He’s a giant selfish piece of shit with a messiah/god complex who was born on third with Hank Aaron at bat, any sane society would’ve dropped him into the deep wilderness with a bindle a decade ago. I hope he takes up submarining
Unfortunately I think he’s too much of a coward to go first on any of those himself, probably for my suggestion too, I hope he proves me wrong with the brain implants and then something doesn’t go terribly wrong with the inputs to the pain centers of his brain
And yet he's too lazy to give his "awesome Aryan super race" kids half decent names. And even his Dad was a technocrat nazi who despised the peasants. The gene pool behind this fucker should have been laid to waste a long time ago. Absolute parasite.
He thinks EVERYONE needs to have more kids as the world is going to run into major problems with population decline, like is happening In Japan if trends continue.
I don't agree with him, but he is advocating for everyone, not white people.
Edit: and he has talked about this many times, it's not new.
With his first wife, their first child died of sides and they actively used IVF. They then had a set of twins and a set of triplets (I'm assuming they were all via IVF, but I'm not sure). One of those children is the estranged trans person who changed their last name.
His two children with Grimes (including the one this article is about) were via surrogate.
He's not just refusing to wear a condom. He's a lively spending thousands of dollars, and women are undergoing surgery, in order to have children for him to neglect. It's bizarre.
Oh thank you. I was not including the naturally conceived children. But I see now that this article is about Techno Mechanics, whose details are less publicly available.
Although if Grimes has been pregnant in public I'm sure some gossip magazines would have reported on it.