will simply not allow you to use the product. (Apple, John Deere, many other companies)
We will take all the sales data, find the biggest earning products, have them produced for us too, and then undercut your product and bankrupt you by always pointing the customer at our knock off version instead of yours. (Amazon again)
How are these A cReAtIoN oF GoBeRmEnT ReGuLaTiOnS?