I am so so divided on if I should vote for biden or not. I wanna vote third party to at least do something or should I just stay home and protest and advocate where I can? Thoughts?
People have a fucked-up understanding of voting in the US. You are not voting for the person you agree with. You are voting for the person you’d rather negotiate with.
If you actually care beyond the aesthetics of whether you did the cool thing or not, you have to think about the function of what you’re doing and not just whether it feels good.
Unlike the US you can actually vote for an independent of green candidate without it being a throwaway vote.
When the time comes your independent doesn't have a chance of getting in - they still get funding, but your second third and fourth preferences get taken into account and lesser monies paid out accordingly.
Like, can you imagine being able to vote Bernie without it being a total throwaway?
We have this in some small pockets in the US and its exciting but doesnt always work all that well, yet, if progressives just dont run. NYC mayor Eric Adams was elected through a ballot like this.
Even worse, you're voting for the person who represents the party that, over decades, has the greatest chance of moving the Overton window over near to the place where your policies seem like a moderate idea if their party starts winning every election.
You just have to hope that the Overton window is already at a point where your policies are actually able to be changed in your lifetime.
Unfortunately, you should vote for the lesser of two evils. Biden is shit, but he isn't a fascist/theocrat.
Locally, look for candidates that want to push for election reformation, push these initiatives yourself, look for activists groups promoting it. Getting rid of first past the post voting is the first step in opening the door for more than 2 parties.
While I wish we had a candidate that wasn't 80. I've actually been pleasantly surprised by Biden's administration.
And yes, the risk on this one is too great for third party. I genuinely do not believe that democracy will survive another term with the orange turd. He's already tried to overthrow our government once. He has made it clear that he plans to succeed through force if reelected.
I genuinely do not believe that democracy will survive another term with the orange turd.
the fact that you still believe that democracy exists (or ever existed, but I digress) despite him and his cohorts doing literally everything to show all you libs otherwise, is truly staggering...
Agreed. The time to push for third parties is every day except presidential election day. That's just the reality of the system right now.
Change doesn't begin at the top. It begins at the bottom. Many state and local elections across the US already use ranked choice voting, which is the bare minimum we would need to have more than 2 viable candidates in the presidential election. We need to push for ranked choice voting (or something better; it's not the be-all-end-all of voting systems!) in federal elections as well.
We have a generation of voters now who are literally too young to remember the 2000 election. If you're one of them, I urge you to look it up. I heard the same song back then. Look back and tell me if they were right or wrong, if you really believe that Gore would have been the same as Bush.
Have fun standing aside and doing nothing to stop them. Your choice to not participate is simply authorization to continue on the same path without resistance.
Biden is 100% theocrat. He has a history of being against gay marriage and against abortion because he is Catholic. He is against cannabis legalization because of the religious circles he runs in.
Biden is 100% a fascist. He is making back room deals to try to secure the ability to unilaterally siphon money into a genocide behind closed doors.
We keep voting for the lesser evil, which is still evil, and as such, it keeps getting worse.
When the game is rigged, you flip the board.
They are going to do what they are going to do either way. Make them do it with without public support. Make them do it with a 10% voter turn out. Make them feel the shame.
The entire world seems to be striking, and one by one, those who are on strike are winning over those who thought they were the owners.
Put America on strike. Don't vote until there is someone worth voting for. Don't vote until we have universal healthcare. Don't vote until we have higher education for all. Don't vote until everyone sleeps under a roof after a meal.
Can you explain why you expect low turnout to do anything but hand control of the government to people who demonstrably feel no shame? Because one party keeps trying to lower turnout, saying turnout is bad, and generally trying to remove the ability to vote and for votes to matter, and it's not the one Biden is the point guy for. The people reading Donald Trump: The Man, The Christ, are going to show up, so your argument is, "people who would vote against that shouldn't show up and should cede power to the evangelicals who do".
You can set up for the rebellion and vote. It's not one or the other. Coalition build, do direct action, set up for a general strike... And take 30 minutes out of that to vote for someone who'll make it easier to do praxis, coalition building, etc. (not easy, but easier)
Unfortunately in this election (like last one and probably the next few elections at least), we don't have the luxury of voting for who we most idealistically agree with, or making a protest statement. Fascism and authoritarianism are on the rise here (and in many other places). It has completely taken control of one of the two major parties, the Republican party.
The way our electoral system works, if we don't vote for the only viable opposition, which is the Democrats, we are in danger of allowing an authoritarian regime to take over and toss democracy and our civil rights aside. Once democracy is lost it will take generations to get back, if ever. Trump in spite of everything, is the likely republican nominee (if not, someone just like him). See what would happen if he gets into office again here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-2024-platform-so-far-1.6961527
But the main point is that electing Biden (or whatever Democrat it may be if he doesn't run for some reason) will prevent the authoritarian regime from taking power.
the main point is that electing Biden (or whatever Democrat it may be if he doesn’t run for some reason) will prevent the authoritarian regime from taking power.
No, it will delay a worse authoritarian regime from taking power. Voting kicks the can down the road, and should not be viewed as a strategy for the basis of political change.
Political power under any system of government comes from actual power, being it social influence, martial capability, economic domination, or labor power. Using energy to promote the theatre of power over building real power is a long-term losing strategy. Corporate news spends so much time covering political debates between politicians and ignores labor struggles, street protests, and activist movements for a reason.
I support activism expanding the right to vote (to incarcerated people for example), and I support people voting for progressive politicians - it is a form of harm reduction, and I am not an accelerationist. But if we don't use the time and energy we have to build the alternative, everyone loses by buying into the premise of electoral politics.
It's a game rigged from the start to favor white land-owning men, and has only marginally been softened. For example, your vote for the United States' executive officer counts less than the demographically republican voters in red states due to shenanigans like the electoral college. A brick in the right place has a lot more political impact than a ballot in the hands of an antifascist.
Fascism and authoritarianism are on the rise here (and in many other places). It has completely taken control of one of the two major parties, the Republican party.
But the main point is that electing Biden (or whatever Democrat it may be if he doesn't run for some reason) will prevent the authoritarian regime from taking power.
You can have one or the other, not both )hint: fascism isn't going to let anyone vote it away, just like you pointed out before drifting back to the wrong answer, it is using both parties to take hold, and voting for one over the other is just playing along, not resisting)
(E: it's late and I realise now I misread that first bit I quoted, thinking you had said it had taken control of the two major parties, and that you at least were headed in the right direction, my bad, that was never the case..)
If voting did nothing, there wouldn't be so much voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Personally, I would say absolutely do not stay home. If you want to abstain from the presidential vote or primaries it might not make a difference, depending on your state, but in the more local ballots you can make a difference for sure. Even better, consider getting involved in local politics, even just in the school board. Showing up to meetings and speaking can change minds. Shifting your town's culture and making local connecions makes a bigger difference than a vote for Biden in most states.
Voting is not enough, but as someone else here said, vote for who you'd rather negotiate with. Additionally, when people like Trump get elected it sends a message to their sympathizers that they're in the right, and it helps the overton window shift to the right. Look at the increase in hate crime after Trump won. Who is in power can cause cultural shifts that also make activism harder or easier, or even literally safer.
The bulk of the US operates with two-stage elections, a primary election where you decide who the party nominee is, and a general election where it's a contest between parties. The place to not guarantee your vote is in the primary; it's a smaller election, and each vote there matters much more than in the general election. By turning out in the primary, and choosing a candidate there whom you agree with, you get enormous leverage over policy.
The structure of how elections in almost all of the US are conducted, with a plurality determining the winner, means that there's a huge advantage to choosing to vote for somebody who has a big coalition and whose views are less far from your own than the other big coalition.
Let's look at three examples:
Example 1:
R: 1000 votes
D: 1001 votes
I/non-vote: 0
Democrat wins
Example 2:
R: 1000 votes
D: 1000 votes
I/non-vote: 1
Election is a tie, with the winner decided by flipping a coin or other game of chance
Example 3:
R: 1000 votes
D: 999 votes
I/non-vote: 2
Republican wins
So long as plurality-take-all is how US elections are run, it makes sense for anybody left-of-center to vote for Biden in the general election.
Getting better policies means not just doing that though, but taking active steps to volunteer for and donate to candidates during primaries, as well as seeking out close house and close senate races in the general election to support Democrats, thereby shifting the balance of power slightly to the left.
Republicans win because of gerrymandering and the electoral college.
R: 300 votes
D: 1700 votes
Republicans win because they packed the supreme court and the police support a coup.
Like... Vote Biden for the chance to delay the inevitable, but there will be a fascist coup because they don't have another choice to maintain power. There's just too much money behind fascism and police almost universally support it. Figuring out how to vote is less important than figuring out how to undermine fascism after it takes over.
The problem is that in about half the country, you don't know with certainty whether you will be in a competitive location. I certainly didn't expect to see Georgia be close last time around.
Not what you want to hear but voting third party or staying home is the opposite of doing something. It might feel like a moral victory but the practical result will be a vote for the right-wing. Third party candidates are not viable until we get rid of First-Past-the-Post, and unfortunately I have no idea what a realistic way to go about changing that is.
“If Nixon wins again, we’re in real trouble.” He picked up his drink, then saw it was empty and put it down again. “That’s the real issue this time,” he said. “Beating Nixon. It’s hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years.”
I nodded. The argument was familiar. I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame but “regrettably necessary” holding actions? And how many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?
. . .
Now, with another one of these big bogus showdowns looming down on us, I can already pick up the stench of another bummer. I understand, along with a lot of other people, that the big thing, this year, is Beating Nixon. But that was also the big thing, as I recall, twelve years ago in 1960—and as far as I can tell, we’ve gone from bad to worse to rotten since then, and the outlook is for more of the same.
— Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
Great book to read...one of my favorite parts was giving the homeless guy his press pass on the train and letting him go to town on the free food and booze - in Florida of all places.
If you ever get the chance read some of Hunter's correspondence books too.
man I love HST but you gotta keep him in context. He didn't live in a reality recognizable to the average human being. I would not take advice from him on anything except for the acquisition of illicit substances and perhaps motor-cross journalism.
You can vote for biden or you can vote for the guy that promises to use the doj against his enemies or anyone polling better than he is AND promises to deploy the army across the country to "keep the peace" on his first day in office.
Those are vastly different in resource requirements than filling in a bubble, unless you were already planning on donating, doing a phone bank, of volunteering for another candidate.
Filling in the top circle or the one below it takes you like a second if you are already voting.
It's an unpopular position, but I think you should vote for the party you believe will do the best job.
The problem with the "a vote for X is really a vote for Y" mentality is that Z then has no motivation to support your interests. More plainly, voting Democrat in the US may well keep Trump out, but Biden will have no reason to support a progressive agenda: he has your vote by default and he knows it.
The Democrats and other "centrist" parties lean on this tactic heavily because it means they never have to worry about doing anything difficult, like getting money out of politics, nationalising health care, or standing up to fossil fuel companies. It's effectively how the Right captures the Left: just run a more extreme candidate on the Right.
The truth is that 3rd parties are incredibly powerful. Just look at UKIP here in the UK, or the NDP and Bloc Québéquois in Canada. They never win (nationally) but the major parties have to adopt their policies to keep voters from bleeding to these smaller parties. It's why Canada is more progressive than the US, why every national project there has special exceptions for Québéc, and why the UK left the EU: none of these parties needed to "win" elections to accomplish their goals. Fear of losing votes to them was enough.
The Democrats could be more progressive. They could have run an actual socialist in the last election and won, but they opted for someone who wouldn't really change anything. The only way they'll ever run a change maker is if they think you and others like you might choose someone else.
You have to vote for left leaning politicians at lower levels of government and in primaries. If you want to shift someone to the left in today's system, I think the best move is through a primary challenge.
I like this idea, but it needs to be very broad, primarying key players that represent the old guard. If the people at the top don't want a socialist to succeed, they'll sabotage their campaigns.
An American example would be the way the Democrats undermined Sanders' recent presidential run, or the way "the squad" is treated by the wider party.
A more damning example would be what the Labour party in the UK did to their own leader, Jeremy Corbyn: leaking lies to the press, disrupting funding for their own races, etc. The right wing of the UK's "left" party basically sabotaged their own party's campaign 'cause they couldn't bear to let a socialist win. Now they have a new leader who (surprise surprise) supports nearly every Conservative policy.
A year is a really long time. Many things could happen between now and the 2024 election, including the natural deaths of either of the front running candidates.
I don't wish death on anyone, but damn would it be nice if Biden moved aside. There are so many options people would be excited for. Why do we have to settle with the boring old dude who's only wish is to maintain the status-quo?
If you actually want to do something other than choose between the two options presented by the two major parties on election day, then your ONLY real option is to get involved in the process at a MUCH deeper level.
That starts with voting in primaries...and voting for lesser elections...but it also involves actually getting involved with one of the two major parties at a local level and doing more. Supporting candidates you like from the ground up, perhaps even running as a candidate for some minor office if there's not enough competition, attending meetings and otherwise getting genuinely involved with the political process.
Because voting third party in the US on election day has no more meaning than not voting at all. Third parties are not viable in the US system, and never will be. The choice will always be between two at that point, so the only way to improve is to get into it earlier in the process.
If you don't do that, then all you can do is pick between Republican and Democrat and that's it. Doing anything else is not participating, it's pretending to participate. It's showing up to a game of poker and declaring your 2 aces as blackjack. You're not playing the game that's being played if you do that.
then your ONLY real option is to get involved in the process at a MUCH deeper level.
Yet continues focusing on the only tool the capitalists have graced us with to make us feel like we have an impact, as if if we just keep playing by their rules long enough surely one day it'll change something! Right?
The american people have accomplished so much during this Biden admin through direct actions. Swaying those in power has more meaning than voting, right now.
You can still vote third party candidate for President if you're in a non-purple blue state. Electoral politicians are a cynical group. It's appropriate to approach elections with the same cynicism.
There are significant financial and regulatory barriers to participating in elections as a third party. In several states, once they've received enough of the vote during an election cycle, they have fewer hurdles to jump to get on the ballot during the next cycle.
Voting for either third party is effective for this tactic. A strong 'Libertarian' Party candidate on the ballot means that the vote for Republicans is split between two parties with similar aims. My favorite candidate from this group is Vermin Supreme. A vote for the Green Party does the same for the Democrats, but forces the centrist party to shift their policies to the left to prevent otherwise Green Party voters from going to the third party.
As always, voting is not a long term strategy for change, and should not take the place of direct action, street protest, labor organizing, or human rights activism. Building actual power is the only way to achieve a more egalitarian world.
Was not expecting so much input from so many voices. Thank you all for taking the time of your day to respond to my little dilemma. Means a lot to see comrades helping comrades. :)
Electoralism won't change anything, correct. It will, however, protect the status quo. You must combine a protection against fascism with proactive, grassroots movement to organize and unify your community. Start a Cooperative garden, a union at your local workplace, start trading with your neighbors. Hold a revolution from the bottom-up, rather than expecting the top-down approach to ever put someone more bottom-up oriented at the top.
While I hope more people can bring their point of view to assist you in your decision-making, I will put my grain of salt.
In times like these, I confess I choose anarchy, and a thinker of this position that covers the topic you are talking about is Enrico Malatesta in his text At The Café, which is free for everyone to read at The Anarchist Library.
The way I see it, like many anarchists, is that electoralism is part of the racket. But I understand why some people may see it as an essential part of politics. I'd rather keep working on those grassroots and direct democracy or consensus organizations that require our daily efforts than try to see who we'll put in the decision-making seat and keep taking more power to the people.
This is an attempt to rationalize not voting... a bad one.
If you choose not to participate then you have no grounds to ever complain about the system not working for you. Of course it doesn't work for you, your vote was not submitted.
Just be clear about what you want to achieve. As far as I know, no matter who gets to the white house, Cop City in Atlanta is getting built, and USA alignment with Israel and its many interventions in the rest of the world hasn't changed in decades. No matter who is the president.
If something is happening to change, it is thanks to people with conscience who organize to protest and riot. Hence, not asking for the politician to change is making things change.
In South America, there are many conversations about this topic, and as far as I've reflected, I don't want Trump to get to the White House. But I'd rather keep working through direct action to make my community goals become reality, and many times, that happens by not asking but doing.
My goal is not for you to vote or not vote. It is to be reasonable on what you can achieve via voting and what requires more than that.
In the US it's not really feasible to vote 3rd party without throwing your vote away. Something like the parliamentary systems would work better, or perhaps a ranked choice. You are going to have either the R or D candidate as president. Best to choose the one you can stomach the most.
If you wanna be realistic about it Voting in any state other than a swing state is basically 'throwing your vote away' : Vote Blue in a Blue State you're just throwing it in a pile, Vote Blue in a Red State it's just as much a symbolic protest vote as anything else. Only in a swing state will your Vote make a tangeable difference which is why those are the only states either party even campaigns in for the most part.
I was gonna make this a reply, but I guess it fits as a general comment.
There will always be some excuse to maintain the status quo.
In the USA people say it's because of "first past the post"(*). But in Portugal there is no such thing. We have a parliamentary system (technically semi-presidential, but for practical purposes parliamentary) but somehow people still find an excuse to always maintain the status quo. Since we've been a democracy (49 years), only two parties have ever been in power. Before the last elections, we had 9 parties in parliament. After several decades of incompetence, and everyone complaining about how corrupt the system and politicians are, the same party won the last elections with a majority vote, and now we have 8 parties in parliament. Basically, we're not too far from a two-party system.
This happens because there's always some excuse to compromise; in my country, the excuse/logic to rally behind the centrists and put them in power is something like "look how much the extreme right is growing, we have to keep them at bay! Plus, the other parties are probably as bad and corrupt anyway!", with the expression "useful vote" thrown around a lot. Never mind the fact the far right are growing due to the incompetence of the people currently in power, and that, being a parliamentary system, a vote for any non-right wing party already works to keep the right at bay. And the cherry on top is how everyone gas lits themselves with "the other parties that never had any power are probably as bad and corrupt as the parties that have been in power for decades and which we know for a fact are bad and corrupt".
This isn't very eloquently written, but hopefully the point comes across: some people always expect you to "compromise" with them by doing exactly what they want, while they don't compromise at all; and some people create a self full fulling prophecy by convincing themselves from the start that there are no other options. I can't speak 100% for the USA because I don't understand the system as well, but at least in my country the reality is that if everyone actually voted for the people they most align with, we could still keep the right at bay and not put all the power in the hands of the "moderates".
(*)but, unless I am massively mistaken, if a third party gets enough votes they will still get seats in parliament which should still give them power, or at least still take power away from another.
Portugal has a weird system, which is not quite first past the post and not quite proportional. Basicly it is having election districts with multiple members, which then get elected using de Hondt, which is a proportional system. Some districts only have three seats and that basicly means only the biggest parties can actually win them, as you need a third of the vote for each seat.
Hence two massive parties from all the smaller districts and a few minor ones from the larger ones. As Portual does not have a proportional election system.
Anyway imho the right call is to vote for the party, which is going to deliver the best results for you and that can mean voting taktically. However learn how your elections system works. That really matters.
Right, but the point still stands that voting tactically just reinforces the status quo.
Two examples from the last election:
Lisbon, which gets to decide 48 of the seats (the most):
PS (currently leading party) won 21 of the 48 seats in Lisbon. If half their voters actually spread their votes amongst the left, the second-largest party (PSD) would still have only got 13, the IL party 4, and the far right party 4. The power of the right would not have changed, but PS would only have 10 while the left would be a lot more powerful, and we would not have been subjected to a majority victory from PS.
Portalegre, which gets to decide 2 of the seats (the least):
PS won both, with 47% of the votes. PSD won 0 with 23%. In this scenario, if half of the PS votes went to the left, then PS would still have 1, and PSD would also have got 1 - hardly a change on the surface, but the result is that people could look at it and see the other left parties also have some decent representation, maybe it's not crazy to vote for them and they are a viable alternative. Instead, because the votes went all to PS, everyone is now engaged in a self-fulfilling prophecy: "I should vote for PS! Why? Because they're the closest party to the left with a change of winning. Why? Because everyone always votes for PS.".
And that's how you end up with the same two parties in power for 49 years, while everyone is always complaining about how much they suck the whole time and that nothing changes: "We have to vote for X, because not X doesn't have a change of winning, because we're always voting for X; also, not X would probably be just as corrupt and incompetent as X because I'm just guessing they are". I've been hearing that logic since I was a child - the words and rhetoric are ingrained in my brain, and every time I hear the word "elections" the voices pop up in my head.
Portugal is soooooo much more progressive than the USA, and I'm willing to bet that having something a lot closer to actual democracy than they do is part of the reason.
I think you're misunderstanding the effect of not having FPTP. It's not that you get rid of FPTP and suddenly the mainstream party loses power - not at all, but rather what happens is that they see first hand how close they are to losing power by the number of people casting their primary votes elsewhere. That means they are forced to cater their policies at least a little bit toward all those people, and it ends up having a real meaningful impact on their platform. Whereas in the US, the FPTP system rewards Democrats not for following the wills of the most people, but rather for just being very slightly less right wing than the Republicans, because that way they'll scoop up the votes of everyone to the left of them, regardless how far left.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Americans who think companies don't pay enough, housing price is too high, fuel is too expensive, etc., would be shocked to see how bad it is in Portugal. You can have a degree in CS and go work as a Software Engineer, and you still won't have enough money to rent a home in the city. After a few years, if you manage to get some raises (good luck), you'll maybe have enough for a small flat.
Health care is much cheaper than the US, but that doesn't mean much when there are no doctors or nurses, and maternity wards start closing down.
We have people who are unqualified to teach having to teach school classes because there is no one else available; also some teachers have to live in their cars because they can't afford a home in the area they teach.
I could keep naming things. And progressive in what way? Drugs are decriminalized, but that's not the same as legal, and it's still illegal to sell weed unlike in the US. Both the US and Portugal have had same sex marriage and adoption for years now. And I also don't think trans rights are much better in Portugal than in the US; so I'm not entirely sure in what way it's more progressive, to be honest.
And this is not to mention all the government scandals we've had in the last 15 years; probably the same or more as the US, you just don't hear about it because it's not the US.
But to get back to the point:
That means they are forced to cater their policies at least a little bit toward all those people, and it ends up having a real meaningful impact on their platform.
No they're not, trust me. Source: the reason for our last elections. Or how we've (the people, through taxes) had to sink a ridiculous amount of money into a national airliner that made no money, and recently when it seemed to be turning a profit after decades, they began to talk about privatizing it, which is something the right had been demanding for a long time now.
If you always vote for someone, they have no incentive to do anything for you; they know they get your vote anyway. If you don't vote for them, then they have an incentive to try and appeal to you in order to get your vote.
Voter suppression has been happening since voting was invented. One of the most effective methods of voter disenfranchisement is spreading the message that your vote doesn't matter. Do not believe this message when you hear it. It serves the goals of people who want you to not vote. The fewer active voters there are, the easier it is to manipulate how they vote.
To choose not to vote is to disenfranchise yourself.
And if you really want to help, become a voter advocate and/or poll worker.
Until your system does anything useful with third party votes or couch-sitting, you go out and vote every time for whatever does the least damage to democracy. But don't disengage from the political world after the election. Between elections, you work to change the system. Find groups that tries to do this and volunteer. If you really care about it, you will need to dedicate your time to the cause, even though it might seem hopeless and may very well be.
I understand your situation sucks and you are tempted to say "Fuck the status quo" and desperately do something different in hopes that something will somehow change. But you know who do go out and vote, every fucking time? The racist assholes who would love to see Trump and his fascists cronies in power. And if that happens, it is game over. You will never get any chance to change anything, except from after a big traumatic event such as a big war ("civil" or otherwise).
Only thing I have to add to the others is that this can only change once we have Ranked Choice voting. Look up your local nonprofit supporting this goal and volunteer.
Yes we should let the worst people in power because the other option isn't perfect, the axis had a lot of issues during ww2 so we should have just let the Nazis win.
I'm biased, but think you should vote for Biden. I voted for Nader I'm 2000 because I lived in Massachusetts at the time and it didn't matter there but I still regret it on the principle.
Biden is too centrist for my liking but the alternative is total chaos. I am super progressive but did vote for McCain in 2000 for the primary and never voted for Ted Kennedy!
America (and alot of countries to be fair) need ranked choice voting systems so damn badly for this exact reason (if you're unfamiliar with it, a simple version is that basically you rank your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pick, your first pick gets 3 points, 2nd pick 2 points, 3rd pick 1 point. At the end they tally up the points, and the party with the most wins).
Singular vote systems trend naturally towards 2 party systems often, whereas with a ranked choice system, far right people would vote for far-right-person that loads of people hate, far left people would vote for far-left-person that loads of people hate, but since almost everyone would put moderate-person as their 2nd choice that everyone kind of doesn't like, they would be the one to get elected in this case. It's like the old saying, a good compromise is when nobody is happy. That's what's needed to move away from extremist politics, but without a ranked choice system, it's not going to happen any time soon.
*this is grossly simplified, and there are examples of multi-party systems that don't use ranked choice, and there's many many caveats besides when talking so simply about something as complex as electoral politics, but the fundamental point stands.
I don't know what the rules are in the US regarding a protest vote, but that's what I do in the UK as long as the candidates I have to choose from (local or general) all make my skin crawl. If you don't represent my interests, you don't get my vote, and neither red nor blue team even pretend to care about people like me at this point, so:
Please make what you can to avoid trump coming back. Please. Edit I understand the indecision but the situation is dire, if trump goes back to office the US is going into feudalism
I mean I kind of think those are important abstractions, like a trail by jury. Or whatever it is where we aren't doing public torture and executions with hot pokers because you gave someone the evil eye.
Vote your conscience. Vote third party if you can't stand the Democrats no more. Vote Democrat if the Republicans winning is too much for you to handle. Which ever let's you sleep best at night is the correct answer.
I was going to make a funny or meaningful comment, but fuck: look at this shithole full of liberals. Place is getting worse than Beehaw, TBH. Might as well be back on Reddit.
I voted for Biden because Trump. I understand and agree with the consequentialist perspective. A vote is not a declaration of love or an expression of identity. But as I see the desperate messages from Gaza, while Biden sends more weapons and gives diplomatic cover for mass murder if not genocide, I can't. There's a point where even a vote becomes too much complicity, when the means are so grotesque that no end can justify them. Everyone should decide what their limit is. But mine was crossed
If you live in 44 out of 50 states, congratulations. Your electoral vote basically has 0% chance of mattering. Vote for who you like the most.
If you live in 1 of the of the other 6 states, congrats, your vote has like a 0.01% chance of mattering, but if enough people follow that line of thinking it might actually matter, so probably consider who you vote for more seriously because (even though I won't vote for someone like Biden) I still would prefer bidet winning over turnip.
I say wait for election day and flip a coin, that's basically how elections are determined, the arbitrary whims of the margin of people in swing states who go out to vote or not. You're individual vote does not make any difference in the absence of mass organized action, and the Democrats are terrified of exactly that kind of mass organization because otherwise they wouldn't be so secure in running corporate puppets like Biden.
You might be able to ask someone who is not allowed to vote if they want to fill out your ballot when you vote via postal voting.
And honestly I think people care way to much about voting, there is still a year till the election and its already on their minds as if in one years time nothing mayor could happen. Like literally in the election year of 2020 there was probably the biggest social movement / uprising of recent US history. Who knows what happens 2024.
If you live in 44 out of 50 states, congratulations. Your electoral vote basically has 0% chance of mattering. Vote for who you like the most.
If you live in 1 of the of the other 6 states, congrats, your vote has like a 0.01% chance of mattering, but if enough people follow that line of thinking it might actually matter, so probably consider who you vote for more seriously because (even though I won't vote for someone like Biden) I still would prefer bidet winning over turnip.