Title text: If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything.
I was looking for this comment. PHP storm and git are like best friends. I very very rarely need to resort to the CLI and generally that's for hard resetting after I screw something up
Good luck doing anything remotely complicated/useful in git with an IDE. You get a small fraction of what git can do with a tool that allows absolutely 0 scripting and automation.
IDE git is less powerful than CLI git. However I'm pretty confident that most people use more features of git by using a GUI.
CLI feature discoverability is pretty awful, you have to go out of your way and type git help to learn new commands.
With a GUI though, all the buttons are there, you just have to click a new button that you've been seeing for a while and the GUI will guide you how to use it.
It sounds like you don't speak from experience. I have all the automation I need. It supports git hooks on top of IDE-only features like code checking.
If I have to fire up my CLI for some mass history rewriting (like changing an author for every commit), or when the repo breaks - so be it. But by not using the CLI I save my fingers and sanity, because committing a bunch of files is several click away with little to no room for error.
I can rebase, patch, drop, rename, merge, revert, cherry pick, and solve conflicts with a click of a button rather than remembering all the commands and whatnot.
I wish! The best Linux git gui I have found is SmartGit. I like it, but it's just a little goofy and not free. Fork is better for its ability to very easily stage and/or stash a subset of the current changeset.
Anyone got any suggestions? I tried git-cola and gitkraken. The former I found obtuse and limited, and the latter is not free in addition to somehow making git harder with a pretty gui.
I hate coding on Windows, maybe I'll check that out. (My only option is Windows for my work laptop because I need to use a few Windows-only softwares and IT says I'm not allowed to dual boot)
I'd love to like the desktop app, but I just don't understand what it's doing under the hood when I click a button. When I click an icon, is it syncing my changes up as it pulls down, it just pulling down? I guess point and click is more scary to me when prod is on the line.
If I may shill for a moment, that's something I like about sublime merge - the buttons mostly map to git commands, and it has a nice log showing the commands it ran and their output.
Are you able to fall back to normal git commands if you don't know the shortcuts? This sounds awesome until I can't remember the syntax to do something I don't do everyday.
I'd use Desktop if it worked, unfortunately recently it decided that I don't have read/write access to a repo I'm working on. Works fine in git CLI so idk what the problem there is.
I switched to gitextensions, sourcetree had so many bugs that it was getting on my nerves. Gitextensions has a similar layout, it also has the history view. It's not prefect (recently they removed the dark theme because they upgraded some dependency and it didn't work anymore) but it's the best alternative I've found
Tower is pretty nice for mac user too. I paid for it for a few versions back when I was coding full time. Now I just stuck to source tree for occasional freelance and personal projects.
I really never understood why one would need a GUI for git except for visualizing branches.
I feel like I'm crazy seeing so many people using clicky buttons for tracking files. I need like 4 commands for 95% of what I do and the rest you look up.
You're already programming! Just learn the tool!
And now there's a github CLI tool? I hate to beat a dead horse but Microsoft pushing their extended version of an open source tool/protocol is literally the second step of their mantra.
Do you use the command line for everything? Do you edit with vim, view diffs with git diff, browse the web with links or lynx?
GUIs are useful tools. I’m happy with VSCode’s git integration. It’s just what I need for basic stuff like staging files and committing. I use the CLI whenever I want to do something like rebasing because I can type that command faster than I can figure out the GUI, but it would be stupid to artificially force myself to use the CLI for everything because of some kind of principal.
Yeah I actually just prefer the command line, I've never had to force myself to use it. I even tried using VSC for a bit recently but i couldn't get myself to like it. I just use nvim with some plugins in a tmux session now and its productive as hell.
Of course I don't browse the web with the command line. For merging branches, I always merge main into the working branch first, check conflict files, and go through the file finding the diffs and resolving them. I've used merge tools before that were sorta nice but I had my own issues with them.
Maybe it's the type of programming I do. I don't do any web stuff, so file count is down. For larger code bases I keep a non editor terminal up and will grep -re for word/phrase searching, find to look for specific files, etc. I'll occasionally use an IDE, typically eclipse based because embedded, but I don't find myself missing the features they add.
Maybe not a GUI but using a TUI (lazygit) I am certain that I can do everything faster than you could ever do using the CLI. Tbf if a GUI Tool had the same shortcuts it would also be faster.
I use the right tool for the job, always. If all I need is to push a branch, then I’d rather use a UI that quickly shows me the changes in a nice diff layout. If I’m doing a pull request review and want to run it locally, I select the branch, pull, and go.
That said, when there are conflicts or tricky merges, or I want to squash a bunch of commits, anything like that, I’ll use the CLI.
It’s not about being above GitHub desktop or being an enlightened CLI user. It is about using the tool that is needed.
I’ve only been writing and releasing software for 15 years, what do I know.
That said, use whatever workflow fits you best! If that’s your hands never leaving the keyboard, rock on! If you instead write code like you’re playing an FPS, enjoy! We all do this because we like it, right? 😊