Well when Americans INSIST that rootin tootin point and shootin is the only way, then yeah - this shit is gonna keep happening. I’m all about better gun laws, but you’d think I’m growing devil horns when I talk about it
Why is someone who is not mentally competent enough to stand trial allowed to return to society? He should have been under medical supervision, not wandering the streets.
For a time. But if you made it illegal to transfer a firearm by any means and set up a buy-back program where when gun owners died the government would claim the guns and provide fair compensation to the estate you could get rid of the guns without taking anyone's guns away. It would take decades, of course, but every day there would be few guns out there and, importantly, the young people that commit most gun violence would be the people with the hardest time getting and carrying one. You can't expect we'll solve a problem that took decades to metastasize overnight anyway.
So there are solutions. That's just one. We don't solve this problem not because we can't but because we don't have the will to.
I appreciate your optimism but standing here in red rural America I don’t think it will ever happen. There are an insane amount of guns here with more and more every day.
You'd be surprised what people are willing to let go of when they see children in their community being murdered. Doesn't matter what political spectrum you're on. There are major gun safety advocates who used to be 2a Rambo's who lost children and realized how wrong they were.
It's just not worth it.
thats the problem with conservatives in the untied states though... their complete lack of empathy means they dont care to change until someone kills their kid
I'd urge you to actually look at the response. Look at the legacy section of the sandy hook shooting.
It actually did change the laws in some places in other places it got worse.
theres about 50% of us or more who also feel we should start sooner than later in solving for the gun issue... but now with trump banging his cult drum, and one of those drum beats is the '2nd amendment' were kinda fucked.
it would take a constitutional amendment, which we havent done in a long time... and with as useless as the 2 parties are right now, it wont happen.
More than %50. Gun ownership is %50 for only white males. It is only about %15 for the rest of the country. Only one demographic has a culture of violence.
This is the kind of story you save for one of those 2A "shall not be infringed" absolutists. There is no way that a just set of laws would let this guy get a gun.
What a challenging character: He had a brain injury in infancy, functions at a kindergarten level, and can’t be tried due to incompetence, but he apparently drives and repeatedly pulls straps.
A Nashville college student died a day after she was shot in the head allegedly by a man authorities said had previously been released for incompetence to stand trial in a separate shooting
It's pretty easy to buy a gun in this state. If he does get flagged by the system the black market is flooded with them. There's an epidemic in Nashville (and probably many other places) of guns being stolen from vehicles. Almost no arrests are ever made, and yet people still leave firearms in their cars.
They passed a law a couple years ago for open carry. Anyone able to purchase a gun can have a loaded handgun with them concealed or not. It's basically the wild west out here.
no there are not. we have more guns than people, and americans literally have guns just lying around their houses. because we allow it. because 'merica.
so yeah, when we cut all our public mental healthcare in the 80s, and put all those crazy people back on the streets, yes they have access to weapons.
Just commenting on checks and balances, there generally aren't any. It's a constitutional right to have guns in the USA, so most laws that would enforce any kind of restrictions on ownership or access to firearms, are usually deemed unconstitutional and thrown out.
There are entire groups actively working to ensure everyone has fair and unrestricted access to guns, most notably the NRA. Those groups are unapologetic about what they do and they've been very successful in maintaining the status quo for gun access.
IMO as long as the right to bear arms stays enshrined in the US Constitution, this will not change.
I'm not an American and I'm very thankful for that because of things like this, however, my life is very affected by what happens there. As a result, I'm pretty well versed on their country. At times, I know the US laws better than my own countries laws.
Unfortunately it has recently changed …. For the worst.
Previously there were restrictions on carrying and ownership in many states. Those laws were deemed legal because they weren’t bans but limited restrictions . It was enough to make a difference and most such states gad had noticeably lower firearm violence. So we even proved within the US that such laws worked.
Then the Trump Supreme Court struck down most of them