Whoawhaowhao you can't use political words yet. Everyone knows only once you have all "thoughts and prayers" lined up and fill 2.2 football fields, divided by 2 minus 15 eagles worth of words, can you then even mention politics.
At 8 football fields you can bring up 2A. But what would the world be like if we started changing "amendments". We'd have to make the word amendment a synonym of change or something, that would be crazy.
450+ million guns, you're not stopping gang violence like this which is the mass majority of all of our gun crime, by banning guns from lawful citizens. Dudes like this are already barred. Why don't you ask, why out system let him out.
I might buy this argument if other countries also had the same problem. But the fact is that stricter gun laws do work, and the U.S. is very unique in having this issue thanks to our insistence on the 2nd ammendment being infallible.
That's stupid. If it were illegal to carry guns around, far fewer crooks would carry guns. They'd be harder to get and they'd have to balance the risk of being caught with a gun.
How about we just get rid of "private sale" exceptions to background checks in states like Tennessee to slow the tide of guns flowing into the black market?
gang violence like this which is the mass majority of all of our gun crime
The most recent stats I could find for gang-related deaths (gun or not) was 2012, when there were 2,363 reported out of a national total of 12,765 homicides.
This is the kind of story you save for one of those 2A "shall not be infringed" absolutists. There is no way that a just set of laws would let this guy get a gun.
What a challenging character: He had a brain injury in infancy, functions at a kindergarten level, and can’t be tried due to incompetence, but he apparently drives and repeatedly pulls straps.
A Nashville college student died a day after she was shot in the head allegedly by a man authorities said had previously been released for incompetence to stand trial in a separate shooting
It's pretty easy to buy a gun in this state. If he does get flagged by the system the black market is flooded with them. There's an epidemic in Nashville (and probably many other places) of guns being stolen from vehicles. Almost no arrests are ever made, and yet people still leave firearms in their cars.
no there are not. we have more guns than people, and americans literally have guns just lying around their houses. because we allow it. because 'merica.
so yeah, when we cut all our public mental healthcare in the 80s, and put all those crazy people back on the streets, yes they have access to weapons.
Just commenting on checks and balances, there generally aren't any. It's a constitutional right to have guns in the USA, so most laws that would enforce any kind of restrictions on ownership or access to firearms, are usually deemed unconstitutional and thrown out.
There are entire groups actively working to ensure everyone has fair and unrestricted access to guns, most notably the NRA. Those groups are unapologetic about what they do and they've been very successful in maintaining the status quo for gun access.
IMO as long as the right to bear arms stays enshrined in the US Constitution, this will not change.
I'm not an American and I'm very thankful for that because of things like this, however, my life is very affected by what happens there. As a result, I'm pretty well versed on their country. At times, I know the US laws better than my own countries laws.
Unfortunately it has recently changed …. For the worst.
Previously there were restrictions on carrying and ownership in many states. Those laws were deemed legal because they weren’t bans but limited restrictions . It was enough to make a difference and most such states gad had noticeably lower firearm violence. So we even proved within the US that such laws worked.
Then the Trump Supreme Court struck down most of them
"Stray Bullet" makes it sound like the bullet got off leash. This was a reckless and irresponsible use of firearms and we should start calling it that.
Sounds like you're conflating gangbangers who post tiktok videos of themselves blasting the air with the 1/3-1/2 of normal humans in American households who own guns.
The real problem here seems to have been the court confusing a gangbanger for a human who can integrate into society.
Shhh, in the US they are very strongly against making sure gun owners are properly tested for how to operate guns and psychological state they are in. Rumors say it could lead to less shooting incidents but it obviously can't be true because. .. eh.. amendment yes amendment !
There is so much that is unfortunate about this. First off, another person dead because of guns. Second, there is so much news and uproar because she was a young white woman. This is undeniable. Third, in looking for statistics on stray bullet incidences, I found that there is no official tracking in the US.
I found a study of 2008 stray bullet incidents, including deaths from combining news reports. In the year, they found 284 of 501 unique reports of different incidences that met criteria injuring 317 ppl (almost one a day). Of these, about 20% died, and most injured were at home, not aware of any gun violence. Suffice to say, each statistic is a person just like her, and their deaths are all needless tragedies brought on by gun culture.
Child in Gunsville, Alabama, dressed as gun holding a gun at a local gun appreciation day parade gets shot in the gun by a group of gun-shooting friends called the "fun guns gun group" who's group motto is "let's gun for fun!". Now is not the time to discuss guns.
True, but the inaction on this issue is unacceptable.
A society where you have to expect stray bullets has a problem. When you have a problem, you take action to correct that problem. The US does not take any action to correct the problem. The problem continues.
This wasn't just a stray bullet. This was a madman who had terrorized people with guns in the past, and was set free because he isn't fit to stand trial, which somehow means he's fit to be free and have guns.
I don't give a fuck about the shooters backstory or why he's messed up in the head, he should never been allowed out in society of he's not fit, yet dangerous.
The only strays found in parks should be dogs. Not freaking bullets!!!! What the heck is a 'stray bullet' anyway, they move in straight lines and can only be set off by someone pulling a trigger.
I imagine some "stray bullet" injuries/deaths are caused by firing into the air causing an arc. Don't mean to "actually" you but it likely isn't always a shot fired horizontally.
I agree with you by the way. And gun control could start would rigorous training requirements (like checking backstops, education on safety) -- it wouldn't have to be "they're taking our guns!".
Where I live lots of less fortunate people rely on hunting for a source of meat through the winter, I think "illegal for most" is a stretch. Tighter controls, red flag laws and extensive background checks, absolutely. Flat out illegal to own? That's absolutely a deprivation of liberty for lots of people.
If that's enough reason to block me that's unfortunate.
Put all the money going towards gun related issues into social programs and these less fortunate people won't need guns either. I mentioned it in another discussion but if my uncle lived in a northern community of 200 where they sometimes had bears on their porch in the morning and didn't own a gun then you need a pretty fucking great justification to need one.
Heck, they could even have rental programs for the people you're talking about, but they would never agree to that, as if meat wasn't the reason they want a gun... As if being able to shoot people if they feel threatened is the real reason and it just so happens that they're able to hunt since they own a firearm anyway 🤷
I go to the same college as she did, I didn't know her as I'm two years above her. There is currently a makeshift memorial set up in memory of her where they held the vigil the day after she was shot. What was really surreal was driving around close to where she was shot was just seeing people walking around like nothing had happened, just continuing on with their lives. I felt this same way the day of the Covenant shooting, which was less than a year ago now. I honestly think that the only way this senseless gun violence will end is if someone shoots up the capitol (pls note I do not plan on this or that this is a call to action). I wish we didn't have to deal with this but the gun culture has become to ingrained that I wonder how many innocent lives we'll go through before it ends.
I honestly think that the only way this senseless gun violence will end is if someone shoots up the capitol
Believe it or not, DC actually does have pretty strict gun regulations. Still, it's not impossible to get guns into the city, but it's better than nothing.
I'm not sure how it is in the USA at large, but where I live, I can walk right into a store and buy a gun, but I have to get a special permit to own a bulletproof vest 🤦♂️
Wouldn't want to make it harder for the police to murder me I guess.
In Nashville there are mentally handicapped dudes who were just deemed incompetent to stand trial for almost the exact same thing, who shoot at random cars all the time?
Truth. It can stop if we get rid of the gangsters in the ghettos with their illegal guns. We don’t need more cops, just higher rent and taxes to price you out of your dwellings and force you to leave since you refuse to get an education and find jobs.