Not all thoughts are consciously summoned, wanted, or pleasant. The term intrusive thoughts is a good way to describe those thoughts we find unpleasant. Yes, they are natural and normal, and often how we grapple with and process experiences, but that doesn't make them unobtrusive.
Additionally, many people have intrusive recollections of upsetting events from the past. Intrusive thoughts is a good descriptor that helps avoid over using terms like flashbacks or PTSD.
Clarifying such things as intrusive helps destigmatize these thoughts for people who have them and feel the weight of social expectations, like new parents as in the comic. Feeling guilty about having these thoughts isn't healthy, and properly describing them as unwanted helps people process them. I don't see what is particularly objectionable or hard to understand about the term and why being more specific in the description of one thoughts is off-putting to you.
They are intrusive thoughts, because that's the phrase that was coined to describe these types of thoughts. Sometimes we come up with specific phrases in order to describe more specific concepts.
There absolutely are intrusive thoughts. Two examples:
Once in a long while, I'll be talking to a black person and I'll think of the N-word. It will just pop into my head for a split second and I'll think "oh my god, no!" and it will be gone. I've never said that word out loud, I've never thought of anyone black that way, and I certainly don't want to think of anyone that way. It's not a thought I meant to have or even a thought that would ever represent how I felt. It isn't even a thought that is pointed with malice at the person I was talking to. It's literally just "N-word" and it's gone. It's purely unconscious and intrusive racism that I think is just part of being white.
Every so often, I'll be talking to a couple I know and imagine them fucking. Just for a split second again. I don't want to imagine them fucking. It's not titillating to me. I don't get a rise out of it. I don't fantasize about it later. But just for a moment, I imagine what it would be like if my perceptive versions of them fucked. We won't even be talking about anything remotely sexual. But sex is part of the human condition and sometimes we have unconscious, intrusive thoughts about sex.
I don't think either of these will lead me to murder. In fact, in general, I don't have violent thoughts, not even intrusive ones. But it could lead me to other atrocious behavior if I dwell on those thoughts and if I let them become more than momentarily intrusive. It's not being afraid of thinking them, it's not wanting to think of them and doing my best to will any such thoughts that stray out of my head as quickly as I can. Because those thoughts are not thoughts I want to have about people. I don't care if I don't act on them either. I don't want to think that about any black people I ever encounter in my life. I don't want to think that about any couples who I know. But sometimes those thoughts just pop into my head and I can't help it. But I can help moving past them as fast as I possibly can so they don't end up accumulating and turning me into a person I don't want to be.
our brains run simulations of awful situations all the time as a diagnostic self-test system. The fact that we recoil in revulsion from destructive intrusive thoughts is a sign that we are still at least nominally sane. Those who yearn for peace prepare for war. Likewise, those who care for their loved ones prepare to face terrible events that might befall them.
It gets used for all of that but I think it's also more literally the feeling you get standing near a tall edge and picturing what it'd be like to jump. Translated from the French "l'appel du vide" I believe. I have it very strong, all the forms..
We all do, intrusive thoughts and "call of the void" are basically your brain doing hypothetical situations to get better at prediction and other brain things (or at least that was the hypothesis last time I read about it)
Shin Sekai Yori is an light novel / anime about what happens when these thoughts have power and how a society might develop to control the destructive consequences of said thoughts.
for me at least intrusive thoughts are basically equivalent to someone just saying it to me, and my response is simply "well, why would i do that? stop being dumb"
Lol my mom and I have OCD. She's got a bit of this type, fortunately mine is a bit more of the I really really love filing and collecting things (data hoarding) borderline autistic type.
You're not wrong. But I think that statement is supposed to illustrate the parent's attachment to their child despite the horror show going on in their head.
It depends on how you think about it. I think of it as giving my kids a piece of myself in my love and effort to care for them. They are their own people, but they carry a part of me, just as I carry a part of my parents and those who helped shape me into the person I am.
Don't be sorry for these intrusive thoughts. It's from our ancestors, when they could only survive through killing their offspring. It's an old part of your brain that plays devil's advocate. Use it, redirect it, of course, be aware, especially when you're a sleepwalker.