For fuck's sake... imagine finding out your father, the richest man in the world, fought to only have to pay your mother less than $3000 a month in child support!
It’s not about the money. It’s about power. He needs her to need him, because no woman in their right mind would fuck with him without that dependency.
The issue is not that it's to limit to less than 3k. It's to have a limit at to begin with (California doesn't have any, so it might cost him dozens or hundreds of thousands a month). Plus, maybe he's got more chances to keep custody (shared) in Texas than California.
Oh, you must be unaware of who this is. He is (or was, we'll see after his Xitter debacle) actually one of the richest men on the planet, and despite being able to pay thousands a day solely on his own child without even noticing, he's going to great lengths to avoid paying more than the absolute bare minimum for his own child.
For the love of god, can we stop treating everything he does like it's news? Let him be a shitty person in some dark corner, don't feed his ego by putting him in headlines.
Hard disagree. It would be one thing if he was just off in his corner by himself being a terrible person, but he’s very much always in the limelight and has a whole cult of personality worshipping the ground he walks on. We need articles like this as a counter to all the ass-kissing going on.
The cult of personality thing is the big part IMO. If it was just him being a piece of shit without any influence, then whatever. But he has a cult following that are influenced by him and his actions (plus Twitter seems now designed to push his thoughts). It's important that the vast majority of people understand that Musk is an idiot and a piece of shit. It needs to be lame and gross to like him.
He's always in the limelight because of these "news" articles, not in spite of them. Can we not collectively decide to ignore him and let him die in irrelevance?
I really don't understand this constant complaint that comes up whenever a news story about Musk is posted. Of course it is newsworthy that the (once) richest man on Earth is doing this, and providing news about what these billionaire oligarchs are up to is definitely part of a relevant newsfeed.
Keeping their actions in the dark only helps normalising their existence and behaviour.
Nah, most of (all?) his kids seem to be ivf babies. It's either down to his need to have perfect embryos to choose from a bunch or he hates sex or he's ruined by porn or some combination of the three.
Honestly, I think that's part of which he has taken his one kid being trans so badly. He chose their gender for them before they were even implanted. How dare they try to change after he made the decision.
He’s a giant selfish piece of shit with a messiah/god complex who was born on third with Hank Aaron at bat, any sane society would’ve dropped him into the deep wilderness with a bindle a decade ago. I hope he takes up submarining
And yet he's too lazy to give his "awesome Aryan super race" kids half decent names. And even his Dad was a technocrat nazi who despised the peasants. The gene pool behind this fucker should have been laid to waste a long time ago. Absolute parasite.
He thinks EVERYONE needs to have more kids as the world is going to run into major problems with population decline, like is happening In Japan if trends continue.
I don't agree with him, but he is advocating for everyone, not white people.
Edit: and he has talked about this many times, it's not new.
With his first wife, their first child died of sides and they actively used IVF. They then had a set of twins and a set of triplets (I'm assuming they were all via IVF, but I'm not sure). One of those children is the estranged trans person who changed their last name.
His two children with Grimes (including the one this article is about) were via surrogate.
He's not just refusing to wear a condom. He's a lively spending thousands of dollars, and women are undergoing surgery, in order to have children for him to neglect. It's bizarre.
Small reminder that Elon Musk doesn't have that money in his bank account.
The only reason why his net worth is that high is because he has stock in the stupidly overinflated (and now quickly deflating) Tesla.
He had to pull loads of stock from tesla to buy twitter (after he was forced to do so by courts because he said he would) and still had to borrow money because he simply doesn't have 44 billion. Quick side note: payments with interest for those loans are due, good luck paying those billions from a company that lost.over half its value, asshole!
If he pulls all his tesla stock then telsa would completely crash, he'll never get access to anything near 166 billion.
I'm sure he has a few millions in liquid assets, but he is VERY far from making millions per day. The way he's going right now, his ex wife better hurry because he'll be bankrupt within a few years.
His Money in the Bank Account and his Net Worth are 2 different Pairs of Shoe but Elon takes a Credit for Multiple Millions (cheaper than having a Wage) and then giving them Stocks as Security.
He totally can afford to have his Child getting more than 33k in a Year.
@return2ozma If the shitstain did not buy twitter he literally could have handed each of his children a billion dollars and still be richer than if he had not bought twitter. He does not appear to be very bright.
Walzer said Musk and Grimes could spend months just trying to prove which state the kids actually lived in.
That's putting it lightly. Parental disputes that cross state lines is some of the messiest shit one can go through. Just ooof. Dude probably thinks evaporating $44B on Twitter was rough, he's just getting started on this shit.
An expensive coffee costs $5. For a person that makes $100,000 that's 0.005% of annual income.
Musk's annual cost would be $33,120 for all three kids. I don't know his annual income and because a lot of his worth is in stocks it's probably hard to figure out and highly variable. I'll do some pretty stupid math and say he's worth 185 billion and he's 52, so he's made 3.5 billion a year.
Musk is fighting to pay an annual cost for all three of his three kids of 0.0009% of his annual income, a amount proportionally less than what many spend one day on coffee.
Again, no. Musks networth was somewhere around 160 billion because of stocks in the stupidly overinflated tesla. The tesla bubble is already inflating like hell and with that I'm sure he's losing networth like hell. If he continues current course he'll be bankrupt withing a few years.
Either way, the money he has in his bank accounts is NOT the same and probably in the tens of millions tops.
Boo hoo, pay the support, you pompous sycophant. It'll be the least amount of money you'll lose compared to the public embarrassment of buying Twitter and losing billions within the year you've bought it.
Look at the way he handles those that oppose him, like news journalists and others who criticize him. He bought a social media platform because he wanted to control his PR. He knew he couldn't do that if he didn't own Twitter, so he goes and buys it just so he can do that.
It's like a rich troll who buys your favorite forum site so he can ban everyone who didn't like him.
I'm no Muskcuck, but I am in favor of capping the generational transfer of wealth. Let these big inequalities die with this generation and set up a (more) even playing field for the next. If the rich want enhanced educational outcomes for their kids they have to fund public institutions.
I love how all we need to do to find loop holes in the system is try to apply a law to the rich and see how they try to wiggle out of it. Then we close that loop hole. Seems like a pretty good system to me!
What's the loop hole ? It's over 32,000 a year for the child. A child doesn't require 32,000 a year. The mother wants to move the case and get more child support so she can use it on her self and her life style.
I’d argue that Musk needs that $32,000 even less. It’s a rounding error to him. This is Smaug, fighting over a rounding error. Stop begging to gobble his knob.
It's fairly enough to raise one child. I don't see where should be the controversy here, the kid can still have access to his dad's wealth when he turns 18.
I don't see things in black and white. I find them to be both morons, but I am not blinded by my political leaning to the point of seeing everything with Manichean reductionist lenses. by the way I have no shtick in US politics
He's actually known for the opposite: letting his pretty young child run around, exploring, even in the SpaceX factory (always while watching at a distance). He understands that children need not to be over protected.
Yeah- a small child playing in a rocket factory only being supervised at a distance. What could possibly go wrong? Next, a trip to the broken glass and rusty nail depository!