I wish! The best Linux git gui I have found is SmartGit. I like it, but it's just a little goofy and not free. Fork is better for its ability to very easily stage and/or stash a subset of the current changeset.
Anyone got any suggestions? I tried git-cola and gitkraken. The former I found obtuse and limited, and the latter is not free in addition to somehow making git harder with a pretty gui.
Gitkraken is free as long as the repository is public, which seems like an alright compromise to me. The only problem I had with it was that it was electron. What did it make harder for you?
The best ones I have found for Linux are SmartGit and Sublime Merge, but neither are free in any sense. Sublime Merge is slightly cheaper. SmartGit offers a free "hobby license" but it limits which kinds of repos you can work with.
Gitkraken looks like it might be good but I haven't used it.
I hate coding on Windows, maybe I'll check that out. (My only option is Windows for my work laptop because I need to use a few Windows-only softwares and IT says I'm not allowed to dual boot)
After the last windows update WSL gives me a BSoD every time 😭
Pretty sure IT wouldn't appreciate me running Ubuntu off a USB drive but that's a good idea.